Tga Pennywise? CBD Rich Strains?


Well-Known Member
A relatively new hybrid from TGA, claiming super high CBD ratings...has anyone tried this stuff from their local access point/club and have any insight on it? Has anyone grown it on here yet? I am searching for a super high cbd strain to help with my chronic pain issues... I am aware of harlequin and I have access to cuts of a few different versions, but I am curious if there is something more to be offered in the cbd world. I have seen cbd crew and nothing seems to be super high numbers with them... any thoughts people?
In the Dec 2013 issue of the great Canadian magazine- Skunk Magazine (the Emerald cup issue ( vol9 issue 4)) they profiled a strain that had 22% cbd and less than 1% THC!
It's called Harle-Tsu by Southern Humboldt Seeds. Its a Harlequin mom and Sour Tsunami male.
I went to the "SoHum" website, but I think they're out of those seeds right now.

I'm interested in the TGA Penny wise too, but it justcame out so I don't think anyone's grown it yet
And the description says it has about a 1:1 cbd:thc ratio, which isn't what you seem to want (super high cbd).

I've grown TGA and it's good stuff, but IMHO I think you should try the Harlequin clones you can get.

How's that Legal pot working out?
Greetings. You are on the right track with Harlequin though it offers a 2-1 CBD/THC ratio and has been found to help with pain of a more acute nature. For pain that is of a chronic nature a ratio of CBD /THC of 1-1 has been found to bring deeper relief from the pain. The most commonly available strain with that ratio around here is Omrita Rx but any strain that you can find with that ratio is defiantly worth trying. It is easy to get caught up in belief that higher numbers will automatically be better. A strain with 5%/5% CBD/THC might not seem as desirable as a 15%/15% but each strain is very different and CBD and THC are only 2 of a vast array of components in the cannabis plant. It is better to try each one that you can find and see which one does a better job speaking to your pain. Rock on ....Prof.Snook
I'm wondering how much looking will be required to find a high CBD plant in this line. I'd guess at least a bit given TGA's history.
I was also very interested in trying to find a high CBD strain, so I went with Pennywise..have 2 lil' shits right now (popped 11-12)...7 days young, FFOF, RO, Orca diet for a bit...I will try and keep y'all posted

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HLUSAF - Please&nbsp;<u></u>do keep us posted as much as you can (pictures and good descriptions would be GREAT! especially at end of flowering)<br><br>Prof Snook is so right - there is a lot more to the effects than THC and cbd numbers.<br><br>And Pennywise is a Harlequin hybrid, I reread TGA's strain description. <br>I wonder if Resin Seeds Cannatonic is too? &nbsp;I'll have to look it up, it was the first cbd rich strain that you could buy seeds .<br><br><br><br>
HLUSAF - Please do keep us posted as much as you can (pictures and good descriptions would be GREAT! especially at end of flowering)

Prof Snook is so right - there is a lot more to the effects than THC and cbd numbers.

And Pennywise is a Harlequin hybrid, I reread TGA's strain description.
I wonder if Resin Seeds Cannatonic is too? I'll have to look it up, it was the first cbd rich strain that you could buy seeds .
@petepot: the legal system their trying to set up dude it's f'ed up...they wanna strip patients rights to grow, reduce our limits to 3oz, create a patient registry, close dispensaries, tax it at 25% 3 times, it's ridiculous!!

Thank you kindly for the awesome responses guys! Cbds are a new fascinating, unexplored option up to this point, @petepot, that harlesu sounds amazing! I'll be on the look out for that .....

@hlusaf: def keep us updated, very curious about that one! Happy growing n cheers ppl!
Twoodeff, are you talkin about Washington's laws? If so, I suggest we all say fugg it and go even more rouge...sons o' bitches! I will post pics as I go. 2 Pennywise are young sprouts (a week), but we will see how they go...

when i502 went into effect last November here, it also gave the state government (the liquor and control board) oversight of medical marijuana...the law goes viral January 1st, and the lcb has been putting forward recommendations for how to handle medical marijuana in conjunction with the legal recreational system

Give this a read;

its absolutely disgusting what they're trying to do to us!

On the brighter side of things, happy growing and looking forward to seeing the progress of that pennywise :))
The CBD Crew Yummy is pretty damn good its just so yummy its right up there with the tastiest shit the high is a little different then what I'm use to cause of the CBD but it does still get you high but so far its all I tried for high cbd I do have some of the sweet and sour widow just gonna be a little bit.
It is embarrassing what the states are attempting to do with mmj laws...I am from Illinois originally, they are gonna fugg everyone that wants to get a card there. Felons are not allowed to possess a card, limited qualifying conditions (PTSD is not qualifying), no growing at all, no transfer or sales of any kind, unless through the state ran cultivation centers and dispensaries...completely and utterly embarrassing. Like you say my fren, happy safe.
It is embarrassing what the states are attempting to do with mmj laws...I am from Illinois originally, they are gonna fugg everyone that wants to get a card there. Felons are not allowed to possess a card, limited qualifying conditions (PTSD is not qualifying), no growing at all, no transfer or sales of any kind, unless through the state ran cultivation centers and dispensaries...completely and utterly embarrassing. Like you say my fren, happy safe.
Same here in Canada, as of I believe this month. They have stopped all personal for meds grows and now all must be purchased from a few licenced for profit grow ops. Actually one of the corporate guys that is starting one is a member of parliment lol. Only in Canada lol We have a goverment guy growing pot for profit due to a goverment passed law and a sitting Mayor of our biggest city that smokes crack and wont leave hahaha.
Damn, I was hoping that it would not come to this keep getting richer. Can't believe Canada is going that direction...guess we should all learn to make moonshine and grow mushrooms as well! If they wanna make us criminal, fugg it, lets go all out...

Here are the Pennywise sprouts, 10 nights young tonight.

2013-11-22 00.40.00.jpg
Pennywise are looking good and I have noticed they both have crinkled leaves. Seen this a few times on various strains and haven't had problems. Anyone else seeing or seen the same thing? At least they are uniform...haha. Happy Thanksgiving all!!! Be safe.
Yup I've seen it on a few of my seedlings but never actually tracked them to see if it was a sign of anything. I have a mushroom kit with the spores lol, it looks kinda complicated :shock:.