Tga Plushberry & Jillybean grow from seed


Active Member
Fucking bitch.

Jilly throws out dicks aswell.

Now its down to my last two plushberries not to fucking herm, but im not cutting that jilly, oh no sir, she looks too good to chop.
But i will kill her clone. Cant be having this shit in the garden man.

But i mean, how can this be? I would state my light-nutrient/watering&airflow service to be well above adequate,
atleast ive had no problem with dinafem`s feminised seeds, or mandalas seeds before. Now i try tga, and its penis nation.
This is only my third grow, but still...i woulda thought id picked up a thing or two on how these babies communicate,
and to me, they look happy as hell, no burning, flowers look awesome, colors are fading, and its about 3 weeks left or a little shorter.

Im not pissed, just very very disappointed. Ifyouknowhatimsayin.


Active Member
:leaf: the jillybean looks fantastic, and it only had two male flowers which i picked, and i cant find no more, so ill just check daily i guess.


also plush looks good


on a side note, can anybody tell me what this is a sign of?
its rusty spots on lower fanleaves,
im thinking...calciumagnesiumish? :dunce:

any help is very welcome.
thanks :)



Well-Known Member
Just stopped by to check out your grow.
Looks good man. I've got jilly going right now too.
5 seeds, and got 3 female. Two very different phenos.
i have two that look like yours, and one leggier, less leaves
and at week 3 1/2 flowering, actually smells like orange creamsicles.
I cloned all three, but this one is most likely the keeper.


Active Member
Thank you mr bleu sir,
yeah, im gessing this to be the keeper of what ive seen on different grows.
Really looking forward to the smoke. Hope she is good, cause apart from 2 hermie flowers, she is really a beautiful lady.
& The smell. Ai ai. Wonderful.

The plush is my favorite in the smells department tho. I mean, it reeks of cherry-candy, so intense i wish i could put a bud in my nose and let it stay there all day long :)


Well-Known Member
That plush berry sounds really good. I may have to try that soon.
the jilly pheno I was raving about, is just so unique
smelling, in comparison to the other strains I've grown.
no idea how it will smoke though.
I tried jilly bean a few months back, and it put me in a really good mood
every time I smoked it. Even laugh attacks!
That's what I'm hoping for in this one. But if not, I have the other two girls.
all weed makes me happy, but this one I'm talking about was very special.
I have querkle in flower too, but I'm more excited about the Jilly pheno hunt.


Active Member
Jilly had two more male flowers today.
Its sad, because she is looking absolutely beautiful,
but it makes me not want to do her again, since i want a stable garden.

Is it possible that herm flowers are duds? That is to say, without pollen.
I heard it here & there, we`ll see if there are any seeds, doesnt look like it,
and we`ll see about the quality of the smoke aswell.

Here she is, the tranny-stunner:


This nug looks like a spacerocket.

To help your perspective a bit:
smile :)

anyway, bleuballz, since you have two phenos, do you consider the large one to be the space queen dom?
im trying to wrap my head around subcool`s strains, and ive heard that the stretchy ones are sq.
what do you think?

oh and querkle...mmm...if it wasnt so slow, as ive heard, then i would grow it asap. flavour sounds delish :D

as for the plushberry section, she smells so lovely, i want to eat her. hehe. as candy. and as a vagina i guess :D
plush also has more dense buds, which i am more a fan of, but she will yeld about 1\2 of the jillybean.
so for looks as a whole, jilly is my fav, and for smells and how the buds look and feel, plush is the queen.


last, this is a nug from plush#5, which is the retarded plant which grew to about 1\2 the size of the other plushes.
still, it is small, the nugs are laughable, but as for resin...she packs the most of the three plants.
will yield very little, but will make good bubble anyway. better than tossing her. much bettah :)

happy phenohunting & have a lovely day/night


Active Member
Ok, just this one i have to do.

It dindt get nearly as funny as it was in my mind,
but i really get the "two towers" feeling each time i see this,
so just to help you see what i see, here is an illustration.




Well-Known Member
Hahaha you are funny! Garden is looking really good man!
I went over previous posts, but couldn't find it,
but I thought you wrote that this is your 3rd grow?
If so, dude you have your shit together! Your plants
look really happy.
Yeah querkle was pretty slow vegging, BUT
when I popped them, I was out of soil, so they
vegged in 100% perlite. That may have slowed them,
because as soon as I put them in dirt, they caught up with
everyone else in the class.
I'm thinking the taller JB, is space queen dom.
cause the other two are much shorter and bushier.


Active Member
Thank you brother ballz, thats very kind of you,
but i have to be honest,
i think its the plants that have their shit together, despite my many errors and mishandlings of these ladies.
You should`ve seen me during the early flowering period when i was messing with the scrog. Im happy the buds didnt fall off.
Maybe thats what made them think the world was going to end, and triggered hermaphroditism, aye? ;)

But yes, its my third grow, and im very happy about the results so far. Good to see development in the understanding of these plants.
And once you know how these plants speak, its possible to grow anything i think. Imagine...growing your own food.

Good bye babylon. Hello juicy tomatoland:hump:


Active Member
It is getting closer.
I checked jilly for for male flowers, but could not find any & took some pictures while i was at it.
One bud has actually broken, a lower one, its been sloppying around, and my rearranging of the growspace made it snap.
Wish i had one of those secret jardin tents with an opening on the side for easier watering etc.

Anyway, here are some pix.
doesnt do the plants justice in this cellphone-quality.
ill probably go buy a camera....addictive hobby this

this is jill

she smells not so much like oranges, but citrusy-cleaner ish, mixed with cleanerish candy. this im really looking forward to curing. mmm. two more weeks. mmm.

And then the smellybelly, with so much leaf-growth its scary (ill trim it way more the next time, dont you worry bout dat), sexysmelly-plushhmmmm:weed::

It really smells like heaven. If heaven is a cherry soda. I think i have the BCS dom ;)

and in the corner, packing very little weight, but oh-so-delishery frostiness, & smelling more cleaner-ish, fruity but fake...cleaner...yeah, plush number 5.


Well-Known Member
Very nice!
Are you vegging clones, for when these are done?
Or are you going to run new strains next?


Active Member
yea man, nice, only im running out of weed, and i really want to taste this now :)

ive taken clones, two plushberries and one jillybean.
they are entering the tent as we speak. ive taken clones off of those too.

im also germinating all kinds of shit, started when the first plush hermied, then i started five cannadentials to ease my anger. fems from DNA (ordered them before i started reading up on genetics, and how they weaken by femenisation and alla dat deh, so might as well use them :)

and then im also starting five UGORG killerskunk, which i really believe in after all the hype. i follow the hype, cant help it :D

and oh, one nirvana pure powerplant, which i think ill toss.

so the count is atm: flower tent: 1xjilly 43 days, 2x plushberry 40/43 days, 1x jilly 1 day, 2x plush (#4, clones, the small plush i tossed the clones of).
thats it.

in veg: 5 killerskunk, 4 DNA cannadential, 2 jillybean clones & 4 plushberry clones.

and in the freezer is bodhi, gage green, connossiour g, karma genetics, rare dankness.

Man...i cannot wait to follow the hype further.
and yea, my plan is to find some good motherplants along the way.

im thinking about starting a "finding my motherplants" thread. should be nice.

do you do growjournals bleuballz or? i searched your personal page or whatever, but couldnt find any started.


Well-Known Member
I had a bunch of pics up, but deleted them recently.
ill put some more up soon. Never done a grow journal though.
Haha I listen to the hype too! I plan on picking up some bohdi gear in the future
for sure. If I can find it in stock when I have the funds.
Right now im running bubba x OG and chemdawg 4 from dr.greenthumb,
and 2 killing fields, 2 querkle, and 3 jilly bean.
Have the mother tent full of moms and clones.
I did keep a jilly bean male though, might make more seeds.?

i do wish the bubba x OG was not fem seeds though, because I'd love to
make a shit load of seeds. It's really good stuff.

I may do an outdoor chemdawg journal this summer,
my outdoor results are always better than my indoor.


Active Member
you cant make seeds with femmed plants? what happens then, the children turn hermie?

yao, i would like to grow some OG, ive actually never tried it.
thats my next beans...OG.
which ones i wonder, OG Chem, ancient OG, goji OG or brotherhood OG?
so many strains. so many months. hehe. life is exciting :)

happy you have a tent full of mothers, looking forward to the day i have the same predicament, and am enjoying the journey there :D

that jilly looks excellent! more robust than mine i should say, leaves look more leathery, like my plush.

oh well. im couched. recommend point of no return by mandala seeds. very good. see u :)


Well-Known Member
I don't really know for sure what would happen, breeding fem seeds.
I have just read that it will be hermie-ish gear.
i just don't have the room to mess around with that stuff.
There is some crusty stuff on her leaves from the milk-water I have been spraying her with. Freaking powdery mildew.
4 more weeks, and I can sterilize the tent. Always something.


Active Member
sucks. mildew must be shit, hope you get it sorted, and that the bud is ok.
buy yea, always something.
such a good thing cant be trouble-free :)

my something is the herming. i searched today, & found no more hermflowers, hope they stay away. and hope there are no seeds in the harvested plants. only a week and a half now.
final feeding was today, only sugars (budcandy) and bioboost. plush is turning purple. lovely lovely lovely.

im happy i tried tga after all. cant wait for the final product. and now im ordering cheese-quake aswell.
tried it? looks kill-ur. i read hovering`s grow report on it.
real decent report.


Well-Known Member
Haha I read hovering's report on it too! Made me want it bad.
There are so many I want to try!
Lately I've been buying dr.greenthumb gear.
Its more money than tga gear, but I've been so happy with his stuff, I keep passing on other stuff.
I want to try cheesequake, and JTR, and some others, but I also want greenthumbs c99, and MTF.
so idk. Every time I think I know what I'm gonna buy, I read a journal by dr.gruber, and
Throw my plan out the window.
I hope those nanners stay away from your girls.
your plants look really good.


Active Member
ye man, what can i tell ya, the seed-addiction. or buying of seeds. its very product-ified, all about making the mind "need" it ;)
i remember when weed was weed. you smoke it, you get high. oh, that was the glorius pre 2011 years...hehe. time pass.

where do you get dr greenthumbs? ive been hearing good things about his beans aswell.
so many seeds, so little time.

anyways, here are the plants once again.
whats your take on flushing? i figure i just feed water for a week and a half, after all, i think biocanna is made up of mostly molasses and fermented shit, and from the general organics i use humic acids and seaweed. & then the stuff they put in budcandy, which i think is sugars again :D
cant be so bad.

well, its water from now on out anyways. cant wait to chop this down and smoke it up :::)

its a jungle ovah heah

and this is the baby plush, which i thought was gonna be total ass, but its actually cool as that little cool bitch that surprises you with her sneaky ass moves, you know what im saying ;) :D
its what i figure a kush to be (from what ive read): low-ass yield, tight-ass buds with wicked-ass frost :)

trying to get more natural light into the hps glow. here is babyplush again. check the resin, mmmm. real happy i didnt toss her.

this is plushberry numer fucking one, the only decent survivor. maybe you can see that she is getting purple? i loves it :D

this is to show the resin on jilly bean.

junglepic again. you can see ive gotten in my clones...but surprise motherfucker...
the one you see in the back turns out to be a male.
can you figure? like i was saying, that was my first time taking clones, and i was a bit sloppy on the labelling side it appears.
yeye, whatever, he`dead, now i only have two plants once these 3 are gone.
soon to be followed by 4 of those DNA genetics ones, but im getting the feeling that all feminised seeds are hermie-prone.

and that put me in a mood, so i went to my fridge & put
2x bodhi - white lotus
2x bodhi - roaldkill unicorn
2x mandala seeds - mandala #1
2x gage green - daybreaker

just so i have some killer genetics waiting if i have to slay the cannadentials aswell.

yea yea, so following up is the jillybean, tower of hope & joy hopefully he he

jungly pic again

yea, theres the male right there. sneaky bastard. middle in the back

and finally i have some tomato cages. since im not cut out for that scrog bullshit, this will make it easier to lay out the plants in directions & shit, & no more breaking of wimpy stems with heavy buds

yueh, closing in, heres plush baby

and here is a kick ass picture to round things off. now thats what im talking about.

so we are starting the home run, im counting 48 days, but i could be wrong.
these babies are coming down sooner than later anyways, i cant handle the hermie-watch anymore :D :D :D

see u :peace::mrgreen::bigjoint: