TGA , stretching and falling over please help!!!!


I have a grow journal going and am having a few issues with slow internet at the moment and cant upload to the journal anyways

I read that this strain TGA TIMEWRECK does stretch at the start but they are drooping .. i have a 600 watt hps and a mh bulb for it

its about half a meter away from the tops of the plants or a little more give or take , i tried standing them up and built dirt up around them but will they be alright ? just want to know how to stop it from happening again ! please shareIMG_0839.jpgIMG_0840.jpg they about a week old the pot with 4 of them couple are about to put on there 3rd set of leaves


any heads up on anything guys , i have a ph meter coming , they will be shifted to 2 gal pots , and how often would you water seedlings like this, i have only had to every second or third day trying to cut down , this is my first grow and will appriciate any input :)


Stake them to something like a skewer.. stick it in the dirt next to the plant and tie the plant fairly close to the top with yarn or soft thread. make sure not to tie too tight and damage the stem. I would then reccomend filling your pots almost to the top with soil. You can do this after you stake the plants and you will bury most of the stem. Take a look at my journal to get an idea of what I mean. In the future you should only put one plant per pot.


Well-Known Member
As said before you can bury the steam or i like to take a straw cut it open and wrap around steam. But after transplanting i would bury those steams. During the seedling stage you want to keep them wet but not over wet that will suffocate the roots. A spray bottle is best but where they are now i would give them water about once a week to start. You want to saturate the pot or till some water comes out the bottom. You can do the wet weight of the pot verse the dry weight. But with it being your first grow i would stick your finger in to the second knuckle if dry water. Hope i helped and good luck with your first and remember k.i.s.s. Keep It Simple Stupid.


haha thanks guys and yeah , i am working on getting some more soil to fill the pots, couple hours later i lowered the light down closer gave em all a massive water now they look green and healthy, i just used bobby pins of my girlfriends hahaha! to easy


Well-Known Member
did u go outside and dig that soil up from ur lawn lol? also yeah more than one plant per pot can be bad


Well-Known Member
honestly you're probably fucked now, but MAYBE you can seperate them out. TGA has that VIGOR, and 4 plants in that pot should be able to kill each other in the first 30 days probably...


well help me out guys , gagekko ?? whats up ?

umm well due transport reasons no way to get more pots till tomorrow , the mix is just premium soil mix ..... lol ? dont see what im doing wrong , they are spread out and ill will transplant tomrrow ? any advice on what im doing so wrong ?

Dank Raptor

Active Member
ur soil looks like it was dug up out of an old bed of redwood chips. Quality of soil is very important. I would start over to be honest.

Its not too late if you do it now. Just uproot your seedlings and xplant into some soft soil with perlite in it.


Well-Known Member
haha nice if it works it works i do agree on changing the soil even mg. It's not the best but if your on a budget it works you might not get the full potential out of them but some things better then nothing. But i would say get them buried right below the first leaves in their own pots and you should be ready to go. Don't know if you know but using a spoon to get them out will help with transplanting.


well help me out guys , gagekko ?? whats up ?

umm well due transport reasons no way to get more pots till tomorrow , the mix is just premium soil mix ..... lol ? dont see what im doing wrong , they are spread out and ill will transplant tomrrow ? any advice on what im doing so wrong ?
First, transplant each one to its own pot, even if its just a paper cup. Next, get a few straws from Mcdonald's or something (a juice box straw wont work)..and place each of the stems inside of the straw to help keep it straight. I wouldn't suggest changing the type of soil..I tried it once and it killed my plant.


seriously you need to all SHUT up please about the soil because its shit on top like a few bigger bits as in woodchip shit but as soon as you dig down its just soft premium soft black soil , it holds moisture and they are growing... they are just stretched.. they have been in there 7 days, but for all of you to come on here and say they will die lol.. its a weed

im going to get more soil and pots in the next couple of hours , ill update tonight,

and so i shouldnt change soil ?

its premium and is decent under the soil and im execting soil nutes to show up today


seriously you need to all SHUT up please about the soil because its shit on top like a few bigger bits as in woodchip shit but as soon as you dig down its just soft premium soft black soil , it holds moisture and they are growing... they are just stretched.. they have been in there 7 days, but for all of you to come on here and say they will die lol.. its a weed

im going to get more soil and pots in the next couple of hours , ill update tonight,

and so i shouldnt change soil ?

its premium and is decent under the soil and im execting soil nutes to show up today
I wouldn't change the type of soil, stick to what your currently using and if it doesn't grow then you know for next time. If you change the type of soil now, you might end up killing the plant but if you leave it as it is, it will probably keep growing the way it is now. Move the light closer and replant each seedling in its own pot. That should be good enough.


Well-Known Member
note: when u transplant, do it right up to the leaves, leave maybe a cm between ur plant and the soil. This will not only develop a strong root system, it will solve problem of it blending over


Well-Known Member
First, transplant each one to its own pot

Next, get a few straws from Mcdonald's or something (a juice box straw wont work)..and place each of the stems inside of the straw to help keep it straight.
Unnecessary, bury them about 1/2" below leaves.

I wouldn't suggest changing the type of soil..I tried it once and it killed my plant.
Soil looks "barky" and in many cases that means acidic... I don't think he'll save them all but, then again, people win the lottery every day. Good luck.