tga subcool strongest strain?

it is on the way with 11 others from keep you posted got deep purple now. watch this thread
Kindnut.should be Assnut, I am only trying to help people out. I am sure you have never needed help. do not be a disrespectful on this forum. I know it is hard for you to do that , but try, OK? bluesdad (rui member) is in need of gear. I know you will not help him. I did not ask to be a rep. they asked me. since I owned my company and changed some of their policies to help them out as well. now you can choose the breeder you want and the beans you want, not the ones they want to give you. It is good to know you do not have to worry an more about getting your beans if they are: crushed, stolen or they do not sprout and you get what you want for the lowest price. I do not know what is wrong with letting rui members know this is the best place to go. I would be grateful if somebody told me that. If you have to get beans and do not make our own, this is the place to go. I spent at least 5 grand at ATTitude this year. no more. from now on you know where I'll spent my $$ DSG. So go somewhere else with that attitude. we do not need it here. there are enough assholes here. we do not need any more. If I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you. mma instructor for 7 yrs.' comes in handy, knowhatImean??glair
like you, I have 3 hoop houses 50' long. you can read how I built them since I have a degree in construction and served a 4 yr. apprenticeship as a carpenter and ran my own crew as well. hate to be you man. just wait until you need help. nobody will be there for you . to bad. now move along.
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Way to be a hypocrite Zug. And play the Internet tough guy act? Seriously no one gives a flying fuck about your supposed ninja skills. Kindnug (get his name right, being respectful right?) Is a pretty helpful member, not that he needs repping, but your incoherent wall of text makes you come across as a dick and completely undermines your message
Thanks Amos...i love the warm fuzzy couch of good bubba..does it compare? if not this i was thinking of checking out Bodhis bubba x ...

I don't have a lot of experience w/ bubbas. A straight couchlock to me is only good for last thing at night, but RB has a great mind/body combination. Very well liked by amigos who got some.

Just chopped a pre 98 Bubba [ Loud Se-eds ] a day ago @ 8 weeks flat that looks exactly like their pics and description.

Amos, have you only grown one pheno. of SSDD? + do you have anymore beans?
Jabba's Stash has multiple keeper phenotypes. I'm sure SSDD would too!

Definitely agree, there. I've got 2 more just past 6 wks flower - one tall, one short, and neither looking much like the one before. Same for 3 Blood Orange in the same tent. One actually smells orange, and looks like she'll be done @ 8 weeks with good yield. That's a mom. The other two look and smell as disimilar as any other 2 random plants. I still have better than half the pack of them both, but with the upcoming chops, those beans will be cycled to the bottom of the 'must run' bin.

Still have [Bodhi] ATF, Solo's Stash, and Ancient OG to get to, and over half packs of Goji and BBH that I should get back to, but they'll just have to wait. Some extremely pineapple c-99 clones, some Ace of Spades clones, and the Blood Orange clones have squatter's rights for the time ahead.
I'm hoping I find a strong Quantum Kush.
Supposedly there's a phenotype that tests @ 30% Thc.
Doubt I'll get one with that high THC with only 9 females.
Kindnut.should be Assnut, I am only trying to help people out.

I didn't read the rest of your wall of text.

No one asked for your help, this thread isn't a seed-bank advertisement.
I use a few different seedbanks, I wouldn't be a rep. for any of them(even if they paid me)

I don't come to this site for self gratification.
I help people by giving(not advertising my favorite seedbank).
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He should come see me, bullet's don't care how well you can fight or your size.

he ain't worth a jail sentence, the community would miss ya. Plus you are better than that

The goal is always to walk on the peaceful path among other cool folk, TY. Unfortunately, some less than cool cats inevitably find their way into the gatherings. Some can be ignored, other's refuse to be. The thing is, the probability of an internet bad a$$ actually following through on threats in person is somewhere between zero and forgetaboutit. But it is possible. A man w/o a plan - aka 'being caught unprepared - lowers his odds of a successful conclusion.
Truth and I think we all can be a dick at times. I'm nonviolent, but It doesn't mean I can't/won't fuck up someone's life in ways violence wouldn't hold a candle to. But when it comes to the internet, fuck it. As far as anyone knows I'm the goddamn governor! lol eta obviously some people have met me, so I'm not the governor.
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is it just me, or do the majority of threads end up in some type of an (offtopic) argument?
Spending less and less time on this site for that reason.
kinda sad really...

I hate that you're sad.

Look at threads like 'pheno hunting'. You'll have better odds at finding gems in certain threads; less in others.
I hate that you're sad.

Look at threads like 'pheno hunting'. You'll have better odds at finding gems in certain threads; less in others.
meh, I'M not sad, it's just sad that this site, that has tons of potential, seems to have issues with just getting along, which I find somewhat Ironic considering marijuana's ties with pacifism.
An analogy would be a team full of all-stars that has so much talent, but yet they mostly hate each-other and can't simply work together.
a LOT of REALLY smart and un-traditional thinkers on here, though, just wish it had less bickering and arguing over trivial shit
Eh I just think some people like to troll or fuck around. Threads usually anywhere get off topic unless heavily moderated. regardless of bullshit, there there is so much good info on these boards. practically every Google search for anything related to cannabis will bring ya here
I like the organics section, I don't think I've ever ignored a single user in that section could be wrong. Some sub forums are better then others with keeping the bullshit down.

Organics people are trying to reach the same goal and help each other.

Most the people that do stupid shit, like in this thread, arent' worth the time to read their posts in the first place. So I ignore. Or like that Richard simmons guy who showed up and spams 1 liners in 50 threads a day to get his post count up. Lots contribute but there are also lots here to strictly disturb the flow of information for their own lulz

Then there's always the strong opinions, which sometimes leads to bickering, but at least that strong opinion had some substance rather then a juvenile rant concluded with a violent man-bro threat.