TGA Super Soil VS your own subcool mixture

Dr. Treez84

Well-Known Member
Debating between buying the TGA supersoil or making my own mix. Its not that i'm lazy, its the cost efficiency of the TGA supersoil that has me debating wether it works as good or not. I priced out making subs mix myself and buying the TGA pre mixed is about 25% cheaper which is a lot of money to me. So to anyone that has used the TGA mix before... Do you add anything after or just cook it and its good to go? 2. Did you have better or worse results from the TGA instead of mixing yourself. Read through a ton of forums and no definitive answers since the TGA mix is still new and fresh on the market so any comments and opinions are greatly appreciated

Dr. Treez84

Well-Known Member
found buying the worm casting, perlite, TGA fertilizer packs and then using down to earth organic soil works out much cheaper then the listed TGA SS. While still a little more then breaking it all down together i think it would be the most beneficial way. Has anyone used this method before? i've seen some reviews but no one posts pictures so its hard to take their judgement

Dr. Treez84

Well-Known Member
and it says to not put clones straight into super soil but what if I'm getting teens and then vegging them for another 2 months is top soil before their placed in the super soil. So essentially they'll be vegged for 3-4 months before they go outside on may 1st? Can i put them into straight SS or still only fill half of the container?


New Member
Be careful starting plants that early. If you put them outside before the days start getting longer they will start flowering. Then once the days get longer it will kick back into veg and screw everything up. It happened to me last year and you get all of those funky 1 finger leaves. Vegging them that long indoors doesn't mean you will have massive outdoor plants.

Dr. Treez84

Well-Known Member
Thank you JSMaine, i know. I don't plan to put them out until mid may, its about 14h 20 min of sunlight then.
TGA bagged supersoil is exactly the same as if you made your own and followed subbys steps. The benefits are that you don't have to wait a month after mixing it yourself because it's precooked before bagging. If you weren't aware of it Subcool is the main man behind TGA seeds so in theory the bagged supersoil should be amazing shit right out of the bag. You mentioned it's 25% cheaper for you to buy it than make your own, so it should be a no brainer for you to go with the bagged supersoil..... 25% cheaper + no mixing + no sourcing ingredients + no cook time = happy days!