thai dont like heat!!


1st time growing. 3 thai and 1 skunk (not sure what kind of skunk plant i have and dont know where i got the seed from) all help welcome.

Planted seeds all same time, 28th APR
not 100% sure when sprouted, roughly 3/4 days.
Using kitchen window then livi window sun light for about just under 2 months. (didnt have cash for lights etc) Now have a grow room for about 5 plants, using a 70watt bulb (everything done with jobseekers money) and small fan. started 20/4 with them all when they were about a foot high. nipped all 4 same time, middle of may. in roughly 2 weeks time ill start 12/12 with 2 of them. on the fan there are a few settings. 1 being heated fan, left it on for about an hour by mistake. 2 Thai plants crispy!! the tears that came out of my eyes... im now left with 1 thai (the big one at the back) and my skunk plant. i was gutted, but what i want to know is and sorry if this has been posted.

1. info on growing thai indoors
2. anything i need to do different with northern light dwarfs?

in the picture left to right 3 thai and 1 skunk then at the front is my 2 NLs.

the 2 NLs at 3 weeks old and will go through the same process above. but these are obvsly much better than thai. i have a few thai seeds so im using them as experiments/mistakes.

Again thanks for all help.



Well-Known Member
Theres not going to be really anything different that you would need to do for different strains. What kind of 70watt bulb do you have HID, compact florescent, or florescent tubs?


good luck growing out a south east asian sativa under 70 watts of light. and thai love the heat!!!


i can clearly see sativas in your pic but i dont see any classic thai's long stretched plants with pencil thin leaves


im using a florescent 70watt. i know i need more light but money was a bit of a nightmare when i started them so they have only had some sunshine. im afriad to say the big thai has lost its life. same way the rest did. went all crispy top down!
they were fine until i made the mistake of putting the heated fan on them? which i thought they would have liked more but? awell... the big one at the back was abt 3 to 4 foot high, got the seeds from some thai i bought so was just expecting them to be thai?

watering with filtered water mixed with baby bio and tomato feed. left with the skunk and 2 NLs.

is anyone else using energy saving bulbs in there 1st month of growing? thats what i used for mine. looked healthy enough too


if you dont get more light atleast put them shits outside untill you can