Thank you Trump!

Joe Biden will never win. Listen to this bumbling imbecile in this interview. No chance he will beat trump in a debate. Even on liberal handles, Biden comes in at 8% on polls on Twitter. The establishment media is pumping the polling numbers like they did Hillary because he is a CFR yokel.

Trump has a record to run on now, he didn't in 2015 so he could just troll and walk away. Now he is POTUS and will have a live opponent for the first time in 4 years that has been playing this game far longer. In a youtube/meme war, sure Trump and his army of trolls all day long. But on stage he is a joke.

lol yeah I am sure all of the Democrats are just dying for a shot at this played out boob.
Thank you Trump for showing us the Republican planted loopholes in the Inspector General's ability to question anyone in America EXCEPT attorneys of anyone in the executive office all the way up to the Attorney General. The DEA and FBI lost that loophole privilege with some spy scandal in 2002. This was done when the Republicans created the IG in 1988.

No wonder all the trolls (Barr, Mr. Clean's dick brother, Sessions, Guiliani, Chris Christi, ..) wanted ONLY that job in a Trump Presidency.
Things are actually happening in my lifetime that I thought never would. Getting rid of Confederate imagery? In Mississippi?

Ive been looking for a good reason to bump this thread.

Thank you Trump, your race baiting has boiled over and has helped the nation push figure out it needs to push back on the centuries of racism.
Another thing to thank Donald for.

Biden Leads By 12 Points In New National Polling | Morning Joe | MSNBC

New general election match up polling shows Joe Biden is leading the president by 12 points, and Biden us up in Nevada and Michigan. Biden and Trump are tied in Iowa.
Another thing to thank Donald for.

Biden Leads By 12 Points In New National Polling | Morning Joe | MSNBC

New general election match up polling shows Joe Biden is leading the president by 12 points, and Biden us up in Nevada and Michigan. Biden and Trump are tied in Iowa.

polls are not shows; americans do not let your guard down we must be clear here; VOTE!!!; don't spend any money this month either they're freaking out because the peasants have no money to spend which is why they're back at the table- so much for FART OF THE DEAL..holding hostage and extortion is the way? you don't want 75% of this country to just stop spending do you? what do you think would happen? even for a week corporate america would be on it's knees begging..if you think they don't notice your individual sale is missing think again..they have all sorts of metrics for funsies that tell them exactly that.:lol:

i know this is not 2016, but do not allow yourself to be lulled into false sense of security.

every vote counts.
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polls are not shows; americans do not let your guard down we must be clear here; VOTE!!!; don't spend any money this month either they're freaking out because the peasants have no money to spend which is why they're back at the table- so much for FART OF THE DEAL..holding hostage and extortion is the way? you don't want 75% of this country to just stop spending do you? what do you think would happen? even for a week corporate america would be on it's knees begging..if you think they don't notice your individual sale is missing think again..they have all sorts of metrics for funsies that tell them exactly that.:lol:

i know this is not 2016, but do not allow yourself to be lulled into false sense of security.

every vote counts.
Thank you Trump for getting the left to vote.
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