Thanks Democrats!!

Dems did start impeachment process without seeing the transcripts. Fact
Dems twist, lie and scheme bs and make themselves look like asses over n over. Fact
Dems you fuck up again and are paving the way for trump. Fact.
And none of that changes the fact that this is because Trump's White House illegally told the acting-DNI to withhold a whistle blower complaint for longer than the 2 weeks he was legally allowed to delay in handing it over to the congress.
Good old Democratic Party looking to impeach without even seeing the documents. Pelosi looking really smart right now.
Turns out she’s psychic, so it doesn’t matter. Lol Funny you point out the pebble in Pelosi’s eye and ignore the Boulder in Trumps eye. Guess that’s how it is when you wear the jersey.

If you ask 31 NFL teams if New England and Tom Brady cheat, they’ll say yes because they’ve already said this. New England fans on the other hand will never admit it. Same shit.
They also owned slaves. Republicans abolished slavery. You support the party that founded the KKK. Why do YOU hate America so much??
Oh wow, gotta give a history lesson again. finish the history, with all of it’s transformations and different eras, bringing us to the current political parties.

I’m gonna give you so time because I know your Orange God doesn’t read and dumb asses such as yourself don’t read either. We’ll wait on the reply that will never come...
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Oh wow, gotta give a history lesson again. Justin, finish the history, with all of it’s transformations and different eras, bringing us to the current political parties.

I’m gonna give you so time because I know your Orange God doesn’t read and dumb asses such as yourself don’t read either. We’ll wait on the reply that will never come...

When he says democrats supported slavery what he really means is *white southerners
Oh wow, gotta give a history lesson again. Justin, finish the history, with all of it’s transformations and different eras, bringing us to the current political parties.

I’m gonna give you so time because I know your Orange God doesn’t read and dumb asses such as yourself don’t read either. We’ll wait on the reply that will never come...

Obviously it’s transformed now. Lincoln would’ve never been a republican today I don’t believe. I don’t worship Trump lol I’m def not voting for him. I like to find the irony in both sides arguments. I simply stated how it used to be.
Good old Democratic Party looking to impeach without even seeing the documents. Pelosi looking really smart right now.

You are a complete idiot.

The fact they withheld the documents to begin with is the crime. What took place in the documents is another crime in and of itself. She didn't have to see them.

If you rob a bank, and then car jack somebody two blocks away, the cops don't need to find you in the car to know you robbed the bank.

You also can't then give the money and the car back and pretend you didn't do anything. It's too late for that.

By Trump and his cronies intentionally and illegally withholding the whistle blower's filing, they broke the law. That is an impeachable offense in and of itself.

That the documents showed another crime is an entirely different matter, like the car jacking after the bank robbery.

I know you GOP rednecks are stupid, but you take it out a whole new door.
Not only do we have a President that, Now asked a Foreign Government for help in digging up dirt on a Political Opponent, He tried to hide other stuff what could be very disturbing things, that could put every American in danger.

Now he threatens a whistle-blower to kill them for doing the right thing, Another Crime.

Trump cares about one person only, if ya can't see that, Open your freaking eyes....
Not only do we have a President that, Now asked a Foreign Government for help in digging up dirt on a Political Opponent, He tried to hide other stuff what could be very disturbing things, that could put every American in danger.

Now he threatens a whistle-blower to kill them for doing the right thing, Another Crime.

Trump cares about one person only, if ya can't see that, Open your freaking eyes....
To be fair, he technically only MAGA'd the killing a whistle blower.
Not only do we have a President that, Now asked a Foreign Government for help in digging up dirt on a Political Opponent

You have to add to that the fact that he said he would do exactly that all along even though the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT told him point blank, without doubt, it was ILLEGAL.