I have been lurking this page since the start of my plants (first timer) has been since roughly November and have always came back to rollitup to see the discussions being held. It's awesome to see a community that's actually helpful for the fellow gromies. I run 600 watt mh and of course ventilation is an issue and the only good answers I have found across the web are from here! Posts from back in 2010 to now! Every post is a good community vibe with the feeling of grow science not bro science. You guys are awesome! Just flipped a couple days ago. Have topped and used training clips and have learned alot since the beginning. Thanks to you guys. My plants aren't the best but this community is! I had one hps and one mh that's why in the pic half are yellow. Got another mh and put it in and will run it for 2 more weeks then switch to hps. Any advice is appreciated and please don't tear me apart /s
For the first 2 months was using a ph/moisture meter and realized it was off 2 whole points (8.5 instead of 6.5) and the only way I realized was when my pops brought his over and checked and bam. Got a good one and then everything started working! Sorry for the long rant
For the first 2 months was using a ph/moisture meter and realized it was off 2 whole points (8.5 instead of 6.5) and the only way I realized was when my pops brought his over and checked and bam. Got a good one and then everything started working! Sorry for the long rant