Thanks FDD......


Well-Known Member
For shutting down Bonghits4alls bashing post,I think EVERYONE here will agree that OSGs posts here are very informative. I think everyone that OSG has helped out should stand up and vote Bonghits4all be BANISHED from the ROLLITUP nation....:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your support, Mendo.
I guess there are always going to be people on here that get seriously bent out of shape, when anyone disagrees with them. With thread titles like " For all the Haters ", " Ohsomean " and " Organic Nazis " we really should not expect much content, discussion or sharing of ideals from this guys threads. His titles pretty much sum up his vibe.....
That said, let's not let this post - turn into yet another - FU no FU thread. Let this one fall off the page & let's get back to talking about growing some Mary......
Peace not War.... remember - we are pot-heads not meth-heads....... let's be mellow..... not jacked up, hostile or hateful......


Well-Known Member
There is no need to be disagreeable in order to disagree.

We are adults on an adult oriented website, and we should act like it. "Calling out" people you don't like & following them around to make them unhappy is very childish behavior, and those engaged in it should not be allowed on adult oriented websites like this one.


Well-Known Member
There is no need to be disagreeable in order to disagree.

We are adults on an adult oriented webs
ite, and we should act like it. "Calling out" people you don't like & following them around to make them unhappy is very childish behavior, and those engaged in it should not be allowed on adult oriented websites like this one.
As a previous victim of a similar instance I agree whole heartedly.:leaf:

Thanks for wearing the sheriff's badge FDD.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Everyone is good people! Lets just live! Enough with these threads, like OSG sated, and let's get back to cannabis.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
hey I wanna say thanks to all posters on riu. I showed some weed to some freinds and they shit a brick with how good it is. "never" had these previous pot snobs seen something so good. that was my first crop and I was not even that happy with it. lol;)

so here is to all help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
the story I gave is it is from some mysterious "norcal" location whre all the magic comes from, not 5 min away in my ranch