Thanks Obama!

Slavery? The Republican party was founded and their main man Abraham Lincoln ran to abolish slavery. His speeches are documented and his democratic opponents were against abolishing slavery.

Then the Dixie Democrats ran to the Republican party and the Republican party you speak of is Todays Democratic party
A D D?

All the refugees and now members of certain Governments are blaming the mass migrations on the US pull-out from an unstable Iraq. They uniformly feel the US did not do enough.

The call for war`s end in Iraq came from .."the People". To get votes, you must promise "the People" that you will be the one to deliver. Opposition, (including myself) warned you Barry. But you and all the PC bullshitters of the world cried about the huge number of refugees created with Frontal Assaults. "Not the way today " "Peaceful Resolutions". "No Boots", "It`s not ours to fight" and all that shit.

Now we have refugees running away from those bad guys allowed to grow in size and pointing their fingers at the US.

To end a war by turning both sides against you, still ending the war,....Right ??

Thanks Barry.
This thread was about successful Republican infiltration of state legislatures.
The big secret is that they have been very successful in establishing the necessary infrastructures in most of the states because they have somehow managed to establish majorities in these same states.
As I said originally, thanks are due to the Obama administration for assisting this effort!

clearly you are unfamiliar with the benefits of gerrymandering.
Centralized banking is a tenant of communism, not capitalism. And considering the money supply is arguably the most important commodity in a modern economy, well, it's very hard to describe the current system as a capitalist one.
rawn pawl lost. you gotta get over it and just accept it already.
The legalization of Cannabis is in full force thanks to President Obama not forcing his hand and invading states with some type tyrannical action, Your hatred for this President would sure go away if you visited a recreational store in CO or WA where any person over the age of 21 can go in and buy amazing weed or bho.
The legalization of Cannabis is in full force thanks to President Obama not forcing his hand and invading states with some type tyrannical action, Your hatred for this President would sure go away if you visited a recreational store in CO or WA where any person over the age of 21 can go in and buy amazing weed or bho.
That has absolutely nothing to do with Obama, it was done IN SPITE of Obama by votes from "We the People".

He hasn't done anything to help it either, like a Federal Decriminalisation of Cannabis.

You've a mouthful of Obama balls and clearly can't see he's more inept that GW. Bush.
That has absolutely nothing to do with Obama, it was done IN SPITE of Obama by votes from "We the People".

He hasn't done anything to help it either, like a Federal Decriminalisation of Cannabis.

You've a mouthful of Obama balls and clearly can't see he's more inept that GW. Bush.

more inept that?

nice job. that was almost a sentence in english.

you can thank obama 100% for legal cannabis. in case you don't recall, that was voted in under obama, and like every president before him, he had any number of ways to shut it down completely. would've been as easy as withholding highway funds, or just threatening it.

instead, him and holder put out a list of 8 simple and easy rules to follow for selling cannabis. and re-legalization went full steam ahead.

what would the other guy have done? i believe his words were "fight it tooth and nail".

but of course a racist little 4'11'' kiddo like yourself is more concerned with telling lies about the black man he is so scared of, whenever you are not too busy calling him a "spear chucker", that is.

tiny, 4'11'' little racist shit.
Really? Maybe you should use the Internet to research a subject before using it to making a complete fool out of yourself. I live in a state with legalization, prior to Obama coming into office you had to look over your shoulder every minute of everyday if you had anything to do with cannabis or worry that a cop thought you smelled like cannabis, yes before Obama you could get detained, searched and more than likely be arrested in WA state for smelling like weed. Nowadays, if I felt the need, I can stroll down the street to a store buy a joint and fire it up without fear of prosecution. When Bush was president, if you owned a medical dispensary the DEA would shut you down and charge you with distribution. You need to relish in the fact that you can go to certain parts of the USA and not be considered a criminal due to your use of a plant. Your statements just prove the fact that you are just another sheep being blindly led.
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Really? Maybe you should use the Internet to research a subject before using it to making a complete fool out of yourself. I live in a state with legalization, prior to Obama coming into office you had to look over your shoulder every minute of everyday if you had anything to do with cannabis or worry that a cop thought you smelled like cannabis, yes before Obama you could get detained, searched and more than likely be arrested in WA state for smelling like weed. Nowadays, if I felt the need, I can stroll down the street to a store buy a joint and fire it up without fear of prosecution. When Bush was president, if you owned a medical dispensary the DEA would shut you down and charge you with distribution. You need to relish in the fact that you can go to certain parts of the USA and not be considered a criminal due to your use of a plant. Your statements just prove the fact that you are just another sheep being blindly led.
Obama didn't legalise anything, and the DEA can still bust you, even in a "legal State".

Surprised you got a word out with so much Obama balls in your mouth.

I bet you don't even lift, bro.
Obama didn't legalise anything, and the DEA can still bust you, even in a "legal State".

Surprised you got a word out with so much Obama balls in your mouth.

I bet you don't even lift, bro.
No, that's true, the people of the state did, but then again I did not say Obama legalized it, I said Obama has made it possible for states to explore the option of legalizing cannabis and has made it possible to not get busted for stupid things like the smell of weed. Also, what's this obsession you have with Obama's balls? You are probably hungering for something a little different and darker than your dad's, eh? He was probably rough on you this morning so you gotta hit the internet with your anger. It's okay bro, you can get medical weed for that PTSD your dad caused due to all that trauma he put your holes through.
No, that's true, the people of the state did, but then again I did not say Obama legalized it, I said Obama has made it possible for states to explore the option of legalizing cannabis and has made it possible to not get busted for stupid things like the smell of weed. Also, what's this obsession you have with Obama's balls? You are probably hungering for something a little different and darker than your dad's, eh? He was probably rough on you this morning so you gotta hit the internet with your anger. It's okay bro, you can get medical weed for that PTSD your dad caused due to all that trauma he put your holes through.

Good effort tho sport.
Revolutionaries suggested, you guessed it, revolution. The demand for immediate change at the threat of a gun. "Everyone's equal or we're fighting you to the death to make everyone equal!".
Good reason to change your avatar. I think I remember something about revolution being more like dictatorship of the proletariat.
isn't reagan the guy who traded arms to iran for hostages, but only after the election happened?

also, traffic in denver is bad. real bad. the reason why? because the economy is so good.

thanks, obama.



Yup. Iran-Contra scandal.

Isn't it super ironic that all these Republicans are like "omg Obama, imperial president!" Then they forget about how Reagan circumvented an international arms embargo on Iran, and Congress on funding the Contras.

For anyone else that's interested, and @cc2012

Groups backed by the IRGC (Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution/Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) in Lebanon, including Hezbollah, began to take Westerners hostage including Americans.

It's important to note two things before this: 1) Iran was under an arms embargo at the time 2) The Boland Amendment had prohibited funding of the Contra rebel groups in Nicaragua because the CIA had carried out several sabotage missions without Congress' knowledge, the Contras were labeled terrorists by everybody in the world except for us, and the Contras were known for protecting drug routes through Nicaragua and trading narcotics for arms.

We sold arms to Iran, via Israel. Israel shipped the arms to Iran, Iran paid Israel, we resupplied Israel, and Israel paid us back. The National Security Council then readjusted the plan to directly sell the weapons to Iran, at an inflated price. With the mark up, we took the funds to the CIA which would then go down to Nicaragua and give it to the Contras. The Contras would also get money from the Colombian narcos to help move cocaine through Nicaragua (and earlier in the 80s it was found that the Contras would also trade cocaine for arms). All the while the DEA is scratching it's head going, "How is so much cocaine getting into the U.S.!"

So the Reagan administration effectively went around the world's back, and Congress' back at the same time to push it's own agenda. Nothing that Obama has done compares to this.
Yup. Iran-Contra scandal.

Isn't it super ironic that all these Republicans are like "omg Obama, imperial president!" Then they forget about how Reagan circumvented an international arms embargo on Iran, and Congress on funding the Contras.

For anyone else that's interested, and @cc2012

Groups backed by the IRGC (Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution/Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) in Lebanon, including Hezbollah, began to take Westerners hostage including Americans.

It's important to note two things before this: 1) Iran was under an arms embargo at the time 2) The Boland Amendment had prohibited funding of the Contra rebel groups in Nicaragua because the CIA had carried out several sabotage missions without Congress' knowledge, the Contras were labeled terrorists by everybody in the world except for us, and the Contras were known for protecting drug routes through Nicaragua and trading narcotics for arms.

We sold arms to Iran, via Israel. Israel shipped the arms to Iran, Iran paid Israel, we resupplied Israel, and Israel paid us back. The National Security Council then readjusted the plan to directly sell the weapons to Iran, at an inflated price. With the mark up, we took the funds to the CIA which would then go down to Nicaragua and give it to the Contras. The Contras would also get money from the Colombian narcos to help move cocaine through Nicaragua (and earlier in the 80s it was found that the Contras would also trade cocaine for arms). All the while the DEA is scratching it's head going, "How is so much cocaine getting into the U.S.!"

So the Reagan administration effectively went around the world's back, and Congress' back at the same time to push it's own agenda. Nothing that Obama has done compares to this.
The Contras ran prostitution rings in Puerto Rico.
One of our sailors was kidnapped because he refused to pay. One call by them to the Captain and they were met at the gate and paid