Thanks Obama!

You referring to Obama's Secret Service staff who refused to pay their Colombian prostitutes until the Colombian government came in and kicked some of Obama's booty?

And there goes another Obama creation -

Are you that dense that you can't read what he said? Or are you just that much in love with Ronald Reagan? Or is everything Obama's fault? Also, Secret Service is a branch of the Dept. of Homeland Security, it isn't like the President himself hand selects each service agent. You're also forgetting that it involved military personnel also, but that doesn't necessarily fit your narrative, does it?
I had a surgery a couple months ago ..... Free

I would have died before I ran up that kind of bill

They didn't bill you. I find that extremely hard to believe. I've seen first hand. How they charge more. They wouldn't treat either of My sisters for free under Obama care. One has hospice care now . She is dying fast with Leptomeningeal Carcinoma. It's a very rare brain / spinal cancer. We had to do a fundraiser just to pay her bills.

If you have the flu they might treat you for free. If you need major surgery or have a terminal disease they sure as hell won't. My oldest sister was charged far more for her endometrial cancer treatment . I've explained that on several times.

Commie care meaning you don't have the right to choose. If you want it or not. If you don't get obama care you get fined. Luckily it will get repealed with the next president.
Bernie Sanders?
It sounds like he'll push for the original version of the health insurance plan Obama presented, which is consistent with socialist health.
I'd say that's more updating/changing the ACA than "repealing" it. I know Sanders is for single payer (like most Americans), so I'm sure whatever he has planned is better than what we have now. I heard a really good point about this issue that had to do with the US military, we don't pay private companies to go fight our wars for us because for all we know the lowest bidder could half ass R&D costs to develop the weapons necessary to win a war just to win the contract, so why would anyone think that paying a private healthcare provider based on the lowest costs to the consumer the market will allow will result in quality healthcare being provided??

It's absurd. Single payer is the future whether the naysayers believe it or not.
They didn't bill you. I find that extremely hard to believe. I've seen first hand. How they charge more. They wouldn't treat either of My sisters for free under Obama care. One has hospice care now . She is dying fast with Leptomeningeal Carcinoma. It's a very rare brain / spinal cancer. We had to do a fundraiser just to pay her bills.

If you have the flu they might treat you for free. If you need major surgery or have a terminal disease they sure as hell won't. My oldest sister was charged far more for her endometrial cancer treatment . I've explained that on several times.

Commie care meaning you don't have the right to choose. If you want it or not. If you don't get obama care you get fined. Luckily it will get repealed with the next president.

They actually sent me a check..... I didnt cash it

You're just full of shit is what's going on
They actually sent me a check..... I didnt cash it

You're just full of shit is what's going on

We're you looking in the mirror when you said that.. that's obviously bullshit. They sent you a check. The govt pays you to be operated on. lmfao. Did you donate your body to science to a university .
We're you looking in the mirror when you said that.. that's obviously bullshit. They sent you a check. The govt pays you to be operated on. lmfao. Did you donate your body to science to a university .

It was fifteen bucks.... An error

Not a bunch of bs like u talk
Here fixed it for you.

why have you repeatedly stated that it is not racist to refer to black children as "niglets", and why are you too cowardly to keep standing behind that abhorrently racist position anymore?

are you just some type of dumb, ignorant, racist coward from the south who is fat?