Thanks Trump


Well-Known Member
you decided to showcase what a dishonest lying dumbfuck you are, nazi.

the soaring economy is 100% thanks to obama, nazi.
Then when it corrects that'll be on Obama too!

According to you- specifically when will the market be Trumps. I assume when it corrects?


Well-Known Member
when it corrects that'll be on Obama too!

obama's last fiscal year just ended 9/30/2017. from here on out, mr. "nazis are very fine people" can start taking some credit. if pussy-grabber can get a single fucking law passed (LOL, he can't) then he can take some more credit.

go post some more ultra-racialized jews ya fucking nazi limp dick healthcare drain.


Well-Known Member
I didn't believe it. I checked. She really said it. Our Secretary of Education really said that. I'm going to turn in and weep until the sweet release of slumber comes. Fuck. I can't take much more of these people.
I thought the same thing. When I checked, all I saw were satire links. Do you have a verifiable source?


Well-Known Member
No. Trump is in the process of destroying our standing in the world. He'll tank the fuck out of the markets. Watch and then suck my dick.
He's in the process of cutting taxes for the rich while simultaneously beefing up the military industrial complex (even more than it already was). I'm no rocket surgeon, but I'd say that's a pretty good recipe for fiscal disaster..


Well-Known Member

obama's last fiscal year just ended 9/30/2017. from here on out, mr. "nazis are very fine people" can start taking some credit. if pussy-grabber can get a single fucking law passed (LOL, he can't) then he can take some more credit.

go post some more ultra-racialized jews ya fucking nazi limp dick healthcare drain.
I'm expecting they'll try to blame Obama when the extremely predictable occurs as a result of the tax cuts for the rich along with the increase in military spending.

I have already begun to preempt this by articulating the finer points of US dollar economics. I see the complete lack of knowledge of economics in the bernout camp as a huge weakness. People have not been this ridiculously dumb since the Rawn Pawl era of RIU.


Well-Known Member
can you believe we pay extra to keep this worthless piece of shit alive and give him a government check every month?
For the increases since PPACA in my private health care insurance plan paying for items we didn't want nor need that are now subsidizing your lazy lying ass.

Your welcome.


Well-Known Member
you are a two-time cancer patient. you subsidize no one. you are a drain on the system, limp dick.

don't even try to pretend otherwise ya fucking sponge.

now go get that disability check.
Been following arctic news lately? The great state of Alaska shares it oil royalty wealth with its citizens.

$1100 PFD checks were direct deposited yesterday.


Well-Known Member
The articles writer attributes some of that to optimism about DJT's election. He even named the anticipated tax plan and deregulation. I tend to agree with that position.

It's a fact the markets been hella bullish since a year ago. It's broken 120 year old records.
You agree with that position because you have shit for brains and want so badly to believe it.

The market was rising and on its way to breaking records (or already breaking records) long before a year ago.

Unemployment, housing prices, and the stock market have been trending this way for years. House prices here have been this high since 2014. No policy change, just a face change.

Are you trying to give twonumbnuts a run for biggest idiot award?
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