that ol devil weed is poisoning the elderly!

My concern is that weed has become an industry. The industry allows for certain amounts of residual pesticides and other "things" to get through the testing and ultimately to be used in the mass production. By comparison, I am a small timer with no stake in the industry and I can grow my own. I always know exactly what isn't being used when I grow my own.

I think the fact that industrial weed allows for certain poisons to be used, will be the cause of related health problems later on. I know there are arguments used by industrial growers that will state that tests have shown the products they get to use are safe...I guess it's a matter of what anyone chooses to believe. But some these grow ops are huge and they can't afford to have a bug outbreak or any kind of mildew or other common pathogens breaking out. The bigger the op and the more money involved tends to proportionally diminish my trust that anyone involved really gives one single fuck about my health.

The government did the same thing back in Vietnam with Paraquat. They poisoned the weed and then when people smoked it, they got sick....and then people did a study that showed how sick people got from the weed. If they want to do it again, then they'll just come up with another reason to say that the weed makes people sick....but it will be the result of the pesticides, fungicides, etc. that had to be used in the mass production.

That's why weed should be made legal so that people could all grow their own and get the industry back to a manageable stage -the way we all wanted it to be to begin with.
My concern is that weed has become an industry. The industry allows for certain amounts of residual pesticides and other "things" to get through the testing and ultimately to be used in the mass production. By comparison, I am a small timer with no stake in the industry and I can grow my own. I always know exactly what isn't being used when I grow my own.

I think the fact that industrial weed allows for certain poisons to be used, will be the cause of related health problems later on. I know there are arguments used by industrial growers that will state that tests have shown the products they get to use are safe...I guess it's a matter of what anyone chooses to believe. But some these grow ops are huge and they can't afford to have a bug outbreak or any kind of mildew or other common pathogens breaking out. The bigger the op and the more money involved tends to proportionally diminish my trust that anyone involved really gives one single fuck about my health.

The government did the same thing back in Vietnam with Paraquat. They poisoned the weed and then when people smoked it, they got sick....and then people did a study that showed how sick people got from the weed. If they want to do it again, then they'll just come up with another reason to say that the weed makes people sick....but it will be the result of the pesticides, fungicides, etc. that had to be used in the mass production.

That's why weed should be made legal so that people could all grow their own and get the industry back to a manageable stage -the way we all wanted it to be to begin with.
Exactly. It’s a janky mess at best, and there’s no consistency or control over it.

If I go to the pharmacy and buy 81mg aspirin, I know that is exactly what I’m getting. If I go buy a different brand of 81mg aspirin, it will still be 81mg of aspirin. If I travel to another state, I know 81mg aspirin is going to be exactly the same.

If I go buy a tincture, or extracts, or edibles, or anything else- how do I know what is in there?
Exactly. It’s a janky mess at best, and there’s no consistency or control over it.

If I go to the pharmacy and buy 81mg aspirin, I know that is exactly what I’m getting. If I go buy a different brand of 81mg aspirin, it will still be 81mg of aspirin. If I travel to another state, I know 81mg aspirin is going to be exactly the same.

If I go buy a tincture, or extracts, or edibles, or anything else- how do I know what is in there?
I'm afraid that more control will lead to an excuse that our meds can't safely be grown at home.
I'm afraid that more control will lead to an excuse that our meds can't safely be grown at home.
I wonder if cannabis will eventually be treated like tobacco? The government has gotten a taste of that sweet, sweet tax money- and it wants more. It needs more, because we’re $27.68 TRILLION dollars in debt. We’re broke!

Fortunately, it is legal to grow tobacco plants- heck, they’re beautiful and highly fragrant ornamentals that are quite popular. (I grow and sell them locally, in fact- Nicotiana alata “grandiflora”.) Dunno if smoking them is wise; you can make a very deadly natural pesticide from them.

Anyway, there’s all kinds of shady and sketchy stuff going on. Not everyone is doing the right thing, and there’s some dodgy people who don’t mind cutting corners out there. If the gooberment could just sort that out and leave the rest of us alone, I would be happy.


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I highlighted "how to direct quote people". A prompt comes up on the screen that says "Reply". Click on reply and that's what gets quoted.

I wish I could figure out how to do that on my phone but rarely use it to play in the forums so it's not critical. Older Android v. 7.0.

Most comfortable on my desktop.

I wonder if cannabis will eventually be treated like tobacco? The government has gotten a taste of that sweet, sweet tax money- and it wants more. It needs more, because we’re $27.68 TRILLION dollars in debt. We’re broke!

Fortunately, it is legal to grow tobacco plants- heck, they’re beautiful and highly fragrant ornamentals that are quite popular. (I grow and sell them locally, in fact- Nicotiana alata “grandiflora”.) Dunno if smoking them is wise; you can make a very deadly natural pesticide from them.

Anyway, there’s all kinds of shady and sketchy stuff going on. Not everyone is doing the right thing, and there’s some dodgy people who don’t mind cutting corners out there. If the gooberment could just sort that out and leave the rest of us alone, I would be happy.

Be careful what you wish for. Here in Canada the big legal growers are shutting down grows and laying off hundreds of people. Over-saturated pot shops are closing left, right and centre.

Too many taxes and all these companies started up with projected profits based on black market prices around $10/g or more. Shitty products from the uncaring greedy bastards. No one allowed to participate if they had a conviction for drugs of any kind in the previous 10 years so the best growers couldn't start their own grow-ops legally.

Still a huge BM operating selling superior pot for a lot less so it's either go all out war on shutting them down and that will never happen.

I've been growing my own for 45 years but never made any money on it and now just medicinal stuff made into edibles and concentrates I give to friends and family to help with what ails them or ease their suffering on their way out.

Grew a few tobacco plants a few years ago and just hung them upside down in the shop and smoked the leaves as they dried. A tad harsh without a good cure but I loved it and really missed it when it was gone.

I have a few mother plants growing atm just to make fem seeds with and think I'll take a break until late fall when all the hemp fields around me have been harvested. Only one quarter section 6 miles away last year but more popping up this year and more in years to come to feed the hemp processing plant just down the road across from the first hemp field.

Have a few pounds or more stashed away in the freezer that need processing into oils so there's a project to keep me busy for a while.

I'd bet that it won't be long and the gov't here will just actually free the plant and we can all grow whatever amounts we want and sell it at farmer's markets beside the fruit and veggies. Probably not but makes the most sense to me.

The government did the same thing back in Vietnam with Paraquat. They poisoned the weed and then when people smoked it, they got sick....and then people did a study that showed how sick people got from the weed. If they want to do it again, then they'll just come up with another reason to say that the weed makes people sick....but it will be the result of the pesticides, fungicides, etc. that had to be used in the mass production.

I know they used that on pot in Mexico in the 70s but never heard about it being used in Nam. I think Agent Orange did a better job s it killed anything that lived both plants and humans/animals. Could very well have been used there for all I know for certain.

One day in the sun after spraying with paraquat the pot would turn black so when fields got sprayed they would rush to cut it down and get it under cover. This caused a lot of illness and death to the poor illiterate workers driven to do it by greedy cartel type bosses. Used in South America against coca crops too.

If you smoked a lot of that contaminated pot it could really screw up your lungs so was a real war on people. Luckily for us in Calgary back then there was lots of good black hash being shipped in from Montreal and as a cab driver I had good connections for Thai Stick, Jamaican Red Hair and Maui Wowie. My first grow where I got buds was those 3 from bag seeds. Pathetic by today's standards but all my friends just loved it. We still smoked fan leaves back then and there was always a big mixing bowl of dried and drying leaves sitting on the coffee table. Nobody had to ask to roll up some fatties and get the party started. :)

Gov't ordered booze to be contaminated with poisons and put out for sale to punish people during alcohol prohibition. Death penalty for taking a drink FFS.

And they wonder why we don't trust them. lol

I figure after buying weed off the street for 30 yrs plus , the amounts that get through testing are negligible in comparison to what alot of us already consumed

Tru dat but if it's to be 'controlled' as the gov't wants then legal suppliers need to be held to a higher standard.

Pesticides etc on the approved list got approved because they were already rated GRAS, (Generally Regarded As Safe for those that don't know), for fruits and veggies. We don't smoke our fruits and veggies so waht could those poisons turn into when combusted and inhaled. Guess we'll find out 20 years down the road when some cancer epidemic finally gets linked to that.

Just look at the decline in health with obesity and diabetes at epidemic levels then tell me that's not linked to the 1000s of chemicals used in the over-processing of franken foods designed to hook us on junk food and keep us coming back for more. Life spans are declining for the first time in decades after lengthening steadily since the advent of modern medicines like antibiotics and vaccines.

I'm not ranting at you personally bam but damn it gets under my skin the way our governments have sold their souls to corporate greed at the cost of the people they are sworn to protect. Sell us poisons then add a buttload of taxes for the privilege.. Arrrrggggg!

I blame the devil weed but I only consume what I have grown myself so that can't be it. :) I have yet to buy any 'legal' pot but have bought CBD drops for my step-daughter who takes some for her monthly issues and it works too.

I know they used that on pot in Mexico in the 70s but never heard about it being used in Nam. I think Agent Orange did a better job s it killed anything that lived both plants and humans/animals. Could very well have been used there for all I know for certain.

One day in the sun after spraying with paraquat the pot would turn black so when fields got sprayed they would rush to cut it down and get it under cover. This caused a lot of illness and death to the poor illiterate workers driven to do it by greedy cartel type bosses. Used in South America against coca crops too.

If you smoked a lot of that contaminated pot it could really screw up your lungs so was a real war on people. Luckily for us in Calgary back then there was lots of good black hash being shipped in from Montreal and as a cab driver I had good connections for Thai Stick, Jamaican Red Hair and Maui Wowie. My first grow where I got buds was those 3 from bag seeds. Pathetic by today's standards but all my friends just loved it. We still smoked fan leaves back then and there was always a big mixing bowl of dried and drying leaves sitting on the coffee table. Nobody had to ask to roll up some fatties and get the party started. :)

Gov't ordered booze to be contaminated with poisons and put out for sale to punish people during alcohol prohibition. Death penalty for taking a drink FFS.

And they wonder why we don't trust them. lol

Oh, I think I might have gotten paraquat mixed up in my mind with agent orange. It was an herbicide they sprayed to kill all the jungle so our troops could see what we were bombing better. Anyway, yes paraquat was what they used in the War On Drugs to stop us from daring to continue the illegal drug trafficking going on between the U.S. nd Mexico.
"...these preliminary results could lead to cannabis being accepted as a viable and exciting new prevention tool people can use to lower their risk of SCD and, in turn, their risk of dementia-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s."

My concern is that weed has become an industry. The industry allows for certain amounts of residual pesticides and other "things" to get through the testing and ultimately to be used in the mass production. By comparison, I am a small timer with no stake in the industry and I can grow my own. I always know exactly what isn't being used when I grow my own.

I think the fact that industrial weed allows for certain poisons to be used, will be the cause of related health problems later on. I know there are arguments used by industrial growers that will state that tests have shown the products they get to use are safe...I guess it's a matter of what anyone chooses to believe. But some these grow ops are huge and they can't afford to have a bug outbreak or any kind of mildew or other common pathogens breaking out. The bigger the op and the more money involved tends to proportionally diminish my trust that anyone involved really gives one single fuck about my health.

The government did the same thing back in Vietnam with Paraquat. They poisoned the weed and then when people smoked it, they got sick....and then people did a study that showed how sick people got from the weed. If they want to do it again, then they'll just come up with another reason to say that the weed makes people sick....but it will be the result of the pesticides, fungicides, etc. that had to be used in the mass production.

That's why weed should be made legal so that people could all grow their own and get the industry back to a manageable stage -the way we all wanted it to be to begin with.
my thoughts excately!
I know they used that on pot in Mexico in the 70s but never heard about it being used in Nam. I think Agent Orange did a better job s it killed anything that lived both plants and humans/animals. Could very well have been used there for all I know for certain.

One day in the sun after spraying with paraquat the pot would turn black so when fields got sprayed they would rush to cut it down and get it under cover. This caused a lot of illness and death to the poor illiterate workers driven to do it by greedy cartel type bosses. Used in South America against coca crops too.

If you smoked a lot of that contaminated pot it could really screw up your lungs so was a real war on people. Luckily for us in Calgary back then there was lots of good black hash being shipped in from Montreal and as a cab driver I had good connections for Thai Stick, Jamaican Red Hair and Maui Wowie. My first grow where I got buds was those 3 from bag seeds. Pathetic by today's standards but all my friends just loved it. We still smoked fan leaves back then and there was always a big mixing bowl of dried and drying leaves sitting on the coffee table. Nobody had to ask to roll up some fatties and get the party started. :)

Gov't ordered booze to be contaminated with poisons and put out for sale to punish people during alcohol prohibition. Death penalty for taking a drink FFS.

And they wonder why we don't trust them. lol

That weed they sprayed in the 70s was really harsh coff like a mother f***** couldn't even smoke it. It then resurfaced in the mid 80s in Toronto you could buy a glad garbage bag of it for 20 bucks cough cough cough
That weed they sprayed in the 70s was really harsh coff like a mother f***** couldn't even smoke it. It then resurfaced in the mid 80s in Toronto you could buy a glad garbage bag of it for 20 bucks cough cough cough

I heard back then that they were getting different brick weed back east compared to what we were getting out west here. All the pot I was buying in Calgary was coming in from Vancouver along with hash that was basically pressed keif like blond, brown and green Lebanese. All the good sticky black Temple Ball hash coming into Calgary was from Montreal. Hot-knifing nerds of that stuff was f'n dangerous! lol

The brick weed was still crap tho no matter where it originated.
