That Sweet smell of CFL


Well-Known Member
current grow: 8 65w CFLs... 4 plants... btw, good luck man... if you know how to grow, you know how to grow. more light only helps..


OK! So week NINE has arrived, and still with ZERO nutes, these ladies are slow to fatten; but as expected. I'm checking the trichs for the first time today after i get my first scope lol PICS will be up later. Cheaaaaaaa almost done.


Any input RIU? I hear so many people say dont go by trich color only, but this is my first grow and need some help. I dont know if i have 1, 2, or even 3 more weeks to go!

******* Trichs on taller sativa looking one, are half clear half cloudy. Also Pistils are 80% white, but now plump thick white pistils.
******* Trichs on shorter, maybe hybrid, are cloudy for sure

J DizZle

yo im starting a cfl party cup grow like you did. i gotta say that plant looks healthy as fuck.what soil did you use. i picked up some scotts organic potting mix, and im thinking of mixing that with perlite. 3/4 scotts, 1/4 perlite. waht did u use?


a Whole bag of regular top soil, mixed with a whole (but small) bag of Miracle Grow. Thats it!!!!!

And thanks i am looking for some input on their maturity however!


lol trying to be patient with the no responces but com on RIU! I dont know if my pictures just dont show you enough or what..


Active Member
well what kind of high are you looking for? more cloudy/milky trics = more "crisp" heady kind of high, more amber = more of a "stoned" feeling, good to relax/go to sleep. i usually harvest either like a 40/60 or a 50/50. i am more of couchlock type of guy so i like a little more amber trics


Not using Nutes because A: when i started i was broke, and B: wanted to see what i could do with just water!

Plants will see their last light on Tuesday, cutting Wednesday.


Well-Known Member
I know it isn't what you want to hear but they aren't even close to ready. At least three more weeks. The calyxes need to swell and retract the hairs and that is still weeks away from happening as far as I can tell.


I Took a sample last week, let it dry a good amount of time and burned it. I'm no newb to smoking, and i got hiiiiiigh my friend.

Shouldnt the sample i took speak for itself?
Hey if you got high, and thats all you want outta this, cut a couple down and keep a few and let em mature. thats how u find out whether or not ur bud is better young or aged. Remember most weed is like wine, it gets better with age.


^^^ I think i may do that; cut a few popcorns off to start.

Thanks for the input, i think i needed it lol Well Shoot another few weeks it is!


Well-Known Member
I Took a sample last week, let it dry a good amount of time and burned it. I'm no newb to smoking, and i got hiiiiiigh my friend.

Shouldnt the sample i took speak for itself?
Sure it'll get you high but its still weeks away from being ready. They're your plants and you can cut them when you want but if you've gone this far why not go a few more weeks? The potency, yield, and taste will all be 1000x better.

Trust me, waiting is hard especially for an impatient super stoner sick of buying weed. My buds are a few weeks further along than yours and the suspense is killing me but I know it'll be worth it to smoke ripe bud.