Thatguy's Quest For The Best

I was thinking #2. Im confused though I sent in my Plush Berry pics that are in my opinion way better looking but they still chose QT.
Yeah number 1 looks a little something huh? Hungry? Looking good though. Man #2 is a tight little gal huh?
They were all kind of yellow cause of the last soil I used I just figured number one just wasn't greening up as fast as number 2 but soon enough theyll be getting into their finial pots where they will have plenty to much on. Im stoked.
Spring cleaning can kick some ass. Being as I just moved into this place last summer I still had a lot of stuff still packed up and taking up all sorts of space. Reclaimed a closet for my SS and SS supplies. After that made some room for a dedicated clone area in one of my cabinets.

Plush Berry -7320 (Custom).jpgPlush Berry -7321 (Custom).jpgPlush Berry -7322 (Custom).jpg

Oh and my oldest PB 4 starts flower today.
Veg Room

Plush Berry 3 (Top), PB4 (Bottom)
Plush Berry -7323 (Custom).jpg

Cheese quakes - finally rebounding

Plush Berry -7324 (Custom).jpg

PB 4, QT

Plush Berry -7325 (Custom).jpg

PB4 x2 and one QT clone

Plush Berry -7326 (Custom).jpg
So I planted a Chemdawg freebie a while back and ran it for two main heads with 4 side branches. I think Im going to use this method to do my testing. For it being such iffy genetics (freebie and looked like it was starting to herm) its solid dense golf ball buds. So I think Im going to run the Cheesequakes that way. The Sournobyls will still be getting the 8 headed main line job.

1-7149 (Custom).jpgPlush Berry -7335 (Custom).jpg1-7152 (Custom).jpg1-7158 (Custom).jpg1-7161 (Custom).jpgPlush Berry -7327 (Custom).jpgPlush Berry -7328 (Custom).jpgPlush Berry -7329 (Custom).jpgPlush Berry -7332 (Custom).jpg
Chem's root ball seemed to dig the 5 gallon, so I think I'm just going to roll with that. Of course the dirt doesn't go all the way to the top of the pot so I guess we could technically say its only using 4ish gallons for the plant. I feel like a 3 gal is to small for what I want and they would fade way to early.
So just took some cuttings of both Sournobyls. You know how when you take a cutting or cut a plant down the internal liquids can have a really weedy sweet smell ?. Sournobyl 2's sap got all on my fingers, my god its like I snorted a lime. Its strong. I've never had a plant have a smell like that from the sap that comes out after taking a cutting.