THC Bomb - 16 days on 12/12


Active Member
Yeah, tie that little bugger over a bit to expose those bud sites to more light.
It looked as if it already had a bit of lean to it.
Could have done it a lot earlier during veg but you've only just started flowering so I'm sure it will help.
Ok, here are the pics after LSTing. I have dropped the ppm back to 1000.

Also have taken a total of 3 clones. They are in the plastic dome.

Started 3 seeds a week or so ago and actually had 4 sprout.

I used an old pot from when I started the one in flower and I guess I didn't wait long enough.;-)

I have also included pics of the "light bar I made that has cfl's the equivalent of 700w - total lumens for the five bulbs is 14,300.

Will this do for vegging my mothers (only going to have two in there)? The room is 20" x 17". My plan is to take clones from them from here on out.



Well-Known Member
Good job with the LST. That's allowed a lot more light to those bud sites.
This will certainly increase your yield.