Thc Bomb, Caramelicious and mystery beans, pics

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Four weeks old and soon to go to 12/12. There are four thc bombs, two caramelicious and three really good bagseed plants. I'm hoping for six girls out of the nine.

Anyway, on to the porn, I mean pics.

The second pic, the plant was fimmed. I tried to fim six of them but ended up taking the tops out of three.



Well-Known Member
Hey there, Heads Up! Your THCB looks awesome, and I hope you do get some clones of of them! I still have a mother of the TB and may try it again.... I ran it with some SS and it really stretched on me but was very nice smoke. I may try it again-is why I kept the mom; so I will be real curious to follow along if you dont mind!

Looks to be a very nice set-up you have and your kids look very happy!

Great Luck to you!!


Heads Up

Well-Known Member
get some clones off them. do you like the grow bags vs pots?

This is my first time in using them, grow bags, I was surprised at their size once filled with soil. Yeah, I do like them. It's easier to kind of form them to one another versus a rigid pot. I have about an inch of pebble in the bottoms.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Hey there, Heads Up! Your THCB looks awesome, and I hope you do get some clones of of them! I still have a mother of the TB and may try it again.... I ran it with some SS and it really stretched on me but was very nice smoke. I may try it again-is why I kept the mom; so I will be real curious to follow along if you dont mind!

Looks to be a very nice set-up you have and your kids look very happy!

Great Luck to you!!

Thank you. I described what I'doing but I'll tell you if you haven't found my other posts. I use a four foot, four tube t5ho fluoro. I have two sixty four hundred k and two forty one hundred k tubes. My partner just did a veg thing with all forty one hundreds and the plants were amazing so I figured I would experiment a bit instead of using all sixty fours. Flower time I'll switch out the sixty fours for three thousand k. I soaked the seeds for twenty four hours and then planted them. All but three popped so I replaced them with bagseed from a real good batch of street weed. I never transplant, I start in the bag I finish in. The soil is fox farms, the supplements, big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom. I also use cal-mag and sweet. Sweet is supposed to help with internodal stretching and help keep the plant stress free in its transition into flowering. I also added silicia to the soil for strong stems to help carry the heavy loads and mico whatever for the roots. My ferts are 24-8-16 for veg and switching to an orchid bloom mix of 11-35-15 with a dose of grow big about week four of flowering. I'm running an 18/6 schedule and plan on flowering sometime this week when they are five weeks old or older. I'm not on here a bunch so I'll post pics in different spots once a week for a picture progress report.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
It's five weeks and time to cut back the lights. Today they are getting twelve and half light, tomorrow starts the straight 12/12.

I need them to come on at six so I can do whatever necessary before I have to leave for the day for work, and here in Florida it's going to start getting really hot over the next two months so the lights going out at six pm just gives the closet more time to cool off. I have a black curtain hanging on the inside of the door and a reflector shield and I put a towel under the door at lights out.

I'm using quarter strength 11-35-15 orchid bloom fert with tiger bloom and big bloom mixed in. I'll see how they respond before increasing the strength of the blooming ferts. I give them cal-mag and sweet with my waterings. Most are around a foot or so and a couple shorter and one is a dwarf and as bushy as all get out. You can cleary see the fimming effects on some of the plants.

All liquids ph is 6.5 or real close.

Anyway once again, on to the pot porn. Will update again next week with more pics.

Feel free to post your babies or girls or ladies ya'll.

The fifth pic is my dwark. You can also see in one of the pics how I have trimmed out the bottoms to let more flow in and not waste energy on small bud sites from the bottoms. One or two I left alone because they are huge and reaching to the top of the plants.



Well-Known Member
........those look super healthy! Great job Heads Up!! Those have awesome node spacing. They definately look like they'll be able to handle some heavy buddage!!
Keep up the great pics!!
Have a great week!

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure one of the carmelicious is a male and I'm positive the other is a female. I also believe I have one Thc Bomb that is a male. It's my dwarf that I was so hoping would be a female.

Anyway, the count as of today. Two suspected males and three for sure females. None of the other plants are exhibiting anything that looks like balls. I'm starting to think I might get seven females out of the nine plants.

I post the progress as the results become more clear. Hopefully I'll also have some new pics soon. I haven't been able to get the camera, the oldest daughter graduated friday evening and she's pretty much monopolized it. I'll get the new pics up as soon as possible. I also work and my lights go out at six so a lot of afternoons I just don't have the time or energy, sorry.

It's hell gettin' old, golden years my behind.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Update, June seventh.

Sorry about the delay in posting new pics. It's graduation time around here and my two girls have had the camera held for hostage.

Anyway, here's the news. Six females out of nine plants. Started two caramelicious, one is a female. Started four thc bombs, two are females. Started three bagseeds, all three turned out female. We've secluded one male thc bomb and one caramelicious male for pollen. My partner in green is growing crystal, mazar and a couple bagseeds. We plan on pollinating some of the lower buds for seed. We'll take his males and get their pollen also. We'll see what happens???

Yesterday is officially day one of flowering, even though a few have been flowering for several days.

Heat has become an issue for me. I'm hoping they can survive the next two months here in florida, the dog days of summer are here already. It's hot and humid as all get out already. The girls are about eighteen inches and growing, dare I say, like weeds?

So, on to the porn, enjoy.


Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Although I could see no pistals on three of the plants, I knew they were going to be girls, so I counted june first as day one of flowering. The Caramelicious and THC Bombs started flowering first and the three bagseed are finally starting to show some pistals.

This is only my second grow and first using t5's. I'm very pleased with the outcome so far. The thc bombs are producing a ton of bud sites and they are growing like mad, a ton of hairs already. The caramelicious isn't far behind.

I'm still experimenting with the camera so I apologize for the lousy pics.

So here are my girls, twelve days into flowering. I'm on my second week of nutes for flowering and have increased the strength to fifty percent. They seem to be responding nicely. Enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Yes, those are very nice looking healthy girls!! ....and for only 12 days of 12/12 I 'd say they're kicking ass too!
Right On!! Have a fun weekend!


Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Day fourteen of flowering. So, I either had a brainstorm or a brainfart, going to take some time to tell. I bought two shower rods last year for another 'brainstorm'...and I'm finally using them. Being as how I'm using t5's, the light doesn't penetrate the plants like a hid light, hence the brainstorm with the shower rods. Must have been the downpour going on outside that inspired the thought. So I put one on each side of my girls and proceeded to tie them down, hmm.

With that thought in mind, I'll end any further explanation and go right to the new pics. Enjoy and please feel free to comment or post any of your pics.



Well-Known Member
How about an update, Heads Up..... I bet they are really starting to pack on the buddage now! I ended up keeping a THC Bomb after all---though I did stick it outside. I will get a pic of it in a few more weeks.
Hopefully all is going well for you!
