THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow


Active Member
Damn the data loss!!! Luckily I had a twin thread on another site, so I'll repost my journal so far shortly. I've been getting much better feedback from this forum tho, so I'm a bit gutted :sad:


Active Member
Just starting my first grow, 1x THC Bomb, 1x Strawberry Blue, both from the Attitude.
I'll be keeping this journal up to date and probably overly detailed, with pics etc.

So far, I've soaked the seeds overnight, and planted them into cups of seed raising mix. Planted them 2 days ago, just waiting for them to pop up (and hoping they both do).

Here's a few pics:

Bomb on left, S/B on right with the black stripes

Planted and watered.... it begins.

Their home for the next 4 months or so.

Any advice, criticism or general discussion is welcome (encouraged even!!)


Active Member
Seeds broke the surface today, 2 1/2 days after planting ungermed seeds. Stoked that they both germed ok, as I only had the one strawberry blue (Attitude freebie).


Active Member
Once both seeds sprouted, I found that the bomb sprout had failed to shed the seed casing.
I did a bit of reading online, and found that some people who left it had no problem, and the pilot leaves eventually forced the shell off, while other people claimed to have lost plants to this problem.
Better safe than sorry, so I carefully removed the shell with a couple of pins. Hopefully I haven't traumatised it, and it'll pull through fine.


Active Member
Update: Day 9 (since planting seed)

Seedlings seem to be doing pretty well I think. They're just starting to show their second set of leaves, not sure if you can see that in the photo.

Also, I've made my carbon scrubber/exhaust, sort of following zen's design. It's powered by 3x stacked 120mm computer fans:
I know it looks pretty hori, but I can definitely feel it sucking through the carbon pretty well.

The lights I've got at the moment are 5' flouros, which are too long for my closet, so I have them sitting at a 45 degree angle. This causes my seedlings to try to grow sort of sideways. I've been rotating them regularly to keep them fairly straight. Does anyone think this sideways growth will cause any problems through my veg? Any input appreciated, Cheers!


Active Member
Day 11: Seedlings continue to grow:

I think they are both healthy, the s/b is definitely looking really good, but the bomb has got some crinkling on one side of the leaves (pic below). Anyone got an opinion on this, anything to worry about?

Roots are really starting to show on the sides of the pots. I'm thinking I might transplant tomorrow night or the following night. Unless anyone reckons I should leave them longer?...


Active Member
Day 12: Both seedlings now have this crinkling of their leaves. Anyone have any idea what might be causing it? Over/under watering, plants too close to lights maybe? Starting to worry a bit.


Active Member
I'm thinking either overwatering or too close to lights? Opinions? Any input hugely appreciated. Cheers


Active Member
They are under Cfl's right? If so highly doubt to due to being to close, what is the temp in the room, looks like heat damage IMHO
Cheers for the reply hyper. Yea, under flouro tubes. Room temp has been really consistent at around 24C (~76F) so I wouldn't think that's it, but I have been keeping them extremely close to the lights (1/2 inch or 1/4 inch), so I wouldn't rule that out. I've moved them back to ~2 inch, so hopefully that'll help


Active Member
Gonna transplant tonight, as the cups are lookin very well rooted. Going into 10L buckets (just shy of 3gal).
Once they're settled in (probably give em a couple days), I'll start on nutes. Did a bit of reading on NPK's etc, and decided to go with 3:1:2 for veg and 1:3:2 for flower. Went to the store, range was pretty limited, but found some that are pretty damn close.
I've got:
Nitrosol original blood and bone liquid fert (8:3:6 + minerals & trace elements)
Watkins Brigitta African Violet Food (4:14:10 + trace elements)



Active Member
What type of soil are you using? If you have fox farm or roots organics they have nutrients in them already so you don't have to feed the plants for the first 3 weeks. If your going to transplant them wait about 2 weeks after you transplant to feed them. I just got done with a Strawberry Blue grow and I got almost 4oz of one plant. Pretty good smoke.:weed::weed::weed:

sb harvest 007.jpgs9 001.jpgsb harvest 004.jpgsb harvest 007.jpg


Active Member
What type of soil are you using? If you have fox farm or roots organics they have nutrients in them already so you don't have to feed the plants for the first 3 weeks. If your going to transplant them wait about 2 weeks after you transplant to feed them. I just got done with a Strawberry Blue grow and I got almost 4oz of one plant. Pretty good smoke.:weed::weed::weed:
Nice pics, cheers for that. I've only just started and I already can't wait for harvest!!!
Being that I'm in NZ, we only have locally mixed soils (ie not fox farm etc), here's what I've got:
It says it does contain nutes, but being that they are released over 3 - 9 months, I wouldn't imagine they'd be very strong. Or will my plants suck them up extra quick?
Nice pics, cheers for that. I've only just started and I already can't wait for harvest!!!
Being that I'm in NZ, we only have locally mixed soils (ie not fox farm etc), here's what I've got:
It says it does contain nutes, but being that they are rele

Leased over 3 - 9 months, I wouldn't imagine they'd be very strong. Or will my plants suck them up extra quick?

Johnny makes a good point if it already has nutes then wait a week or two and then start at 1/4 strength and work ur way up over a few feeds don't wanna burn ur babies, also is the soil mix your reporting into the same mix as they started in? Always good to if you can reduces the transplant shock, not a must but good if you can..,



Active Member
Johnny makes a good point if it already has nutes then wait a week or two and then start at 1/4 strength and work ur way up over a few feeds don't wanna burn ur babies, also is the soil mix your reporting into the same mix as they started in? Always good to if you can reduces the transplant shock, not a must but good if you can..,

They're in seed raising mix at the moment, I've still got a fair bit of it left, so I was thinking I might mix that in with the top half of the potting mix to help ease it in. What do you reckon? Cheers to everyone for the feedback


Well-Known Member
What type of soil are you using? If you have fox farm or roots organics they have nutrients in them already so you don't have to feed the plants for the first 3 weeks. If your going to transplant them wait about 2 weeks after you transplant to feed them. I just got done with a Strawberry Blue grow and I got almost 4oz of one plant. Pretty good smoke.:weed::weed::weed:

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how long you veg? what wattage?


Active Member
Good work man. Get those things into some way bigger pots and you'll be happy you did. I'm actually growing Strawberry Blues in fabric shopping bags as a ghetto version of smart pots. working like a charm so far.

here's the link to my grow:
Lookin good man, I'm subbed. Will be good to keep an eye on a grow a couple steps ahead of mine so I know what to expect.
Keep up the good work bro, power on
They're in seed raising mix at the moment, I've still got a fair bit of it left, so I was thinking I might mix that in with the top half of the potting mix to help ease it in. What do you reckon? Cheers to everyone for the feedback
Should be ok without it but might be good to put around 20% perlite in to help with drainage though