THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow


Active Member
You've done a really good job man especially with that light set up. What are those closet dimensions, and did you happen to measure how wide your bomb got? Also, I've heard bomb doesn't stink up too bad is that so? If you can't tell Ive just made an order lol ;) although that SB looks really great.

Cheers bro. My closet is 1.15m x 0.55m, with about 1.6m of usable height (and plus there are some shelves that cut that space down a bit). My bomb's still going, and it's as wide as the closet (so about 2ft), but you may have noticed that I'm growing it a lot squatter than most. As for smell, I don't have much experience, but it put out much less smell than the SB, and the smell was certainly manageable.


Active Member
Grrrr... I just realized I can't make qwiso hash, coz there are restrictions on buying isopropyl alcohol in nz due to our big drug scene, so you'd struggle to buy more than 100mL.
Anyone in NZ got tips on where I could get about a litre of it without questioning?

My main question is, after QWISO, what would be the next easiest/ cheapest method to make some hash?
Hey man you can also use butane that refills lighters to make the hash wax, or you can just use some bubble bags and make bubble hash all you need for that is ice water and the bags you can order online or make your own just using different micron screens.


Active Member
yea, not too keen on the butane. I'll keep lookin for some iso, but if i cant find any, I'll probably make some cold wash via hashmouf's tutorial over on grass city (saves me buying bags/ screens)


Active Member
OK, just chopped down the thc bomb. Similar yeild to the SB, maybe even a bit more. Dry weight of SB was 24g, so I'd guess I'll have about an oz of bomb. Which I'm very happy about. I'm high right now on thc bomb scissor hash (which i got a nice little ball of) and i can say that it's some serious shit. Cant wait to smoke it properly. Pic and maybe more details to come.

Also, I have a similar amount (about 2oz total) of some nice looking trim. Can't wait to try my hand at hash making (probably going with hasmouf's cold water hash technique at this stage), and hopefully ill get a few g's outta that



Active Member
Silly rollitup wont let me upload pics right now, i'll try again tomorrow. Cheers for the link, similar to what i was planning on doing, but doesnt require coffee filters, so even easier. Good stuff. And very nice yeild in the vid too. 15%!!! Also, awesome music on the vid :D


Well-Known Member
Haha I know I busted out laughing the first time I watched it, but that kiwi sized hash ball at the end shut me up :D


Active Member
Woops, lost track of time. Heres a pic of the bomb when it was just cut. Gonna try making some cold water hash tomorrow, wish me luck



Active Member
Started makin my hash today. Here's where it's at:

Now I just gotta wait for it to settle, and go from there. I'll finish tomorrow night probably, and let you know how it goes. hopefully I can collect a couple g's out of it!!

Also, I ended up with 1oz of high quality trim to work with. Not 2oz like I initially thought. Fuck knows where I got that figure from.


Active Member
I should probably get round to doin a quick report:

If you have the ability to handle EXTREME smell, then do grow Strawberry Blue. It was an interesting, successful grow, and the smoke is amazing. You can smell it through my whole house when i open the jar. It smells kinda like fruit loops to me, but more lemony and berry'y. The smoke is a similar flavour, really interesting, and nice and smooth. The high is strong, quite heady and up, and makes me active. But also makes me sleep really nicely too if i have some before bed. It's quite a slow rising high, gotta give it a few minutes, which i like. Munchies, but I always get munchies :P

The THC bomb's smell was very easy to manage once the SB was cut down. But the high of THC bomb is intense and immediate. I can feel it in my head before i even exhale. This is some seriously strong weed. Gives a head buzz while still being stony, couchlocky. All round high. I wouldn't say it helps me sleep, it helps me black out. I say this because i dont even make it to bed before im asleep. The smoke tastes kind of like dirt, with a hint of chemicaliness and skunk. but in a good way. its quite harsh, but no problem through water.


Well-Known Member
Got here the feminized Berry, THC, SLH, and LSD from seed (1 of each) and they are now entering day 2 of their 3rd week of veg and so far I'm impressed. I've got them on a solid homemade aeroponic system doing 15 minutes on and 30 minutes off with a 400W HPS light doing 18hrs on and 6hrs off at about 18" away from the top (horizontal) attached to a hammered light-reflector. Though no fans nor Co2, these meds are not enclosed in a closet nor confided in a tight space. Based on the hand test, the temp feels like tropical hotness but not too much as to burn.

I've been using advanced nutrients' Micro, Grow, Bloom, B52, and Overdrive, and also adding canna rhizotonic and cannazym to the mix.
Here's my nutrients input for a 3-week vegetative cycle:
during the first two weeks I use Rhizotonic as directed and 2mL of Overdrive per L in my reservoir;
then for each week of the 3 weeks of veg, I use:
B-52 at 2mL per L;
Micro at 5mL per L;
Grow at 4mL per L;
Bloom at 4.5mL per L.

As far as the flowering cycle, I am planning on using:
Cannazhym as directed for each week;
Micro at 4mL per L foe each wk;
Grow at 4mL/L the 1st wk then 4.5mL the 2nd wk, and 5mL for each wk after that;
Bloom at 4mL/L duringn the first half of the flowering cycle, then increasing to 5mL/L for each wk after that;
Rhizotonic as directed for the first 2 wks only;
Overdrive at 2mL/L the 1st wk and the last 2 wks only;
and B52 at 2mL/L from the 3rd wk until the beggining of flushing;
I am planning on doing a flushing with nothing but tap water for one week right before harvest.

I've topped them using uncle Ben's technique (Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas) and got the four main colas/kolas. I've also been taking two clones out of each one of them on day 1 of week 2. They've been growing so fast that I've topped them again to let 4 more main kolas for each of the 4 initial main kolas on day 1 of week 3.

They are growing so fast! I've never seen anything like it. Actually, it's my first time growing and I'm not smoking anything until they are ready to smoke! It's a peaceful hobby and taking care of plants heals me in a way. Needless to say, I'm excited about this growth!
The characteristics about these strains were particularly attractive to me when I had to choose a strain. For me it was the yield to thc % ratio and with a fruity or candy taste apparently.

I am new to this site, and would welcome anyone with some help, tips or advice to get me on the right track with the advanced care of plants or other things such as friendship, journal entries, good references, etc. Feel free to holla at me. Peace!