THC E-juice


So, i buy this stuff from a local dispensary called Liquid Sunshine. I suspected it to be shatter mixed with VG so i heated up some VG double broiler style and added the shatter. I quickly learned that shatter and VG DONT mix and seperate automatically. This turned my shatter into a gooey ball. The stuff i get from the dispensary to vape is a golden brown color and is real thick (like i can hold it upside down and it not move for awhile). Does anyone know what this mixture could be and how i could make it?
Theres a product called EJ-Mix made by Liquidizer that is a mix of PG and PEG at a few different molecular weights that can handle being in stable suspension with concentrates. I was exposed to a similar mystery liquid in a disposable oil vaporizer cartridge that I decided I absolutely had to reverse engineer. Both EJ-Mix and the disposable 510 thread o pen or v stick cartridges are on Ebay. I have used EJ-Mix with great success; it is the shit to be able to bang a rip from what looks exactly like an ecig. Its a little expensive but a little bit goes a long way; you can make it pretty heavily diluted for a more normal hit or you can push it to the barely diluted point where it flows freely enough to hit through an ecig rig and kick like a mule. Good luck..
Yea shatter works well and no its not that thick. Basically you heat the concentrate until its runny and add the EJ-Mix at your own discretion mix and keep heated for like 5 minutes until it looks homogeneous and then cool and load whatever rig you want. The cartridges i was referring to work well because eventually the element will gum up but not for a good while. It takes roughly the same volume of EJ-Mix to concentrate at the minimum to have something that wont gum up the element of whatever rig your using but like I said you can push that as far as you want.
actually the rig they sold me with the liquid sunshine looks EXACTLY like an o pen. the stuff I got for it though comes in a syringe and is real thick like syrup. like I can hold the pen upside down and it takes a while to move. do u think this is the stuff I'm looking for? also what does this taste like? the stuff I'm getting kinda has a citrus taste. also I can't find the ej mix on ebay. can u direct me?

Heres a thread where some folks discuss it; according to them it tastes like shit but I do not agree. I will say it has a taste but its not citrus; they probably add that in for some definition of their product vs anyone elses and actually its not a bad idea. Look for it on Amazon it seems nobodys got it on ebay atm sorry. I mean if you want to take shatter and mix it with something to where it will stay mixed and flow through an ecig EJMix is definately what you want. As far as flavor you may need to add something like a 0mg ejuice or other flavoring but i personally dont find the taste offensive.
And the Open rig they sold you is CHEAP the cartridge itself is considered disposable so I wouldnt re use it once youve cleared it. They are nice from a containment point of view - ive had all kinds of other shit leak on me but not those so they do have their positives.
Yea that should accept the 510 thread bit you have to be careful with the variable voltage mods or batteries cause the higher voltages will burn those shitty open cartridges up if youre not careful. I always hit mine on the lowest setting or on a set voltage battery. I think the ratio is 1ml of ejmix to 1g of concentrate according to the bottle but i would cut it a little harder personally and do like 1.5ml per gram at least if not more. Even at that dilution i would consider it pretty strong but thats all preference.
Yea its slower than straight ejuice would be for sure in fact its pretty thick but not as thick as syrup. Again you can make it as thick or thin as you want really.
I was able to mic shatter with some straight pg and it doesn't seem to be seperating but doesn't taste sweet like dispensary stuff and gives me a headache
Personally I like the portability and the in line design. Ive tried a bunch of other tanks but they all eventually leak or flood out on me. That and i guess I like it because its the same presentation as the cartridges that introduced us both to this concept so someone else probably went through the trouble to narrow the field to this option.
Yea sounds like it might still be too thick maybe burning your coil giving you a headache. Ive heard of people getting a good mix like that but it separated a few days or weeks later. That sweet taste is probably citrus extract that the manufacturer added for retail appeal.
Yea same results as long as the crumble melts completely. I would say a 1ml lasts me at least 2 weeks, for a heavy user maybe 3 days? Once again all depends on dilution and personal pref.
so u say 1g of bho i would mix with 1ml ej-mix. if I decide to get flavor how much flavor would you add to that mix? like a drop?