THC OIl/Liquid for E-Pen/CIG


Well-Known Member
Anyone getting this? I may be a bit behind on e pen/cig, but wanted to know if anyone out there is medicating this way? Im very interested in it and unfortunately dont know how to do it or get it. I live in a non Med state (TX)


New Member
seems that you need to mix the BHO with to much other shit in order for it to be smokeable, that its not even healthy anymore.

also, seems to be very expensive... even BHO on the TI nail gets expensive as a daily thing... its even less efficient in the pens making it for a pricey habit.. but I guess if its medicine and saving your life there is no price on that :roll:


Supposedly soaking your product in vegetable glycerin for at least a week in the dark (longer the better) the glycerin will extract the thc. After straining the glycerin You then need to cut it with propylene glycol because vegetable glycerin is too thick for your atomizer, most people do a 50/50 ratio of that is suitable for your atomizer (pen tip).

You have to realize that this stuff your mixing it with has all kinds of crap that we don't know (well I don't know) what will happen to us in the long run. Also the potency from what I heard leaves you sucking on a lot of vapor to stay medicated.

Delta9 vapes has pens you can put straight bho in without any extra additives


New Member
too thick and clogs everything up and ruins it I believe. it needs to be thinned down so its like water consistency. also I think there does need to be a certain water content or something else other than BHO for it to properly make the vapor (water vapor or something). I dont know.


I have a gentlemans brand ambassador kit. It comes with a smaller e-cig sized pen and a larger style one. I'm pretty sure they say they are for vaping concentrates...


New Member
I think we might have, but honestly, im not much of a pen or vaper guy so I probably didnt care about it too much. thatg necklace looks familiar and it does kinda tempt me and make me wanna try it.

I just have a few buddies that have started using these pens, and are mixig it 50:50 with ISO so its thin enough to smoke, or 3:1 with 66% BHO and 33% ISO to make it thin so it kinda just got me concerned is all. I dont think id ever buy one... not without testing one first. have tried vaporizers twice in my life and wasnt impressed either time. so ill stick to my nail and BHO... once that gets old, I think im finally gonna quit so I dont have to keep cheating and stressing on piss tests and get a real job with a solid company that treats ya like gold :)


Well-Known Member
Whoa, yea that's not cool man. Tell your friends to quit that shit. Basically inhaling iso vapors. Aren't you supposed to use peg 400 or similar? Ive never used an ecig nor do I know anything about them. But I'm fairly sure your supposed to use glycerin cool..from my 30 second Google vegetable glycerin is runnier..might be best

But yea their gonna go deaf or blind maybe not at those levels but still, that's not good for you


New Member
I know its not cool at all!!!!!!!!. I posted about their mix in another thread... its something like 50% VG. 25% iso and 25% BHO. pretty sad mix. I had a hoot and it made me feel 50 lbs lighter, like I was floating. it was fucking weird and pretty sure it wasnt the BHO doing that.

I gave them everclear to start thinning it down with, but they definitely need to do something better. they are able to smoke it at work, so theyre puffing on these things 24 fuckin 7. they also make huge bucks so refilling them every night isnt a concern, so theyre going through loads of it. im trying to help them here but I dont know anything about the pens, but I do know that vaping ISO, and everclear for that matter, cant be good.


Active Member
The pens are good for on the go and ninja type shit. No wind, no smoke, little to no smell that disapates quickly. I use a nail at my home but on the go... Micro G all the way,


Micro G works great for me. Best med delivery system I have found yet. Now I just need to perfect my bho technique. Lol


Well-Known Member
Although these are better, healthier ways to smoke, you guys are all of thread topic!

If you have seen e -juice, you will find it had a consistency of tomato juice, colors vary...

But! G , micro, trippy sticks, they all take concentrate, not thc oil juice.

E cigs are cheap, filling e cig type cartridges require a certain consistency..

What kind of healthy solutions can we thin down hash oil with, can we vape it,?


Active Member
If you can vape organic coconut oil then you can but ugh... coconuts... I make grey wolf's holy shit sub-lingual oil and it's fantastic done with coconut oil. I don't see why it wouldn't ejuice except for the off taste. Why not just get an extra pen that's suited for the job. I know if there was thc ejuice i would definitely try it but I too would never thin with alcohol, won't your pen blow up?


Well-Known Member
Lol. Pens ain't blowing up. My mix that works so far uses about 35% vg & ever clear, 65% hash oil... it smokes really well. I may try the organic coconut oil scenario.

The smell is different with these juices. That's also another good perk. Didn't smell like a dab pen. Bar worthy


Well-Known Member
I've got a guy that cooks my bud down for me (literally melts the shit right off) and I mix it with whatever flavor vape juice I choose (or not at all) there's quite a variety of tanks available these days...those little ecig pens are crap! Check out Vape Dojo online...their juice is legite...