THC The Cure All Drug!


Active Member
There is a substance out there that HAS BEEN PROVEN to cure Cancer and many other illnesses that the government does not want you to know about! Why is that you ask? Because it is all natural and can not be patented, meaning there is no money to be made by the major Pharmaceutical companies. Now some of you may doubt the research and facts even after you watch this video and others on this site have know about it for a long time. This video is great, it has proof of results and it shows you how to make medicinal grade THC oil. If you have ANY doubt whatsoever ask yourself this, would your thoughts change if you or a loved one was diagnosed with Cancer or any other terminal illness? Before you decide to flame this blog do your own research on the topic if at all to prevent you from looking like a fool. I would recommend that you download the video, if you are pressed for hard drive space you can always delete it after.

Run from the Cure, the Rick Simpson Story


Well-Known Member
im not sure too many people would flame this. we pretty well all understand the multiple benefits of the cannabis plant. its my cure all. i smoke it to help with all kinds of things. i think that legalization would be fantastic for us...not so good for the people in charge...hence it being illegal. but one day...hopefully in my lifetime...we can free the weed!


Well-Known Member
I would not call THC the "cure all" or a perfect drug. I have seen people go down the wrong path cause they were using weed to get rid of all their problems. Some people can not use the drug wisely and it CAN be bad. But in moderation or if used wisely it can be one of the greatest things on earth.


Well-Known Member
I have to throw you a +rep raeman1990 for that highly intelligent post which almost couldn't have been said better.


stays relevant.
I don't think it's a cure for everything, but it can relieve pain and stress and nausea for some.


Active Member
Naturally, every medicine has to be used responsibly. I just posted a link to the video to show that it has been used to cure many types on cancer and diabetes. We all know what marijuana can do for pain and nausea, I was merely letting people know that it can be used for many more than those things.


Well-Known Member
too bad we all live in a country of self-righteous fundementalist, closed-minded bastards who still think that cannabis makes you want to go shoot up a school