thc vape temp


Well-Known Member
just got a natural goods vaporizer digital. what temp does thc vaporize? 375 F apx is what i have seemed to find. any input from people who use them? i know there may be a better area for this but i didnt see a better place.


Active Member
Hey dude,

I got a vap recently too, and well the temperature is gonna burn different toxins so it's quite important. Although I'm no expert, what I found from a little research is that over 400 you're starting to burn more than just thc, so I personally keep it around 390 but its really a personnal prefference thing. A lot of peeps seem to burn it lower than that though, so test it out and find your magic spot! :hump:


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot!! i figured i can play with it a little bit. i definitely want to reduce the amount of smoke for health reasons..


Active Member
i let mine warm up the light gos out and done and thats at 325. i turn it up about half way through the bowl to about 340 but never past 350 no point.