

Well-Known Member
that one dude in the olymics that lost his medal cause they said weed was a performance enhansing (spl?) drug.. he was a snoeboarder from usa or canada?

and you know ricky williams still smokes. he only came back to the nfl because he found a way to pass their test and make more money to smoke. when he quit the dolphins the first time he moved to california and lived in a one room apt with nothing but books. all he did was smoke and read. now all he does is smoke, read, play football, pass piss tests...


Active Member
[quote="SICC";1704399]its medicine, how can weed harm you?[/quote]

You can OD on medically prescribed drugs...


Active Member
If they piss test you (and for that and not roids or coke) then thats bad. Other then that, the pot might help you with pain of weight training, fatigue, and help you "forget" what your doing. Which would be good for me cuz i hate running.


Well-Known Member
im'e 39 now...hav'nt run since i was 7 !!! roll on the invention of the strap on hover arse !! thats wot i say


Well-Known Member
or just get a car m8? lol

On that note woke up the other day for work and seen all the snow i was like the opposite of everyone else getting up for work and was very exited about driving me car in the snow love to handbreak ya no...cut a long storey shot i smashed my back wheel in, bent the fuker! cost me about 50 quid out of my wage to fix, no more fuking about in the snow for me lol


Well-Known Member
I ran my first two years of college before I began traveling abroad and blazed the whole time. I wasn't a scholarship runner, but I was our third man (at a really small school keep in mind). I smoked every single night after my homework was done and felt no effects whatsoever. I could have trained harder and been better, but I had other priorities. Also, my college couldn't drug test me and I'm pretty sure it would never happen even if you were a scholarship athlete, so you're fine. Puff away my man...

Come to think of it, my favorite highs were when I smoked right after a competitive run. I would run, smoke, sleep, and smoke some more...


Well-Known Member
Does THC affect running at all... I am planning on joining my college track team and i was wondering if it affects my muscle memory or something..
When your smoking a big fatty take a hit and blow that
hit through a paper towel or piece of toilet paper.
Now think...Thats what didn't get stuck to your lungs.

Get a vaporizer, a good one.
Tell your parents you need it for college....LMAO
But anyway you don't get any of that crap from a vaporizer.

well THC affect your muscles, no
THC gets stored in your fat, atleast some of it, some get broken down right away.
if your skinny then it's goes through your system relatively quick.


Active Member
i worked out since 7th grade, graduated like 155, started smokin bud and working out and weight 180 max, also alot faster, but could just be puberty lol


Well-Known Member
I started running in college and have run three marathons and I lost track of how many half marathons. I have been smoking pot all along. In the summer I go a couple times a week to a park in the woods to run and if I'm holding, I'm blazing before my run. Getting lifted, putting on the ipod, and going for a run is one of my all time favorite things. The only thing that is different for me is the perceived exertion. Sometimes it will feel like I just ran 6 minute miles but when I check my watch they're really like 7:15 miles.


Active Member
I'm a runner. I smoke approx 1/2 my training runs. Adds a little bit of excitement plus more enjoyment from the iPod. Also eases the pain of the long runs. I don't do it before a race because I tend to lose my focus (surprise!), but on hills, stairs and intervals it's almost a given at this point.


Well-Known Member
Spicolli, we need to run together! I don't know anybody else who blazes regularly and knows what a fartlek is.


Active Member
nope i run track and smoke weed as long as u arent smoking cigarettes that will fuck u up in track and also dont smoke as often as you normally would


Well-Known Member
Doesnt marijuana opens out airways, thus making it easier to breath in oxygen. I lift weights why high, only sativas tho i gotta keep moving with almost pure sativas or i get paranoid.


Active Member
Spicolli, we need to run together! I don't know anybody else who blazes regularly and knows what a fartlek is.
You're on, get to the Rockies and head north, I'll meet you there.

Are you as surprised as me that there were no "fart lick" comments?