And you guys are going to know this going into a dispensary like the op was asking? Can you explain to us the exact combination of cannabinoids and terpenes were supposed to be looking for? So like picture charts that your using or what ever your getting this combination from. So we can know.

I can't explain the exact combination to look for because as was mentioned earlier each one of us is different (brain chemistry) so no two people will get the exact same effect from a given strain.

I found this link pretty interesting if you want to dive in to the various terpenes and their therapeutic properties...
But wait, everyone else is saying what really matters is cannabinoids and terpenes in some combination. Not THC%.

Cannabinoids ARE terpenes lol...
This link might help. though if you're smart enough, terpenes and terpenoids are not necessarily the same, the terms are used very interchangeably. I can't tell you which are which personally.
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A lot of the higher thc percent strains deliver a quick hard hitting buzz without much complexity. Not much duration to the high and not that fun.

Still, if the thc percent is less than 10% or somewhere around that it might be weak.
A lot of the higher thc percent strains deliver a quick hard hitting buzz without much complexity. Not much duration to the high and not that fun.

Still, if the thc percent is less than 10% or somewhere around that it might be weak.
Is this science or your opinion? What do you mean by complexity? Also when searching for meds, Other then THC% can you give us some insite on what to look for.
If you cut a whole plant at once dry it and cure it some parts will have different thc levels than others. So unless every part of the plant is tested on every batch they get not one test would be completely accurate. Thc % is a selling point that's it. If you need real high thc smoke hash.
If you cut a whole plant at once dry it and cure it some parts will have different thc levels than others. So unless every part of the plant is tested on every batch they get not one test would be completely accurate. Thc % is a selling point that's it. If you need real high thc smoke hash.
I think your wrong. No disrespect. Im having a hard time believing this. Im willing to bet you that 75% of the gardening members on this site that have never had their meds tested would be shocked to know how really good their cannabis is based on THC%. Its the same thing with hash/oil, only on higher percentages.
Consider this; resin is only about 70% THC at best. So for weed to be 20% THC it would have to be about 30% resin. Hash itself is about that much resin, and it's almost pure trichomes. Obviously, it's impossible for bud and hash to be the same resin content, since bud contains a lot more than just trichomes.

I've made putty type black hash by extracting the resin from buds with acetone and mixing it with some finely powdered bud, as much as was possible to mix in and the hash still be kneadable. I consistently got a yield of right around 25% of the starting bud weight. BTW, to make black hash you need to extract the resin with acetone because butane or other non-polar solvents produce a resin which will crystallize, or polymerize or something, into a waxy substance which crumbles like fudge instead of being pliable. When you first make it, it will be pliable and normal but after a day or two of sitting it will transform into worthless wax-hash. Well, not worthless but inconvenient to handle because it falls apart.

So point being, if bud is only 25% black hash then if bud was 20% THC then black hash would be 80% THC, which obviously it is not. Black hash is usually 1/3rd resin or less. If that resin is 70% THC then the hash must be 1/3rd of that; about 23% THC. So bud must actually be 1/4 of that, about 6%.

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I have just proven mathematically that bud is really only 6, maybe 7% THC tops, to be generous. Oddly, that tallies with figures I read in a scientific journal from the 70s about Cannabis, which found that the most potent strains were Thai and certain Mexicans at 7%. That was the highest levels they found. Most were more like 3-5%. Now I ask you, could weed magically get 3x as potent since the 70s?
Is this science or your opinion? What do you mean by complexity? Also when searching for meds, Other then THC% can you give us some insite on what to look for.

Just my opinion but shared by a quite a few. Complexity... maybe interesting or just fun would be better stated. I can not give any advice on percents of things but terpenes are important. 41b61fcd0e77654fb5082891d99d7bc0.jpg
Consider this; resin is only about 70% THC at best. So for weed to be 20% THC it would have to be about 30% resin. Hash itself is about that much resin, and it's almost pure trichomes. Obviously, it's impossible for bud and hash to be the same resin content, since bud contains a lot more than just trichomes.

I've made putty type black hash by extracting the resin from buds with acetone and mixing it with some finely powdered bud, as much as was possible to mix in and the hash still be kneadable. I consistently got a yield of right around 25% of the starting bud weight. BTW, to make black hash you need to extract the resin with acetone because butane or other non-polar solvents produce a resin which will crystallize, or polymerize or something, into a waxy substance which crumbles like fudge instead of being pliable. When you first make it, it will be pliable and normal but after a day or two of sitting it will transform into worthless wax-hash. Well, not worthless but inconvenient to handle because it falls apart.

So point being, if bud is only 25% black hash then if bud was 20% THC then black hash would be 80% THC, which obviously it is not. Black hash is usually 1/3rd resin or less. If that resin is 70% THC then the hash must be 1/3rd of that; about 23% THC. So bud must actually be 1/4 of that, about 6%.

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I have just proven mathematically that bud is really only 6, maybe 7% THC tops, to be generous. Oddly, that tallies with figures I read in a scientific journal from the 70s about Cannabis, which found that the most potent strains were Thai and certain Mexicans at 7%. That was the highest levels they found. Most were more like 3-5%. Now I ask you, could weed magically get 3x as potent since the 70s?

Here's an article talking about a recent study from CO that says that potency "has increased by a factor of three...." It's not magic just genetic modification through selective breeding.
There's info. out there on terpenes, here's a little to start with...

Myrcene is reported to allow more thc to pass thru cell walls by affecting the permeability etc.

Terpineol is claimed to reduce mobility in lab rats by about if you want your lab rats to get couch locked, give 'em some weed loaded with terpineol.

Pinene has the ability to increase mental focus and memory.

Other terpenes can do other things in addition to adding their own distinctive smells etc.

Okay kids schools out, now go smoke some dope!
I can't explain the exact combination to look for because as was mentioned earlier each one of us is different (brain chemistry) so no two people will get the exact same effect from a given strain.

I found this link pretty interesting if you want to dive in to the various terpenes and their therapeutic properties...

Thanks for the link. Terpenes are an interesting study.

Sort of along those lines...some people have posited that each of us can build a tolerance to particular kinds of weed.

For people that consume cannabis often that can be a problem if you still like a good buzz. A "friend" often makes joint mixes with many different kinds of weeds in each and it seems to extend the ability for veteran tokers to get a buzz when they might normally have hit their own personal weed tolerance wall.
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Here's an article talking about a recent study from CO that says that potency "has increased by a factor of three...." It's not magic just genetic modification through selective breeding.
I don't buy it. The Colombian Gold and Thai in the 80s was as potent as any modern strain I've tried yet, and it was seeded. And how is Kush specially bred for potency when it's a landrace? Afghani/Kush didn't suddenly change into a super-strain 3x normal potency. Something weird's going on. There's a conspiracy to make the world think weed is now super-potent when in fact it's still the same old shit.
I don't buy it. The Colombian Gold and Thai in the 80s was as potent as any modern strain I've tried yet, and it was seeded. And how is Kush specially bred for potency when it's a landrace? Afghani/Kush didn't suddenly change into a super-strain 3x normal potency. Something weird's going on. There's a conspiracy to make the world think weed is now super-potent when in fact it's still the same old shit.
Just a lot of new smokers....thats all it is.
a legit breeder once told me....
everything we got today was from the handful of breeders/companies back when this first started...
I don't buy it. The Colombian Gold and Thai in the 80s was as potent as any modern strain I've tried yet, and it was seeded. And how is Kush specially bred for potency when it's a landrace? Afghani/Kush didn't suddenly change into a super-strain 3x normal potency. Something weird's going on. There's a conspiracy to make the world think weed is now super-potent when in fact it's still the same old shit.
I think your wrong. No disrespect. Im having a hard time believing this. Im willing to bet you that 75% of the gardening members on this site that have never had their meds tested would be shocked to know how really good their cannabis is based on THC%. Its the same thing with hash/oil, only on higher percentages.
I'm just saying the testing is flawed. So the % just becomes a selling point not an actual measure. If you did a whole plant average rather than choice nugs the percentage would be a lot lower. For a new consumer I think it is a great tool for purchase. I just don't believe in the testings accuracy you might have some buds at 22% but not all. I would love to know what my genetics % is just for curiosity but no labs by me.
I'm just saying the testing is flawed. So the % just becomes a selling point not an actual measure. If you did a whole plant average rather than choice nugs the percentage would be a lot lower. For a new consumer I think it is a great tool for purchase. I just don't believe in the testings accuracy you might have some buds at 22% but not all. I would love to know what my genetics % is just for curiosity but no labs by me.

Agreed. On top of that, the numbers can be manipulated. Thc % is measured as a percentage of the total weight of the sample that is being tested. So, if you dry the shit out of your sample you will artificially inflate the number. Same thing for really airy, leafy bud. There is more surface area and less weight with fluffy bud, so that would test higher than a really dense nugget.
I don't buy it. The Colombian Gold and Thai in the 80s was as potent as any modern strain I've tried yet, and it was seeded. And how is Kush specially bred for potency when it's a landrace? Afghani/Kush didn't suddenly change into a super-strain 3x normal potency. Something weird's going on. There's a conspiracy to make the world think weed is now super-potent when in fact it's still the same old shit.
A lot of lower THC landrace strains will get you higher than some high THC strains... I can judge potency pretty good by smell. I have had weed covered in trichomes that wasn't all that, but never had a skunky aromatic strain let me down. Inbreeding and backcrossing do more than just diminish yield and vigor, it narrows the spectrum of tepenes when you want a broad spectrum of smells. What smells are associated with Mexican weed that makes you laugh? Sour diesel makes you giggle. Trust your nose.