the 100 dollar doobie

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Goddamn, that was so beautiful. Fdd, you truly are the man, man. What a damn legend. $100 for that doob of amazing. I can only aspire to be so dedicated to the herb.


Well-Known Member
$100 for:

4 grams of flat hash
1.2 grams of herb

give or take the minimal weight of the paper...

seems like a pretty good deal if you got a couple buddies to throw down and wanna get couch'd for the night...


Well-Known Member
That is uber hella mecha nice. I smoked a similar blunt, only the expensive part was the tony montana inside. beside some tony, there was some crumbly green hash (not the greatest) and some fine indo. $30 for hash did i read? back home (northern onatrio) people were selling sick gold seal for 110 quarter for an entire summer.