The 1000w MiracleGro Trial


Active Member
ok guys i keeped these seperate for u to look at.The pix aren't the best buy on the top of the leave these spots are first shiney than they're orange like sap then they are small holes. I've checked all over in the nodes and the underside of the leaves but I've never seen any bugs so please look at these and tell me what is causing it please.



mate your pictures on the last page they looked healthy!! has it come on slowly or just suddenly noitced it.......mine did that, the later suddenly noticed it but it grew through it........i thought it was just the miraclegro but has cleared up now.......i think for the age they are strugling with the gro!......but as soon as they are used to it as mg is acidic, they should start to make the new leaves come through nicely. do a quick ph test to test the soil.

built a new small grow room over the week end......they are all over a ft now.......

what i would suggest is measure height and width every day at the same time. they should grow at least 1cm each way a day so monitor it for a week.....then youll be able to see if it was the plant having a nightmare or a serious problem. always measure from the top of the pot for height as its stable.




Active Member
well thank you both for writing back on this issue and I believe that you are both right. No bugs, just over fert. As far as growth is concerned as you can see they are growing fast. Both strains are pure indica so as you know they grow fuller and wider than vertically.But with that being said they are all between 11"- 12" in hieght and today is offically 3 weeks in veg. This is by far not my first grow, but it is with MG, so when I saw this and have never seen it before, I stressed.I'll continue to keep my eye on it and as you said hopefully it clears up.How old where your Kids, GIANTGREEN, when you had this issue and how long did it last?here is some pix for size comparison. PIX 3 and 4 are the same plant from 2 weeks(3) and 3 weeks(4).Let me know what you think.



Well-Known Member
well thank you both for writing back on this issue and I believe that you are both right. No bugs, just over fert. As far as growth is concerned as you can see they are growing fast. Both strains are pure indica so as you know they grow fuller and wider than vertically.But with that being said they are all between 11"- 12" in hieght and today is offically 3 weeks in veg. This is by far not my first grow, but it is with MG, so when I saw this and have never seen it before, I stressed.I'll continue to keep my eye on it and as you said hopefully it clears up.How old where your Kids, GIANTGREEN, when you had this issue and how long did it last?here is some pix for size comparison. PIX 3 and 4 are the same plant from 2 weeks(3) and 3 weeks(4).Let me know what you think.

I likey...looking good man. Bushy bitches for sure dude.


mate they are looking good........fp. nice and bushy!!

errr once the excess ferts have gone i would say around 1-2 weeks for it to completely go......if it does........a couple of my leaves havn't changed back....THIS IS NO PROBLEM!............leaves die all the time and the tips can droop to give the leaves below more light. If the top new leaves that are coming through still are going the yellow shade, reduce ferts again. remember that new compost will have enough nutes. some people i know who grow dont use ferts until flowering.

actually i have some pics from 3 weeks veg which might help you they'll be below. but as your growing under under 250w hps. so your's will be alot bushier as the light penetration for the lower leaves will be greater. As you say its an indica plant so it will be bushy naturally and under 1000w it will be wide!!! lol. so dont judge the plant by its height for reaching maturity. just wait for the white hairs

the first 2 pictures are just under 3 weeks, and the third is how it looks now........back left.....14 inches

hope this is of help




im defo not a mg hater! to carry on with the test i have decided to grow 5 jack herer x white widow 5 dame blanche 1 red dragon and 1 autoflowering blueberry. how ever this time i am using premium compost, special mix soil with Ionic Boost and Hy-pro bio which are two nutrients you can use from seed to 2 weeks before harvest. I have grown these seeds before in the MG medium so would be good to see the taste and size differences.

MS sorry to put so many posts on ur thread!!! your plants look good man and i hope those pictures will reassure you that your plants are fine!
