I've heard of that light cycling before, but I don't know much about it.
I see a couple things wrong with this. For one, it seems like the plants would get about the same amount of light over a given period of time, so I'm not sure what the point is of flipping the lights on and off constantly? The plants grow the most (especially in flowering) during the light cycle, so why would you limit it like that?
The other thing I see wrong with this, is if you use an HID light. They use a lot of power when they first start up, so flipping it on and off more frequently would probably use more power not less. And it's not good for the light to be constantly heated up and cooled down like that. I could see it shortening the life span of a HID light.
Finally, I believe the plants only need what nature intended for them. Consistent light. I guess I'm a purist haha.
Someone else chime in about this, I too am curious if anyone on this board has actually done this, with any notable success or failure.