Ok, brand new here. Been reading Rocket's 12/12 journal and was inspired by it - a lot! Friggen awesome, dude. Anyway, this is my very first ever grow. I know I have a lot of learning to do. And I am very low budget right now. So I decided to try a few bag seeds out just to get the feel for what growing is like. Don't want to invest too much money into this until I feel like I know what I'm doing. Anyway, I'm on day 34 of a 12/12. I started with 5 seeds. 3 of them germed. One turned male on day 28 so he's gone. Now left with two ladies on day 34. Since they are random bag seed, I know they are diff strains and gonna grow way different. And that has proven true. Number one girl (which is named "mid" because she was always in the middle size-wise until after the tall one was pulled for being a boy) stayed a few inches taller than the number two female for the first month, but in the last week number two (tiny underdog, as i call her) has stretched and grown to be nearly double the height of number one! One is 7.5 inches, two is 13 inches.
This morning, after reading more of Rocket's journal, I made sure the tops of both of them are even height-wise. So, hopefully that will help.
I'm adding a couple pics. One of each girl. Now, don;t laugh, ok? I know I'm new and clueless!! This is more or less just an experiment to see if I COULD do it and what it might be like, yk? Anyway, here are my tiny girls on day 34.