The 12-12 From Seed Thread

@ jimmy what strain are you growing, they look sick. im looking for a low maintenance girl to grow. plus imm deff gonna try 12/12 from seed. u guys convinced me.
Them pad things are pretty cool, I'll give u that. There is an easy to use software called fruity loop. U can download a torrent. It gives you drum loops,base loops and sound effects you could play along with and record(great fun) or you could just play along to a CD
even the bloody freaks look good to me have to many girls.......should be a law against it............

Yeah the baby freaks should be a good smoke, just not much of it lol. Only show half my girls, but cutting numbers back now too much bloody work. Been thinking how im gonna run this op, with 3 600s ill prob have one for my 12/12 girls and the other 2 for plants that have been vegged. That still leaves 3 cabs which are vacant, one ill turn into a mother/clone cab and the other 2 prob 12/12 from clone sog grows, who knows.
@ jimmy what strain are you growing, they look sick. im looking for a low maintenance girl to grow. plus imm deff gonna try 12/12 from seed. u guys convinced me.

Those are skunk #1 from sensi seeds, a very good stable strain which ive grown shit loads over the years but never straight to 12/12 before until now.
im just a lucky grower me thinks....going to put my 400 hps back in with the 600 tonight, should make some difference.....jimmy sure does look mean thats for sure.............havent forgot, just a little slow to do things but will get there in the you pk your girls ambernooski?

jimmys girls look soso fine!
delski i use flora bloom for the begining of flowering and then i just used bloombastic alone for the last couple of weeks. how about you?
so how about taking your airpot and cutting it in half. this will cut down on vertical growth. lilindian did this said wowzer. i thought you should know, if you dont already. have a good one m8
The old saying, "If your living room is more TV than anything else.......your working class. lol I watched it on a 42". I want the big 3D aswel but the girl is not wearing it. I'll break her in time
del do you ever reuse your coco or just throw away?? and do you ignore my pm's ;) lol

no i never use coco more than once cause its so cheap, no mate soz i will reply just running slow....did write a message out then couldnt send cause me boxes were full...