The 12-12 From Seed Thread


I run a flooded tube setup, kinda nft I guess. And I ran my last round 12/12 from seed. I was happy with the results.
I Think ive seen pics of ur vert scrog. F'n killer setup. I would call flooded tube a water culture of sorts.. A varyation anyway... What do you do, flood them on timer or is it a 24 hr flow? Im not super familure with tube setups...
Ill be starting a thc bomb in a week or so to,fill my third dwc once I get these two 2 gallon hempys out of my way.
Note that I dont care for hempys ... At least not the way I did it... But my experiance is in dwc... So back to it... However I dont do 100% dwc I guess.. I just technically flower in it... They veg in adrain to waist style... But alll 12 from seed in the same tent . I will start a tutorial to share what ive learned when I fire up this thc bomb .


Did your thc bombs show gender around 20 days? My G13 Sour candys all showed arounsd 20 days... Ive been using that as a target to start my next seedlings before the lady in flower is ready for harvest.


Active Member
thanks man, she seems to be the best of the lot so far. roots have nearly filled out the new pot and she has only been in it for just over a week.........although when i was feeding last night i noticed a few yellow spots developing :-( gona have a dig around and see if I can find out what the problem is.

not sure whats up with the bubblegum either.......seems to be droopier by the day.


Active Member
any ideas when i can expect these to show sex? they were all fem'd seeds so fingers crossed they will all be ladies.

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
something else to worry about lol......hope these yellow spots dont get worse. Think it may be a mg def
A few of the lower leaves on mine have started to turn yellow. But i think thats because i have neglected it a bit but will start looking after it a bit better from now on. Use epsom salts to sort out the mg def, 1tea spoon per gallon is what i use but i saw something else saying 2 tea spoons per gallon. Ive grown loads of fems and never had a real hermi yet(touch wood) i found about 8 seeds in a 6oz of Vanilla kush.


as far as yellowing of more mature fan leaves... i had a sour candy that started looking yellow on the older fan leaves... i gave it a epsom salt boost and that helped some... but i found that the big problem was that i had a pH lockout issue. test that runoff pH if your running drain to waist. i tested my hempys and my pH was sky high. i flushed with some heavy acid water to get the pH where I wanted it and they did a lot better... i finally realized that basically what had happened to mine was the pH lockout caused the plant to start burning its own stock supplies. kinda like a clone does right after cut. if you notice that it may be pH issues or maybe just underfeeding. I also noticed that with strait 12 from seed in perlite i was able to run a full strength nute of GH flora series Lucas formula in drain to waste. My first run at 12 from seed i tried hempy (which is not the fit for me) I started trying to feed as if i was still running a veg cycle for a few weeks... (correct me if im wrong) but you have to feed them a little more from the get go because your trying to get as much vegetative growth as quick as possible.
I would maybe suggest checking that runoff pH, check your nute level and make sure your not just under feeding, and if that doesn't work it may be time to pot up. just a friendly suggestion. I think i will go try and take a pic of my sour candys ... the hempys look like dwarfish compared to my dwc buckets lol


The first pic is a group shot. the two on outside are G13 Sour Candy in DWC buckets. the one in front in the middle is also a sour candy, but in a hempy. the one is back is a no name bag seed from some primo i got a while back. both the two in the middle bairly reach 18 inches and they have been in flower for 5 weeks friday. the two sour candy ladies on the outside just passed week 2 flower. a total life span thus far of 34 days after sprouting. one is just shy of 15 this morning and the other is well over 18". more like 20+ the two in the middle had the pH issues i was talking about. the two in dwc got a full dose of nutes drain to waste until they showed gender then they were placed in dwc and adjusted for that. the last crop i did was 4 sour candy babes in a 5 gallon dwc tub. i see no difference between the sour candy that i have now grown 12 from seed and the candy's that i did last time that got a 3 week veg period.

Hope everyone finds this entertaining :bigjoint:

I LOVE DWC!!!!!!


Active Member
thanks, its a 400w HPS. Had is sitting at around 18" from the top. Going to start with the epsom salts gota figure out why the bubblegum has wilted.


thanks, its a 400w HPS. Had is sitting at around 18" from the top. Going to start with the epsom salts gota figure out why the bubblegum has wilted.

your running coco right? how often are you watering? do they dry out completely before you water again?

also, on the epsom salt, i was told not to use it every feeding, its more like a fixer than a maintainer... i was told that if you continue to add it every feeding that it will build up salts in your medium... I use tap water... if ur using RO water it would prolly be a better idea to order some cal/mg and supplement with that cause its less likely to cause salt buildup.


Active Member
as far as yellowing of more mature fan leaves... i had a sour candy that started looking yellow on the older fan leaves... i gave it a epsom salt boost and that helped some... but i found that the big problem was that i had a pH lockout issue. test that runoff pH if your running drain to waist. i tested my hempys and my pH was sky high. i flushed with some heavy acid water to get the pH where I wanted it and they did a lot better... i finally realized that basically what had happened to mine was the pH lockout caused the plant to start burning its own stock supplies. kinda like a clone does right after cut. if you notice that it may be pH issues or maybe just underfeeding. I also noticed that with strait 12 from seed in perlite i was able to run a full strength nute of GH flora series Lucas formula in drain to waste. My first run at 12 from seed i tried hempy (which is not the fit for me) I started trying to feed as if i was still running a veg cycle for a few weeks... (correct me if im wrong) but you have to feed them a little more from the get go because your trying to get as much vegetative growth as quick as possible.
I would maybe suggest checking that runoff pH, check your nute level and make sure your not just under feeding, and if that doesn't work it may be time to pot up. just a friendly suggestion. I think i will go try and take a pic of my sour candys ... the hempys look like dwarfish compared to my dwc buckets lol
ill check the runoff again tomorrow as they were fed last night. was around 6.1 last week after potting up.............since they are now in larger pots i started watering (with feed) every other day as opposed to every day when they were in the small pots. Could this be an issue re the under feeding as they are on the full TNT dosage now?

The leaves are not yellowing all over, i found like 3 that had a few yellow specks on dying to look at them to see if there are any more but have a few hours yet until lights on. Ill get some pics up today/ tomorrow.

Thanks for all the great advice.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
if you wanted to be organic and use epsom salt and do get some salt build up a good flush should take care of that.

the wilting could be from over watering. my pots dont normally dry out all the way but i do let them dry out mostly. maybe just a little damp. to wet can lead to rootrot. coir also hold water real well.



What size pots did you go from and too... if you pot up from like a little pot to a 2 gallon pot, you may want to give it some more time between feedings while its still young. the excess moisture in the lower of the pot will not be absorbed until there are roots there to do so. i had some house plats (not mj lol) that i potted way to big, went from like a little 5 inch to a 1.5 gallon pot... needless to say i did not have to water it for almost a month and then, after a month of having water in it i found out there were flies that were hanging out in the soil with the excessive moisture just thriving away:wall:... so i potted back down and let em dry out, million times better. i would not do this with mj 12 from seed... the shock may be too much for the little ladies.

note: that was a soil incident, but i suspect that coco would react to over watering in the same way. I Think the weight technique of measuring moisture can be deceptive depending on how thick and heavy your pots are.... plus there is a learning curve with it cause you have familiarize yourself with how heavy the pot should be when wet and dry. if you have drainage holes in the bottom what i use to check moisture is stick a finger or a wood skewer into a drainage hole and see it it comes out moist... but once you get use to how heavy the pot should be before you water you will be golden :bigjoint:

hope that helps!!!!


Active Member
started off in 4" pots, moved up to 6" last week and have 8" to finish in. Was planning on potting up to the 8" once they have started flowering.

Pretty sure I need to leave the smaller 2 plants a day more before feeding, the bigger Skunk #1 was nice and dry after 2 days.