The 12-12 From Seed Thread

yea pretty sure iv had her labeled from the start. shes from seed from female seeds.

Heres the write up from attitudes site ...
Female Seeds Northern Light has been undergoing constant changes for 15 years now, higher flower rate, sugared buds, fewer and thinner leaves resulted in higher yields in a S.O.G. But still the same strong product, with the original Northern Light smell and taste. There is a little variation between individuals, this will be reduced in the nearby future, so the price is low.

You might of just got unlucky n got a sativa dominant strain , if so it will be flowering for a loooong time yet :s
hey dude sorry i dont know much but could you explain what 12/12 is i keep seeing it everywhere and im trying to learn and get good like you bro
hey dude sorry i dont know much but could you explain what 12/12 is i keep seeing it everywhere and im trying to learn and get good like you bro

This thread is an awesome read if you plan on doing 12/12 from seed. I'm in the process of a 12/12 from seed grow myself. Hope I can one day make budz like some that I've seen here.
Rite im gonae answer alot of questions here. 12/12 from seed means they dont get as big. It will veg for about 3 weeks then will start flowering just the same as any other method. Alot of weed grows on or near the equator. The secret to alot of good bud is light, food and experience. So get growing. Lol
:spew::spew::spew:man my quasar is startin to look ugly too. tried to do a flush incase i got nutes too strong, but a couple days and it is still slowly declining. rackin my brains at what it could be. my box runs a lil bit hot but it been the same threw the whole grow, pretty sure i over nuted a time or two cuz the dirt feed for 6mo, so i took a few lights out to reduce heat, i replanted her from party cup to 6" pot, but the roots were barely out of the jiffy cube, i untied her, and gonna give her just water for a while and see if she gets back right. might move her outside and see what happens cuz my outsides doing pretty good.

sorry you got probs theere mate.
dude i love this thread getto see those awsum buds evrytime i click on!
<<<<<<<wot u thinkin bout my wee cab ther,NFT or shallow coco pots/trays?
The next lot just waiting to be germed, got a 10 pack there which is first up gonna do a mini 12/12 SOG with 9 plants, after a week then i start on the rest and germ 2/3 strains a week. Sticking with a multi strain perpetual for a while but leaning towards 12/12 sog growing in my main cab, worked out i can fit 18 6.5 pots in there so two 9 plant sog grows will do nicely and use my other cabs for the multi strain grows.
The next lot just waiting to be germed, got a 10 pack there which is first up gonna do a mini 12/12 SOG with 9 plants, after a week then i start on the rest and germ 2/3 strains a week. Sticking with a multi strain perpetual for a while but leaning towards 12/12 sog growing in my main cab, worked out i can fit 18 6.5 pots in there so two 9 plant sog grows will do nicely and use my other cabs for the multi strain grows.
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sure mate that lot is going to keep you busy.......