The 12-12 From Seed Thread

12/12 jack

Active Member
Hello lads just a quick question..
I'm getting good yields on 12/12 (2-4 oz a plant) but most of them seem to be really branchy.
I'm aiming for more of the single cola look... Any ideas how I can achieve this? I've heard that maybe keeping them closer together in first few weeks may help in order to block light from the branches?? Any ideas?? Cheers


Well-Known Member
Use raise your lights.You can also use smaller containers.
If you use a taller,skinnier container you'll get "taller,skinnier" plants. GL

12/12 jack

Active Member
Cfls really aren't an option for me, and I start them in really tiny pots anyway so can't really go smaller!!
Surely if I raise the lights they will just stretch more? Do you not think keeping them more crowded so lower branches shielded from light a viable option? Or will this just make them stretch more as well??

12/12 jack

Active Member
Or is the trick not to give them too much light in first few weeks?? I always thought the more light the better.
I grow with parabolic shades and try to give them as much light as I can from day one... Like I say gives me good results and they finish quick (8.5-9 weeks from germination) but I really want to master the single cola set up. If using cfls is the only option then I will have to forget the idea


Well-Known Member
I think that the best answer is genetics.

Get a breed that is known to be main cola dominant, and
never top it, but go to flower fairly early and take the lower
third of growth (leaving the fan leaves ;0) when appropriate.

Good luck,


P.S. For me AK-47 was an excellent example, but while the Somango
that I SOGed with it was not nearly as well designed for budsicles as
the AK-47 it still delivered very well.

This is a pretty good shot, from week 8.5:
The Somangos were kept along the left side, as they did not just
grow the single pole as well as the AKs.

P.P.S. These were not exactly 12/12 from seed, but they only got a week or two of Veg.

12/12 jack

Active Member
Just keep pinching off new flower sites at the nodes as they form ( not fan leaves ), you'll get one big cola.
Do you mean as the branches produce flower sites just leave the bottom one and then chop the rest so branch doesn't grow anymore? Or do you mean all of them on the branches? If so surely it would be easier just to cut the branch off lol

12/12 jack

Active Member
I think that the best answer is genetics.

Get a breed that is known to be main cola dominant, and
never top it, but go to flower fairly early and take the lower
third of growth (leaving the fan leaves ;0) when appropriate.

Good luck,


P.S. For me AK-47 was an excellent example, but while the Somango
that I SOGed with it was not nearly as well designed for budsicles as
the AK-47 it still delivered very well.

This is a pretty good shot, from week 8.5:
View attachment 2846052
The Somangos were kept along the left side, as they did not just
grow the single pole as well as the AKs.

P.P.S. These were not exactly 12/12 from seed, but they only got a week or two of Veg.
Nice looking plants.. What did they yield??
I'm growing big bomb at the moment which I'm sure back in the beginning days of this thread Del was having good results with.

12/12 jack

Active Member
Oh and I never top my babies but I lst them a lot by bending the tops as the branches seem to grow so big!! I usually end up with 8 or so branches with big tops and a cola that's a little bigger. Problem for me is they take up too much space like that. I always get a few that have the one main cola shape... But that's my whole point... It's only ever a few. I would much prefer having a few that I lst and mostly main cola.... Arghhhhh lol


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants.. What did they yield??
I'm growing big bomb at the moment which I'm sure back in the beginning days of this thread Del was having good results with.
Well, I grow for myself mostly and did not weigh the total yield.

I can easily say that this Crop was my best yielder, so far. I still
have some of the AK in a mason jar somewhere.



Well-Known Member
Or is the trick not to give them too much light in first few weeks?? I always thought the more light the better.
I grow with parabolic shades and try to give them as much light as I can from day one... Like I say gives me good results and they finish quick (8.5-9 weeks from germination) but I really want to master the single cola set up. If using cfls is the only option then I will have to forget the idea
Wait, from germination? So does that mean you count the stage of immaturity(until first preflower shows) as the germination period? If not, then you're chopping your plants very early. Not trying to be a dick, just genuinely curious.

12/12 jack

Active Member
Wait, from germination? So does that mean you count the stage of immaturity(until first preflower shows) as the germination period? If not, then you're chopping your plants very early. Not trying to be a dick, just genuinely curious.
9 weeks from when they emerge from the coco.
I chop when I see about 5% amber triclomes with the vast majority of the rest milky. Buds are rock hard and smoke fantastic.
Don't get me wrong im sure most strains wouldn't finish this early, I only grow big bomb as it suits my requirements. I just wish more of them took the single cola shape!
They normally show sex at about 11-12 days and by 5 weeks budsites have linked up into colas! But they do get ALOT of light. I take pictures but for obvious reasons it's not long before they get deleted.


Well-Known Member
Hey del, nice plants. Ever think of just using straight bio-bloom and ditching the bio-grow?

Try it on a plant ;) Should increase yield a good amount and cut cost's back a bit


Well-Known Member
Hello lads just a quick question..
I'm getting good yields on 12/12 (2-4 oz a plant) but most of them seem to be really branchy.
I'm aiming for more of the single cola look... Any ideas how I can achieve this? I've heard that maybe keeping them closer together in first few weeks may help in order to block light from the branches?? Any ideas?? Cheers
start with the blue spectrum the first month than switch to the red spectrum


Well-Known Member
I have herd that too grow healthy plant you require around 7,000 lumens per square foot, my space is half a square foot, does that imply that i would only need too use a 3,5k-4k lumens? or does the plant really need 7k lumens minimum no matter the size of the space?
60 watts per square foot you mean?


I need some 12/12FS wisdom... :-)

I was reading some of the discussion about 12/12 with Sativas and the question of vegging prior to flowering, force flowering, mature or not, etc...

It made me wonder if some of the people involved in the discussion were forgetting that many of the Sativas come from the tropics and near the Equator where they get almost nothing but 12/12 all year long. Many of us that live well away from the equator forget that the center of the planet doesn't have 4 seasons like we do with vastly different photoperiods.

So here's the question... If you have a pure Landrace Sativa (from the tropics) what is the difference between 12/12FS indoors versus them growing outdoors at the equator??? Why would we expect any difference in response to the photoperiod? We all know that the Pure Sativa is always going to take longer to grow and flower. Does it really all that much difference when doing a 12/12FS grow? Does it really finish all that much faster than outdoors? The Ruderalis types grow and flower fast because they are adapted to the short growing season of the far north. A similar thing should apply to the Sativas.

Sorry, more than one question. But I hope you get the gist of the questions. I have lived in the tropics and on the equator and watched things grow. I would think that any difference in growth with a Landrace Sativa (from the tropics) is more related to the type of light it is getting and not so much the number of hours.

As always I may be completely out of my mind. :eyesmoke:
I just thought I really needed some other minds thinking about this for a minute.


Well-Known Member
i dunno mate.. i can see what your sayin but i dont think it bein 12/12fs would effect the flowering time just the veg time...
i read once a guy was havin problems vegging landrace sativa's under 18/6 cos it was flowering his strain and he had to veg them 20/4
i think it may lose quiet abit on the growth side bein 12/12fs


Seems to me that the Sativas from the equator region may be growing and flowering more based on factors other than just the photoperiod. If they have already evolved to grow in nothing but 12/12FS then they may be maturing and flowering based on other things like temperature fluctuations, rainfall patterns, shading levels (forest canopy)or light intensity, soil conditions or availability... etc.

I don't really know if any of these or all of them factor in. I just have this nagging feeling that we are applying our own biases regarding the control light has.

I'm sure that putting them under 24/0 will keep them vegging since they have most of the same genes as the Indica. But the Ruderalis also have most of the same genes and they will still mature and flower when they are ready (much of the time). That's may be part of why they don't clone in the same way as the others.e,

I grow tropical house plants. I have seen some of them in the jungles where they originally come from. Those small little house plants that I grow at home are very different in the wild. Dracaena grow absolutely massive! I have seen some flower multiple times a year in the house where they only flower once a year in the wild. Others do other things. My point is simply that the way some plants grow indoors is not the same as how they grow in their natural setting, and that they way they grow in the wild also has an effect on how they will grow indoors.

If I have bothered anyone with any of this, I am very sorry. I like to learn new things and ask questions. Occasionally that means pissing people off when I question a belief that they have held dear for a long time. It is not my wish or intention to bother anyone. If I have, please just ignore all of this.