The 24/0 - 18/6 discussion

[FONT=Tahoma, Arial]A balancing act…

[/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma, Arial]In order for a plant to grow and develop properly, it must balance photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration. Left to their own devices, plants do a good job of managing this intricate balance. In an indoor garden where the grower is creating an environment, this balance can be tipped without a fundamental understanding of the processes themselves. If a plant photosynthesizes at a high rate, but its respiration rate is not high enough to break down the photosynthates produced the plant[/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma, Arial] can have a burnout (i.e. light on 24 hours a day). On the other hand, if respiration is much more rapid than photosynthesis, the plant won't have adequate photosynthates to produce energy for growth. Hence, growth either will slow down or stop altogether (i.e. low or inadequate light levels or photoperiods).\

This article should help you get a grasp on what's going on "inside" your plants.
I decided to go with 24hour lighting for my first grow just to keep things simple and not have to worry about timers yet. I must say my plants have been growing wonderfully since adding proper lighting. I'm using fluorescent so I don't have to worry about heat or burning. My plants have been staying nice and bushy as well, with thick stems coming along from the addition of a fan. The bottoms of the stems are much longer because they stretched a shit ton when I started the sprouts off by just one window with sunlight -.- but that all changed with the added lighting.

Haven't checked out, just been busy. Still recovering from Phish on Friday...
I'm gonna have to just test it. I haven't been convinced not to go 24/0 yet.