The 2nd Annual unofficial, semi-certified, partally confirmed RIU TnT 2017 Awards Nominations

I REALLY want to make a 2018 "losers of TNT" awards...

But I think I pissed off enough people in 2017. ;)

Nope nope nope! I quit! No goin back now.

Down the street, not across the road, right?
Don't make me come kick your ass back here. Cause you know I will!

I nominate @Gary Goodson for being the realist guy on here. Dude, I’m so sorry for your loss, that thread is the most honest, strongest, and most significant thread I think I’ve ever read.

It was wasn't it. Made me think of you too!
It's that time of year again. Can you believe 2017 was weirder than 2016? Hurricanes, floods, wiIdfires, no electricity to parts of the hurricane damaged US for months, bizzare socks and an unhinged president. What's next? A hailstorm of fruitcakes?

A Lifetime Achievement Award goes to @doublejj for the best pics on the site. Looks like a forest over there.

The Most Efficient Use of Space Because I Use Every Square Foot Award goes to @Aeroknow. You can't always camp out if the bedroom's full, bro. Priorities and all.

Other nominations must be entered before January 8, 2018 11:59PM through rolling time zones. Because I'm stopping right here to go party it up.
Have a great 2018
I'd like to nominate for the category of best newbies that were not a sock. That would be @dstroy and @Possum1 who are currently tied. Hoping for the tie breaker for most valuable newbie in 2018..

Thank you, I'm truly honored. My vote would go to dstroy, he's working on a whole nother level. I'm just the blind squirrel that got lucky and found a nut his first grow.
But I'll keep trying, and eventually learn enough to give advice. I love this hobby way too much already.
Thank you all for making this place so friendly and welcoming.
I nominate @curious2garden for all around awesomeness.

@Gary Goodson for the food and soil recipes.

@Aeroknow for the best damn heavy metal videos and @Blue Wizard gets a very close second ( so hard to choose )

@srh88 for the coolest MF on TC
and me for having the lamest phone on the planet because it won't let me hang out with y'all on TC

@Bob Zmuda for being all out badass grower, artists, and....... the list is endless ( ohh the sushi and boob pics )

@jerryb73 for surviving the hurricane and being cool as Fuck.

@tangerinegreen555 for the shed and paver projects that me feel inadequate.
And being totally awesome in every way.

@cannabineer for being the smartest person on the planet and letting us hang out with him.

@Indacouch for all the good night wishes, the awesome tomatoes, and sharing his beautiful family with us. I hope the boys are feeling better.

@whitebb2727 for the gorilla grow info and being a great friend.

I have to stop here because supper is ready but I can't go with out 2 more

@Karah for the best nudepics on the planet. PM me if you find this reveling.

@neosapien for being a badass ninga and.......