The 2x2 Show


Well-Known Member
Supposed to update yesterday but power was out for over two days, luckily went back on though was not very concerned for this plant very early in flower so all is still well. Still growing perfect colored leafs. Roots showing at bottom. No need to note waterings, it is every 2nd day.

One week flower, pistols everywhere and even in top growth like it does when close to mid flower. Switching fast, heck, faster than my auto currently ran.

Dehuey running minimally on 45%. Still one fan blowing mid way uo the tent and exaust on low with no carbon filter to save energy. Fecida 130w led on max but has a chunk of extra space left I guess for extra light which will be needed shortly. Filling up the tent quickly, trying to keep it small and well spread.

Im waiting till after stretch to look at the more permanant structure of plant to defoliate a little and prune, what ever keeps it cleanly and well exposed. Need to figure out the lung room situation, IE venting outside room and making passive intake for humidity control and extra co2 exchange. Lazy as heck though.

Loving soil for its low maintenance if I am not speaking too soon, I know it can get picky in flower, I am struggling with an auto in soil. But if all goes well I am totally continueing with soil for sure, maybe even prodominantly.


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Well-Known Member
Update day. Today I started feeding a dab of maxi in a 30 fl oz bottle water and feed 1.3 bottles each time every 2nd day. Need to note again when I water, I am struggling to remember when I watered unless it is getting extra thirsty like it does in flower already, making it seem like I forgot a day as it was drier than I was letting it get and leaves are acting up.

Today was day to top dress with more ffof or what ever I want and is most effective and quite frankly I am getting dots of deficiencies popping up everywhere and seems like top dressing with more soil wont feed all its hunger, one person suggested it wasnt enough alone.

It should be looking hungry about now but not damaged, as if tap and soil only isn’t enough. I did read from same source that adding salts like I did to assist would help. Lots of PPM in there, just not all available is what I was learning.

So I am seeing what adding some maxi to every watering or every other watering will do, rather to add more plain water intervals in between feeds I will figure out by visual clues. I have a problem thread on this for support.

Dehuey on 45%, 80F/68F highs lows, 45/35% RH rough memory. Not bad RH swings but it will get humid soon.



Well-Known Member
Update, lots of updates. In short, it was not working out for me to use fresh ffof and no phing tap water (8.3ph) with top dressing fresh soil. I had a problem thread that concluded I would soil drench soil with peroxide for few days after flushing runoff from 4.3 to 2.3EC which may of been a mistake or may of been needed for that exception.

For sure needed to reinoculate soil with growers recharge so I did that 9/6 and waiting a week before giving more at a time. Will I make it? I don’t know, I have little leaf matter to work with. I ph tap water down to drift between 6-7ph.

Temps and RH been the same, dehuey on 40%.



Well-Known Member
Update, it got mad at me and shed all its leaves. Just going to push it through, I have an auto in late flower/ripe that made it with minimal leaves, same treatment and soil so this might actually yield me a tiny bit like half oz or oz idk. Too soon to tell. There are visual buds with trich’s. The first of them coming in. 4 weeks into flower, mid flower I would say.

I have a thread on plant problems called “leaf signs” that dove into what was going wrong and what I should do to fix it. It is ongoing as you can see but I will have to try dirt again some other time or maybe my space cabinet but the smaller the plant/pot the harder it can be to grow or so I heard and expirienced. I am doing 100% coco.

Have other tents up and this needs taken down and will soon as I think it is ready, about 90/10 orange hairs to white. If I can! Other wise will chop sooner. I know a stressed plant can keep throwing white hairs, I had a 20 week old auto last time. Completely threw me off as to how short the flowering really is, like 2.5 months.


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Well-Known Member
Still movin along. Seeing buds. Like 3 more weeks to go before I start to appreciate the plant more, was considering junking it up till recently. Week 6 flower as of this thursday 28th.

I see early yield and if I keep pushing it through I should see an appreciated amount for all the effort and get to call success on both soil grows, one better than this one but both would have succeeded. This plant grew 4 sites of nanners in bunches. I am thinking stress related as you can see.

So that is cool. I would try soil again with what I think I learned. Something has to be half way right with my two plants in soil for them to yield anything, like an oz each. My guess is I should of inoculated soil from the start and look into organic top dressing amendments like kelp. Not flush, I think that made things worse.

Hard to want to do soil any time soon now that I put all the work in to run coco. I keep wanting to say soil is slightly less work and something easy to commit to if you dont feel like running a full garden.

Just like I did here, that is why I did this but turned out to be a little more complicated. I could still see myself doing it for that reason, just need figure out how to keep green. I could always have a plant or two in soil. The plain waterings can be automated.



Well-Known Member
So I just learned super shark is white widow and skunk1 which is pretty cool. Though looking rough it is throwing some phenos of purple tips calyxes and buds in general. Alot of orange hairs already but I did chuck nanners out of a few spots which probably caused some of them.

I took a clone and put it in coco and revegging it so there is still a chance to see what this strain can do at its best. Also got to see how it grows and think it is a great candidate for scrogging.

Buds are formed! just stacking and swelling. This Thursday is week 7 flower. So 3.5 more weeks until I start looking at end of late flower and start of ripe? Was thinking so, 10.5 weeks is enough for most of the cycle for a lot of strains but will see.

Excited for this plant now as I finish her up, getting closer and closer to having something nice to press for all the work put in. Looking horrible but harvest is a harvest.


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According to 710 genetics it flowers for 9-10 weeks and this thursday will be 9 weeks flower. I think it is chop-able as it is about 90% orange hairs today and may be about the same or less by chop. The dead leaves make me nervous, it is a tight growing plant. I tried to clip leaves off but it was too hard to reach in there without doing damage.

So just going to risk it another week and chop. Will update dry weight and rosin, then let the thread die out. Show’s over, this is a drying tent now. 2x2 show part two in future some time? Will see. It smells great, some funk or skunk from the skunk 1.



Well-Known Member
I forgot to include frost shot at all on this thread. Pretty cloudy trichs so that checks that box in terms ripeness. My other plant is on 13 week flower with no cloudy or amber, fustrating. So another sign this is indeed done.

Maybe the small yield has to do with quick finish. I like that though, I am holding on to clones. It continued to frost up and think this 13% strain can still yield good rosin. Could scrog a nice flat canopy with this.

In terms of mold and humidity with this small tent, turned out to not be a problem if you make a smaller spread out plant. Humidity was steady the whole time with dehuey at 45%.

It got better when I made air flow through the room and vent outside with another tent, this vented into same room and not effect other grow. Average enviorment like 72-80F and 40-45% rh.



Well-Known Member
Smoke report

I am not good at these or this batch isnt very wow so hard to report anything notable. As you can see the plant suffered a lot so the buds dried out to be pretty small. Leafy.

It is good, having trouble making rosin with it so might just smoke it. It smoked smooth but is out door kind of quality. Leafy and can taste it but trimming it was a pita and am new at this. I vegged a lot but not got to harvest a lot to make a long story short.

So I am happy with getting something out of it. Hard to describe flavor even after three bowls. Two bowls and two bubbler. Rollin up a joint. Smellin bag it just has musky smell my guess from the skunk. Pine, woodsy smell. Some hints of citrus. Ya, like any other weed, nothing stand out like apples, lemon, peanut butter etc.

Plant not live to full potential though. Want to flower a clone and see if it was a drying issue as for the no rosin yield issue or else I am done with this strain. I vape wax only pretty much.

After a joint I would stand by what was said already. Some grassy leafy taste. It broke down like any weed and smoked like typically lower tier weed. I vape wax all the time so I have a tolerance so cannot judge this really, you may like it more. Im groggy buzzed like weed typically does so it is working, it has medicine.

It is marketable so I am a little proud.


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