The 3 Cheeze


Active Member
Just did a read through and I must congratulate you on what appears to be an excellent grow so far Gorlax, very educational for a noob such as myself. Keep up the good work, I'm anxious to see the end result

Oh, and go Sox!
lol... Wrigley Stadium in Boston :mrgreen:
Just imagine the green monster covered in ivy


Well-Known Member
Not everyone on this forum is from Northen America, but the Green Monster covered in ivy would be pretty cool. Glad this journal is helpfull.

Mr west, there is no 4th base it's called home :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Mr west, there is no 4th base it's called home :)
oh ok lol, shows how much i know lol. All i can remember is the pain the next day and every mornig i wake up and have slept on my right shoulder lol. Good excuse to wake and make a joint lol. Puff puff pass the first joint made with the twin towers bublelicious>>>>>>>>>>>>>:jiont:

mr west

Well-Known Member
morning dude hows things? This bub is killer, so pungant and stinky and stoney lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
Morning Mr West, I ll snap a few pictures for my weekly update in about 30 minutes when they wakeup.

Those last few weeks for flowering are killing me...

mr west

Well-Known Member
the trick is to keep ur stash tin as full as u can for the last few weeks so ur not tempted to cut a bit off and then another, then another till u get to harvest date and theres fuck all left lol. I did that lol


Well-Known Member
puff puff puff puff, do I really have to pass it back ;)

Here are this pictures, taken 2 minutes ago this is the first day of the 6th weeks of flowering.

Think I ll get a buzz going if I stare long enough at them?

mr west

Well-Known Member
you must be strong. They do look tempting for sure, cant u buy a bag of street weed or something.


Well-Known Member
dude awesome i really hope mine will look like that. i had to save a couple of those pics did you switch to mh or did you use that cfl the whole time?