The $30,800 BCNL Big Kahuna With Cheese

I'm hoping you meant 3,800 not 30 800 . . That number would lead me to believe you're a fucking chimpanzee.

I believe a member on here named " nathenking " uses a bcnl PRODUCER, and has great success though and I'm pretty sure that runs around 4 g's
If you read the system, it comes with 6 of those producers, along with alot of other things.
agreed. this whole posts seems like a marketing research ploy gone south because we are all too high lol. Anyone with 30k to spend a grow op would never even look at the fuckin box, let alone be involved in a 10 page thread about it.

IDK about your situation MR bill, my two cents is dedicated to the dude who started this thread
What can i say? I have 30k to spend and I was looking at that system. Have you checked out the system i was talking about?


What can i say? I have 30k to spend and I was looking at that system. Have you checked out the system i was talking about?
yea man, definitely would be a cool thing for like a big research center to have in their basement. I guess I am just a cynic because I used to be a secret shopper. I know first hand that companies will write their own reviews in their websites, have people irk forums like this to generate product interest, even pretend to be a customer to get better product feedback from other customers. So on a site where most ppl grow in closets and crawl spaces... if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck....

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey guys i was looking at the pic above and have a Q, where do the flowering plants go? it looks like a massive cloning station lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i could just imagine the looks on the neighbours faces as that thing got delivered lol

on a serious note though over priced is an understatement!!!!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
It has what they call a mother ship that you keep them in.
thanks for answering my Q david, i'm still a little confused though mate, does that mean that you are constantly working with and flowering off clones i.e a perpetual sog? if so i'd find a better way to invest your money the last thing you want is to purchase this and then your local laws change to plant numbers as apposed to weight, and also on a large scale setup like your hoping for smaller numbers and larger plants are usually used, i'm in the uk and have seen a couple of professional grows (2) to be exact and i don't know if they were using 600w hps or 100w hps but i do know they long rows of plants about 4ft tall running in straight lines beneath air cooled lights, i don't know what numbers they were producing but i do know it was a pro setup. i only mention this becasue to emulate the numbers they were pulling with clones i imagine you would need thousands of them mate


Active Member
is this a fucking joke, what idiot would pay 30 g's for some fucking cabinets, nutes, and a bunch of little lights


Active Member
lol.. 24-400w lights? with a $30,000 budget? Donate that money to a bum on the street cause im pretty sure they will have a better use for tha money..


Well-Known Member




All examples of past Producer grows. You don't have to fill every hole, you can cover up as many as you want. I have a box with only 4 plants in it and the box is plumb full. This system does work, but you CAN make a much cheaper system that will produce just as much. It may not be as moveable, or as convenient or as complete but just a simple cool tube arrangement works killer and costs 1/4 as much as a producer does.


FWIW they give you enough stuff to grow for 18 months, so you could conceivably do 7 harvests with average yield of 12-16 oz each box. So you have enough stuff to grow about 800 ounces total before you would need to replenish anything. Last time i checked 800 ounces was worth quite a bit more than 30 grand.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty awesome for someone who wants to do *relatively* small grows.

However, I would think that doing something like 6-8 producers with at least 4-6* the equipment being dupilcated ect. might make it a PITA. Lots more bulbs to burn out/replace, alot more fans, etc...

But hey, if ultimately he decides to buy the big kahuna w cheese I would like to see the journal eh?


Well-Known Member
That's pretty awesome for someone who wants to do *relatively* small grows.

However, I would think that doing something like 6-8 producers with at least 4-6* the equipment being dupilcated ect. might make it a PITA. Lots more bulbs to burn out/replace, alot more fans, etc...

But hey, if ultimately he decides to buy the big kahuna w cheese I would like to see the journal eh?

agreed, too much shit to go wrong/replace but it is nicely packaged into little grow cabinets, makes things easy but i still say $30,000 is way overpriced, try half that or a third of that


Well-Known Member
Over $30k???

Holy shit get a separate veg and flower rotator for less than that and save oodles on energy.


Well-Known Member
agreed, too much shit to go wrong/replace but it is nicely packaged into little grow cabinets, makes things easy but i still say $30,000 is way overpriced, try half that or a third of that
What they are actually trying to sell you is the relaxation that your grow will be taken care of without stress. BUT as any grower will tell you they can not truely offer that, and in the end doing it yourself and asking in a forum will have as much stress as using their equipment. What you are paying for is 30k to have a phone number you can call to calm you down when you freak out... It would be smarter to take your time and learn how to do it cheaper, maybe you got a buddy who does some construction and for $3 grand will convert an area in your house which is much bigger than the box and offers you taller platns and bigger yields... Or maybe you just invest your time in learning step by step what you need to control in your area for your grow environment.

I'm sure they make great equipment, but i found using $5.00 pots and $15.00 soil and one light I am doing what I need to make my own medicine, plus each plant can be a different strain in my method! :)

What they are selling you (what you are looking to buy) is a stress free grow, and nobody can offer that!

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
This is the system i am speaking of. Maybe it is too small. That's why i am asking. It is supposed to produce about 50lbs a year on a low side.

Check these out to make sure we are on the same page. Plus BCNL seems to be well respected. Let me know.
It's the Big Kahuna with Cheese that I am thinking of.

More data they have sent me below
Hi David, thank you for your interest in our products and services. All of our boxes are odorless, quiet, consume very minimal power, and are basically fool proof. Our grow advisors are available 7 days a week to guide you through to a successful yield. BC Northern Lights makes the best quality machines money can buy. Every angle has been engineered by us, and we manufacture in house to strict Canadian standards. We do not use prefabricated sheds and messes of wires, unlike our competition. With each box purchase from us we also supply you with the best products and accessories at no cost, so we know you are starting off on the right foot. This includes a 4 month supply of Advanced Nutrients line of high end liquid plant food, and an easy to follow feeding schedule. Our products have been developed and improved over 9 years and counting.

Big Kahuna with Cheese $30,800

The BK with C can harvest 36 plants (2 Producers) every 3 weeks and can expect to achieve from 1 lb to upwards of 2.5 lbs from each Pro. (17 harvests in a year once up and running with an average of 1.5 per Pro will get you over 50lbs in a year)

Here is a detailed list of what is included with this package

6 – Producers w/ hydro
1 – Veg Bloombox w/ hydro and 36 pot lid
1 – Mothership
1 – Power Cloner 45
2 – Dryers
14 – Coco Carbon filters
24 – 400W – HPS bulbs
2 – 400W – MH bulbs
1 – 125 W – CFL bulbs
7 – T-5 upgrades
1 – Combo Pen (PH, TDS/EC and water temp)
1 – All calibration and storage solutions
60 – 12” – Air stones
192 – Drip emitters
1 – Scalpel
1 – Clone dome
12 – Water pumps
1 – Digital thermometer
1 – Pruning scissors
6 – Ona blocks
4 – Hydro pots
4 – Coco Bricks
544 – 1” – Rockwool
720 – 3” – Rockwool
1 – Big Kahuna w/ cheese Deal ventilation pack
7 – Mixing tubs w/ measuring syringe
1 – BK w/ Cheese Nutrient pack (full year!!)

maybe i missed it...... but dont you need ballasts to run all those bulbs? are they built into the boxes? are they included cause if not thats another fuckload of money to spend....
I can tell you i bought from Zealer, everythign was wrong with it but Sam admits to nothing. He kept half of my 2k and he charges 570 shipping back and a 20 percent restocking fee. The plant tub is made by IKEA tuperwear, the plant food leaves a white film all over the place that you cant wash out with soap. The filter on the back is tapped with electrical tape it slid down and fell off. i even paid insurance shipping with pictures of damage and they would refund me for the damage but Sam takes it out your money you paid for the cabinet. Even the cabanet design is awful. one door to cloners and main chamber. to see the clones ou must let light in or wait till night so you don´t disturb the clones or you do not disturb the main chamber. depending on the light cycle. The bottom for clones and the tray you get is 72 plants spots and it does not fit precisly it leave abut 33 percent spot wasted space. What happens if the LED start wearing out they cemented to the roof. The inside was damaged because the light would;t fit right they told we have another option but wanted the sale so bad they smooshed it in and closed it shut there were rip marks on all four sides from them trying to fit it in.
The other side is They engineer is brilliant it high quality powder coated aluminum. The 2 chambers are separated with each having a door. There were no problems and even lines line up perfectly. They take care in what they are building.
Sam also is a great talker and i couldnt get any of my money back but i will try again to write them a further letter so far t hough he took 1400 out of 2400 i paid and he has in contract even with all these problems you must pay the shipping of 570 on the way back. Also a 20 percent restocking fee with all those problems which he fights if you write you credit car company. there stuff is expensive but once you see i person you happy to to pay it. Their plant food does not make white film all over the plant lid.