The 45th parallel

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Hey people just wanted to document my outdoor grow this year. I've grown a half a dozen times outdoors and this year I will be growing Superskunk(clone, unknown breeder), Blue Cheese(Barneys Farm) and Gorrilla Glue #4(Blimburn, sativa pheno 60/40 not original strain). Heres the first thing you can learn from this thread if you didn't know already, dont put your ladies out this early, its June 8th the plant I'm about to show you has been out since the fourth and shes hurtin, I put er out bc she has mites but trust me I know, its not the mites it's the cold.

Heres the other 3 that were started from seed at the same time, its the three smaller ones running right up the middle not the clones on the sides

Weird I put my plants out like mid may and no issues w cold.
Sunburn is usually the biggest issue.
Weird I put my plants out like mid may and no issues w cold.
Sunburn is usually the biggest issue.
It was still averaging below 15 degrees in mid may here, didn't start warming up till last week.

edit: ya bro we had heavy frost right up until the first of June no way your plants woulda made it on the East coast.

I did think maybe sunburn but it wasn't sunny at all for the first few days, the the last few days the sun came out and now the plant is starting to spring back up.
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Ok so the garden store didn't have any promix bx so I just got two bags of sheep shit and im gonna mix it with some used peat and the existing dirt it's nice dark soil. I've decided that I am only putting the four clones out there I'm keeping the blue cheese and gg inside bc I wanna make sure I have a crop in September. I will be planting tomorrow right in the ground.
God damn these are resilient plants you really cant kill em. This is the one I put out early bc of mites, I sprayed her down with insecticidal soap and now the mites are gone and whether she had sunburn or the cold or both shes made a full recovery. I just transplanted her into a 7 gallon smart pot which she'll finish in.
Heres one of the girls now it wont let me upload a pic of the other one. I got 2 at my mother's place I'll take pics soon.

And heres the tweaker
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@Frank Nitty do you have any experience around the 45th? I was just wondering how late I could expect to keep my girls out this year? They're just starting to form clusters of hairs. I'll post pics soon.
Here's the two that are in the ground, both Superskunk
20190825_134542.jpg 20190825_134554.jpg

And heres the five that were grown indoor till just a couple weeks ago, I put em out cuz they had mites and weren't building buds, now in just two weeks they beefed right up and the mites are gone.

I brought the runt inside shes huge now I brought er in bc we have a thief on the prowl he took two clones