The 60f, 60rh Drying Method... How far away can you go?


Well-Known Member

So I harvested my first set of plants this morning and currently my temperature in the tent is at 68 F, RH is at 56-61 percent.

I have a slight issue being caused by the cold temperature, its creating condensation in the ceiling in my room below. I'm in a hot country so having the cold room in whats a hot structure is the problem. It's a low but constant dripping from the ceiling.

So I'm wondering, if I was to let the temp rise to say 75f, kept the RH at 60 tops as it is, would I really notice much difference in the end quality?
I dry in various conditions - time of year dependent. If things are a little drier or a little warmer I leave more leaves on the plant to slow down the process. If conditions are about perfect I remove most if not all leaves - time and harvest size depending. I find the actual plant has more of impact on finish quality than exact drying/curing conditions.

You def don't want condensate. So do what ever you have to do to stop that. Best of luck