***The 7th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Thread***

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hey WhiteBoy You Might Want To De-Stem Yo Bud For Finial Weight In^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Ok Pussy And Your In Dirt And I'm In Hydro And Your Point Is What!!!!!!!!! Buller Buller Anyone ?????????????
Easy There Mr Ebonics Only Child Left Behind!
Clearly Stated "wet weight". It Will Be All Neat And Tidy For Final Weigh In :P

And Not Dirty - CoCo, Get It Straight :hump:
Easy There Mr Ebonics Only Child Left Behind!
Clearly Stated "wet weight". It Will Be All Neat And Tidy For Final Weigh In :P

And Not Dirty - CoCo, Get It Straight :hump:
I'm Just Saying Mister The Sky Is Falling You'd Wouldn't Be The First Noob To Try To Slip A Fiddy Cent Piece,Marbel or A Freaking Telephone Pole In The Bottom Of Their Bowl To Make It Look Like You Have More Weight. I Have My Bad Eye On Ya :fire:
Weekly Update #10:

Girl is doing good. Got some amber trichomes, will probably cut her down next weekend.

I am really impressed with the entries this comp, gonna be hard to pick just one winner.

Anyway, here she is in what might be her last Sunday appearance.

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My cup is looking better. I'm starting to figure out this 16 oz cup thing but probably too late for this comp. One of the pics shows another lemon kush x hash berry plant i have a few weeks behind my comp cup. You can see where the roots started growing around the bloomat on that one. The comp cup is the one with two tops.

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Here she is undressed for all you pervs. This was a win for me growing in a 16oz cup. Shes got some frost and sweet stink coming off her. I will let her dry out till next weekend and give a smoke report and a final weight. I had fun and learned a few things thanks everybody. Good luck to all.
Mirror mirror on the wall, damn, you look like shit!..............I feel like the headless horseman, thanks

cupdate #10 on my hanging PP bitch
001.JPG 002.JPG 003.JPG 004.JPG she wants to see a chiropractor now, says she's not sleeping well. I laughed and told her i feel the same. TBH i'm running out of shit to type to distract from my cup's mediocrity.............lol

fran's mom packed her bags and left.......I could have sworn she called me a loser on the way out

good luck growers
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Sorry my post was so brief,was watching my sea hawks.B.p.gets off the scale .underneath those leaves are some super tight buds and a big main cola.she is a chubby girl.frosting up nicely,thinking only a week or 2 more but I'm kinda new at this.only been growing 2 years .I've only ever done hydro,only ever done led,only ever grown from seed.the rig I run is the has evolved over time and continues.I usually run a 5" net pot and the root ball fills the 5g grow res the second res is for draining ,adjusting,adding nutes ,etc so I don't have to mess w the grow res.I'm amazed that I could grow such a big girl w only 16 oz of root mass.Never changed out the nutes for fresh just kept on adding as needed.she drinks about 32oz daily,I add a gallon every 4 days.crazy,hope I can keep her happy couple more weeks ,ppm is getting pretty high.
Nice finishes, curious to see what stangrows entry yields. Another 40 plus gram entry? Great looking entrys, well done everyone. I just started my winter grow, I have to say I really like the dank team for beans. A little while back I picked up Exotic kimbo kush, then recently added Exotic Double Stuffed from their dessert menu. They have great promos, 22 percent off both packs with free shipping and no customs. Got both started, looking forward to this run.
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