*-*The 8th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread*-*

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I enter this contest because I want to win the nice house or the lamborghini...even a little trip on an island if I am only #17...lol!
Who need prizes??? (Winners!?)
And still no party cup 16oz for me...I only found 18oz...we need big glass to drink wine apparently...if I only can source 18oz I will do it with it but out of this contest or I will order some on the net!?
I'm just poking fun at you Jacob. Trash talk you know.
You joke about trimming or about the fact that I can cut the 18oz party cup to 16oz?
Sorry but I am not so good to understand jokes in english...you play with words and change the meaning of some...very hard to get!...but I like it...I didn't take myself seriously...I think I am an average guy just normal I have no particular skills (except for hair cutting...I can cut hair with a rasor like 40 years ago and I like it!!!) No big crop no super smart...I am maybe too "social"...lol...but you can joke with or on me...no problem my friends!
Who care...I only do bad joke in english...but I try to do worse...lol!
No I am hairdresser so scissors and rasors also clippers is what I use the best...same for trimming...I am always the faster and I shave very close...lol!
But you are not far from truth it is the first place I show pics of my grow...never in 15 years I showed any pics...or even took pics...now everyone have a camera in his pocket!!!
So without joking!...May I use a 18oz cup cut to 16oz...????(I cut 1/2 inch and it is ok...even an inch to be sure!)
Tomorrow I will try another shop...cross finger!...how many size does they have?
If it is 16 & 18oz I am not lucky...3 shops plus a fourth today and only 18oz...and when I said:"I want red party cup" the guy bring me some and do not really understand the problem with the size of the cups...wtf! he must have thought...crazy guy!...lol...I am!
Even if the competition is cancelled, I'm going to grow plants in these 473ml cups, I didn't pay 12 euros for cups just so I wouldn't use them. No prizes, no sponsors, just people growing weed and posting pictures, it really shouldn't be difficult at all.
Hahahahaha good luck
It's that time everyone, The 8th official party cup grow competition registration starts now. All you have to do to enter is comment here that you want in and I will enter you. It's that easy!

Rules from the 6th and 7th cup comps stand!
This will be my second time hosting this wonderful competition so we'll get right into it!
Here is a basic outline of the rules for this competition.

* 1st post or germination post MUST contain
the following: strain name, nutrients used,
Light source used, media used and
Germination date. (Day of sprout).
Germ date and strain name must be written
on the cup by first post.
* Party cups(16oz 473 ml) only, no other sizes and
no transplanting or "swapping" permitted.
* Roots must be confined inside the cup at all times and any
roots growing outside the cup will result in
automatic DQ. Trim back any stragglers. Contestants
will be subject to root checks in between weekly
postings if requested by me.
* Any indoor light source allowed, no changing light
sources one started (with the exception of a burnt out
bulb). No Sunlight.
Participants, registrants, host, and sponsors may vote
on winner(s). Start from seed only. No Clones. No
Auto flowers.
12 week sativas highly discouraged, we
don't want to wait for these to finish and may ask you to resign. 12/12, 13/11, 11/13
the entire time, No Veg time
Start a maximum of 5 seeds total, keep only 1 female
plant for entry once sex has shown for all 5.
* Germination window begins 12:01 am AKST (Alaska standard time) 2/15/16 and ends 2/29/16 11:59 pm AKST (yes on the "leap day")
No exceptions or stragglers, PERIOD!
Weekly updates mandatory with picture(s).or you're Dq'd

Hydro, DWC, automated watering, soma style and any other non-standard, non-dirt
type growers:
These methods are accepted as long as the roots are in the confines of the cup.
Again root checks may be requested by me at any time. No cheating will be tolerated
period! Like last comp any suspected cheaters will be held against a community tribunal
For judgment. As far as the difficulties of finding a 16 oz cup... all I can say is start looking now!
I know this has been a sticking point but we've had 7 comps with this size cup and we've always
gotten through it.
Try the children's birthday party section at your local retailer if all else fails!



Ok lets do this. Im in. Ive never done this before so im aiming for in the top 50% of the finnishers but just hoping to finish period.
Ok lets do this. Im in. Ive never done this before so im aiming for in the top 50% of the finnishers but just hoping to finish period.
Sorry To Inform You That You Have Been Declared Ineligible By The Committee For Violating Rule 14-3 Sub Section 81f In Where It States That One Virgina Must Be Bigger Than An Almond Bye Bye :fire:
Sorry To Inform You That You Have Been Declared Ineligible By The Committee For Violating Rule 14-3 Sub Section 81f In Where It States That One Virgina Must Be Bigger Than An Almond Bye Bye :fire:
You scared dawg? You sound scared. Have you fixed whatever made your entry in the seventh cup a total disaster? Cause if you can tell me how to not end up with whatever that plant turned into, that would be great. :p
To all those aware of our "current situation", I have been discussing with @rollitup about how we can proceed with this contest to the best of our ability and to continue on with "the spirit" of the competition... That being said, I have been told that there is to be
I will continue to do what I can to continue this "Cup", but there will most likely be some changes... Exchanging personal information via RIU's PM system is evidently "their" liability, so don't do any of that... I am attempting to contact the owner who uses the profile @Admin .... Maybe if we let him or her know how much this little shindig means to us, and how much of an honor it is to win something cool, and then give back to the community (in form of hosting/setting up prizes/pseudo-moderating) really is... I'll let some of this sink in with you all, but so far from my understanding:
I'll be contacting some RIU advertisers and see if any may be interested in supporting us....
In the mean time, I'm going to tally the entrants from this contest and the last 7 and try to work up a spreadsheet, and some links, maybe some testimonials from previous entrants or winners.... That'll go to the owner and potential supporters of us; I want them to know that we're serious, have a great track record, well organized, and that this is beneficial to all parties involved!
Any help from you guys would be greatly appreciated!
You scared dawg? You sound scared. Have you fixed whatever made your entry in the seventh cup a total disaster? Cause if you can tell me how to not end up with whatever that plant turned into, that would be great. :p
Well Now My Feisty Crustacean Iam The Dawgie Dawg You Understand And I'm Going To Take You Up On Your Bet Cause I'm The Best You Understand So Let Me Get Out my 6 Shooter And Bang Bang Bang Your Dead :fire:
Well Now My Feisty Crustacean Iam The Dawgie Dawg You Understand And I'm Going To Take You Up On Your Bet Cause I'm The Best You Understand So Let Me Get Out my 6 Shooter And Bang Bang Bang Your Dead :fire:
Dawg, it's gettin hot in the kitchen! Feel that heat? I think I see some sweat on your brow.....

Imho, you guys are going to spend hours on some complicated contraption, but we already know that nature does it best....we have barely scratched the surface of biological and biophysical knowledge...so I'll just be sittin back letting my girl grow into some cheap dirt while you try to beat Mother Nature at her own game ;) 8-) :blsmoke: At least you got the right lights now :leaf:


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