*-*The 8th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread*-*

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Hey man there was no drama here till you chimed in, this is a fun competition and the only one wanting to start shit is you has been just fun and games so do us all a favor and join the comp you win and show us how it should be ran until then shut the Fuck up :clap:
Another, obviously not an Einstein, lol.

I'm not welcome in the comp, obviously. You can see by the previous posts that this is a setup, it's a small group of friends who run the thing. That is fine until you invite everyone, add prizes and still run it like it's a small group of friends. The voting method is flawed, the hosting setup is flawed, and the core group of participants are a tight clique who will always vote within the clique.

I'm happy to state my viewpoint and sit back and see what happens.
I disagree. I just think people have had enough of your piss poor behavior from the 6th cup. You have created an online persona that people dread to see on the competition threads. I'm not best buds with anyone here by the way.
I challenge you to quote my "piss poor behavior". I generally keep my head and don't resort to name calling or outright attacks, mostly because they are pointless.

If pointing out issues and not backing down is piss poor, then you have me, but IMHO, that is the opposite of piss poor behavior.

And in the end, my opinion means nothing to you, and yours means nothing to me. I can only hope the owner/admin will use logic instead of emotion to decide what the best course of action is.

This setup is clearly not the best or most logical course to proceed on.
It might be unintentional but your comments are actually upsetting other forum members that are enjoying this thread.

This is a place for everyone to share and have fun. If you have a problem with someone please deal with it privately so that you don't bring everyone else down.
Your emotions are yours to own and control. I should have no significant power over them if you are a fully developed adult human.

I'm sharing and having fun. I don't have any issue to resolve with FC. Our issue was long ago and isn't a concern to me at this point. My only objective is to push for good changes to this comp in the future, so I will want to participate. At this point I don't, but if I just said nothing and did nothing, FC and friends would be the only members who's voices were heard. They want everything to stay the same, except RIU allowing the prizes without issue. I would be much happier if RIU took ownership and everything about the comp was improved.

If you don't like my opinion, tough shit, it's my right to give it.
Wait can we even pop randoms? It says in the rules you have to post what strain you are running, correct?

Pretty sure people have entered bag seeds before. I can't foresee it being an issue this time.

Well, that's fine, you gave your opinion.

Now please leave these people alone, and don't post in a contest thread that you are not participating in, and have nothing else good to say about.


Thank god thats the end of that.
If you do mystery seeds I will too. Random old bagseed for me, some I collected a few years back. You grew a seed crop for the cup? I don't recall what those were.

I dropped out and just let them go to seed. All conspiracy kush. One of them was a super colorful pheno I'd like to hunt for.

I think I got 40 ish viable seeds. Not bad considering it was practically water only coco :p
Well, that's fine, you gave your opinion.
Now please leave these people alone, and don't post in a contest thread that you are not participating in, and have nothing else good to say about.
Thank you for chiming in! We all have felt like this for far too long!
I wanted to tag you here and ask if its okay to talk about potential prizes from RIU PAID advertisers...
I have Midweek Song, Bonza Seeds, and most likely Smoke cartel on board so far. They're not asking for anything but a mention of them in the contest thread. I am being very professional and relating to these companies that I am NOT affiliated with RIU other than being a member, they all seem quite excited to be involved... I want this contest to be exactly to your specifications and something that the community loves more everytime.
I'm sure that a few certain members may have issue with a community run contest, and I don't want you to be in that boat. I want everything to go down without a hitch, and to be in complete line with RIU rules and admins. I don't want anyone to think that I'm acting surreptitiously, or sneakily by hosting this or setting up something for the standout growers here! I want everyone to know that this is not a popularity contest, EVERYONE has an equal shot, except those with crappy genetics!
If we can do anything to make this smoother than a baby's ass for you guys, let us know please! We would like to be able to call in an admin if need be; sometimes its just easier to have an authority on site that can remove problems! Also, to have that assurance that I am doing what you would do, or what you would want me to do will greatly help..
Thanks for your help @rollitup and @sunni its greatly appreciated!
and @GreatwhiteNorth , even though you don't say it, I know you're here checkin in on us! I love that the admins are following us now!
I hope you all enjoy what we have in store for you! There's tons of highly skilled growers here just chompin at the bit to start!

Wait can we even pop randoms? It says in the rules you have to post what strain you are running, correct?
Do we germinate in the cup or can we paper towel germinate? And can someone answer, are mystery seeds or bag seeds allowed? If not I need to get some seeds fast lol.

unknown bagseed is fine but mark it as such on the cup, understand that if it shows autoflower traits, you may be asked to choose a different plant as your competitor... Autos don't do well in a 16oz cup or on 12/12, and really you'd only be hurting yourself, that being said, I will say again Autoflowering seeds are not allowed in this competition. You can crack 5 seeds, but you only have 2 weeks to do so this round! I fear that we may lose quite a few entrants during the smaller germination window.... paper towel germination is fine. Much of this comp is all about grow style. Losing a few freebie seeds to 16oz cups that are a new grow style for you (dwc, hempy, coco, supersoil, no till, flood, etc.) is not a big deal, and what's even better is, finding a (few) new strain(s) to permanently add to your garden! If you're slick about it, you can even get a clone or two off of your competitor, and keep it til momma's done!

I'll have an official roster of those members that showed interest in registering in the coming days... I've been busy as hell lately with a 6 year old with pneumonia and a full time garden consultant job and haven't been able to get as much done as I'd like, but I'll get there guys, don't worry!
Just a suggestion, wouldn't this thread seem to fit in better in the micro/stealth/cab sub-forum? Or maybe a total separate sub-forum just for competitions?
Just a suggestion, wouldn't this thread seem to fit in better in the micro/stealth/cab sub-forum? Or maybe a total separate sub-forum just for competitions?
Nope, we have had this conversation before in these parts.... We choose LED and Other Lighting because if I'm not mistaken, it started as an Red Solo cup and LED only kinda comp... I was the outcast in #5 with my HPS.... and Solo decided to stop producing 16oz cups....
I want it to remain here or be moved onto the main "Contests" page.... I don't know if I have the permission to post about the PC there, but I'm sure it would catch a lot of attention there...

so far we have 53 unique users (excluding myself) who have commented on this thread... A few neglected to post about their interest in joining the fun or outright said they didn't want in, but I got their names on the list too, fnck it right?
I won't post the list yet though, if anyone you know would like to join, tag 'em, and tell 'em to sign up. Lets fill this thing up!
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