The Adventures of Lank

transplanted the non-auto's a few minutes ago, 2 of them are definetly not right.
the White Widow and the OG, both dinafem freebies, are defiently slightly mutated.
the Dinafem White Russian and the G13 Gigabud are looking like normal healthy seedlings.

annnddddd, here is the room itself.
the Auto's are looking fantastic, actually bigger then the photoperiod-based plants.
the Autos are on the floor, the Regs are on the white fridge rack.
these are the Sour Spyder, by far the biggest, healthiest and most uniform seeds of this run.

m working on digging up some more pictures from the "Weed Sanctuary" lol, i should have them up soon.
thanks to everyone who has stopped by, you are all too nice :peace:
Happy Thursday!

due to popular request ;-) here are some more Outdoor shots, these are mostly Moroccan and God Bud.
the last few are from the Picture Tree.
we terraced the ground with posts driven into the ground and branches woven between them, then back-filled with peat moss from the surrounding swamp and finally a layer of topsoil and some grass seed. the paths between the hose and the plant rows were packed sharp rock and clay, with steps built with with posts and crossbars.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the photos, really cool stuff.

One question, something I've been wondering.

Why do you keep those outdoors plants in pots? For more control? Because I was guessing that planting in the earth would yield bigger plants, no?
Thanks for the photos, really cool stuff.

One question, something I've been wondering.

Why do you keep those outdoors plants in pots? For more control? Because I was guessing that planting in the earth would yield bigger plants, no?
those are all in Smart Pots (fabric pots) which we love, some of the reasons they arent in the ground are that it is much harder to control the feed/water cycle of a plant in the ground (if it rains it will probably overwater a plant in the ground, i live on the wet coast) and there is very little actual dirt out on the hill, it is just a thin coating of forest humus on bedrock or peat swamp. another reason is that we would rotate plants every day, keeping them growing evenly and dry all the way thru the plant. and its nice to be able to relocate plants, some of the smart pots are 15 Gallon and we didnt see much of a weight difference between plants in a 7 gal and those is 15g's, i guess 7 gallon was enough dirt for plants of that size.

one problem we did have was when the heavy winds whipped thru one night, we discovered most of the plants were on there side in the morning. picked them up and they didnt seem to mind :lol:
basically if there was any good dirt out there we might have planted in it, but we had to carry every gallon of dirt we used out there. mostly Coco, Pro Mix, and homemade Compost.
thanks for the questions,


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
WCC , your garden is very beautiful . do you get a lot of bugs and mosquitos from the nearby swamp.? Please tell me what the birds will be. I think you will be Ok keeping the birds around the marijuana. My lovebird Pickle never attatcked my mj plants, he was very polite and only sucked on the leaves when I fed them to him .Absolutely gorgeous sativa in your yard!art%20014.jpg


Well-Known Member
Im guessing chickens bongsmilie Once my barn is built Im getting some! I want a dairy goat too!

Beautiful outdoor garden btw!

we got one little hatchling, and some other eggs have little cracks in them.
so does anyone know what kind of bird these are? ill give a hint, there not chickens :lol:


here is there little temporary home, just a rubbermaid with a 175w heat lamp and a water dish

good luck!



Well-Known Member
Those are definitely quail eggs... Get some grit for parakeets, and some feed with a lot of small seeds...They will eat the same day they hatch, or next day... You'll need to show them how, you're their mama now.. Water, not enough to drown them... They should be kept warm,,, they should be able to move completely away from the heat if you use a light bulb..
Those are definitely quail eggs... Get some grit for parakeets, and some feed with a lot of small seeds...They will eat the same day they hatch, or next day... You'll need to show them how, you're their mama now.. Water, not enough to drown them... They should be kept warm,,, they should be able to move completely away from the heat if you use a light bulb..
you nailed it man! another one hatched a few minuted ago, got to see it happen!
ive had quail in the past, these eggs are actually from my quail but a bear fucken ate them all a few weks ago but missed some eggs, which im now hatching.
you advice is bang on, one of them tried to drown already but i saved it and i have a thermometer in there to make sure its at 36c ish.
im going to take some more pictures for you guys,

the lil Chicks, 4 so far, hoping for a few more.
cute little bastads, they are. one of them seem much slooowwwweerrrrr then the rest, hopefully he gets his/her sheit together.

they just started pecking at ther foods, i tought them how to drink with an eyedropper, they would chase it around their tote then i would drip all the water into the milk cap and they drank outta it :eyesmoke:
pretty stoked, i working on their new Hutch outside today, its gonna be dope :cool:
thanks for tagging along everyone, you make here a great place.


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
They are so cute WCW! I love quail, they are so funny . they Never seem to know weather to walk or fly.We have them all around here. I just saw a pack this evening fly into a tree. and I adore that little antenna thing with a ball at the end of it that shoots out of there heads. I cant wait to see your lil ones grow that Thanks for the pictures and have fun working on the Hutch for those cuties.i hope the bear stays away.
They are so cute WCW! I love quail, they are so funny . they Never seem to know weather to walk or fly.We have them all around here. I just saw a pack this evening fly into a tree. and I adore that little antenna thing with a ball at the end of it that shoots out of there heads. I cant wait to see your lil ones grow that Thanks for the pictures and have fun working on the Hutch for those cuties.i hope the bear stays away.
hey Amber, thanks for stopping by, i cant wait for these lil guys to grow up. the Quail i have are Domestic Quail, i think tey are different then the ones you have seen, there mother and father looked like this (pic from the internet, actual mother and father were eaten by a bear) and they were about the size of one hand! very small birds, its amazing that they lay eggs this big. definetly JUST AS STUPID though :roll:, one got free once and my GF`s little shitzu started to play with it! it didnt hurt the quail or anything just nosed it and smelled it, the Quail wasnt even scared at all and didnt fly away!

sooo stoked!


EDIT, i believe these are Coturnix breed Quail, also known as Japanese Quail.
i guess i should put up some pics of the plants :wink:
here they are, the Autos are outgrowing the Photo`s at an amazing rate,

Sour Spyder

going to give them a dose of Bloom nutes tomorrow when they are thirsty, the Sour Spyder are showing quite a few pistils each :hump:
very happy with the free beans, huge thanks to BC Bud Depot!



Well-Known Member
I've had quails before too! When I was little my grandfather gave me 3 of them. Good memories =)

Also, quail eggs are awesome tasty!

Keep it up brotha'
looks like the Sour Spyder have started to switch over, there showing quite a few pistils each.
gave them 1/2tsp per Gallon of MG 10-52-10, just because the bottom leaves have turned a lighter shade of green.


going to trim off the bottom set of branches, they are too close to the dirt when i water and get splashed. :roll:
hope everyone is having a good day,

trimmed all the lower branches off the Auto's, i want them to be tall and skinny so they dont take up too much space later on.



today's Vertical

and the Quails!, 3 left. the gimpy one passed on earlier today, kinda sad.
their wing feathers are growing in quickly
snips are for size reference only lol


Be Safe,

3 Quail still, unplugged the incubator today, i doubt any more will hatch this late.
they seem perfectly happy and healthy, i made them a deeper Drown-Proof-Waterbowl yesterday, all the sharp edges are folded under

here they are, the feathers are coming in so fast!
all they seem to do is eat, drink, sleep and poop, but they are getting so much bigger because of it
they dont even chirp too much anymore :grin:
