The AeroGarden

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Active Member
hey guys i had a question. i just got the aerogarden and put the lights on a timer (18/6) and was wondering what setting to use for the water pump after poping in the seeds. been using the salad greens setting for the first 2 days. is this to much water for germination stage? thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Ive used the tomato/pepper setting the whole seeds sprouted in less than 3 days (if they sprouted at all, had some that didnt)

As for the sponges it might be a good idea to slice them completley in half, not just half way like it is normally....this is be cause i've noticed a sprout or two of mine thats roots didnt puncture through the sponge and kinda curled up and around out of the slit...

You should see roots coming out not too long after it sprouts week or two....

Good luck you two and glad to have you aboard....remember to post pics



Active Member
thanks for the help tek.two of em' have sprouted!!! not sure if i will be able post pics...i'll try get a camera soon...ttyl


Active Member
ok, this thing is definitely worth the try, thanks for the reccommendations and knowledge everyone. I'm stoke don my new aerogarden. I hope my growing will be able to contribute something, and if nothing, i'll post of some pictures of naked chicks trimming my plants or some tight shit like that...

Anyone know any medical clubs in Northern California with some dank clones/ seeds? I'd prefer to just pick it up, rather than ordering by mail...

Holla back with prized strains...has anyone used a sour diesel yet?


Well-Known Member
no i dont really no anyone. but good luck on your aerogarden travels, and maybe you will get something good out of it

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey SOUS..

It is very difficult to find clubs that are selling clones.. 3 months ago it was no problem.. but things have CHANGED...

lots of cracking down.. Last week a aquaintance told me that she went to every club i the BAY AREA... not a single clone... :(



Well-Known Member
well my plant has been flowering for about a month and a half now i think, and all of the fan leaves are starting to turn yellow and falling off? just a few have done this? is it normal because i heard that fan leaves fall off late in flowering...anyone got anything?


Well-Known Member
Mine have never done that.....I'm not too sure if its a problem.....How is the top of the plant looking?

Lets see some new pics too!

Good luck


Well-Known Member
the top of the plant and everything above about the 2nd or 3rd node is really looking good, its just the lower leaves that are falling off.


Active Member
ok, so im getting an Aerogarden in the mail soon and some lowryder seeds. They say to leave the light on 24hrs for these seeds. Any tips guys? what kind of light should i use and so on. first time grower so yeah will take any advice right now. thanks


Well-Known Member
well i cut her down, and trimmed her up. saved the leaves, freezed them. and it looks like from one plant im gonna get between 1/4 and 1/2, it was really good, it had a 5-6 inch cola, as well as 17 small about 1 inch colas, ill take some pics in the next few days. right now i have mothers in the place were the aerogarden was, while i wait for the clones to get some better roots.


Active Member
Hi everyone im a new grower also and need all the help i can get starting out i have a eight foot by eight foot grow room right now and the plants are about 3 inches high the lights are about 4 feet from the plants and im using miracle grow at the time because thats all i had . im in the process of building a bigger grow room .i can take plenty of pics of the difforent stages but need to know what to do and how to do it !!
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