The Afterlife

I wonder if the moments of De Ja Vu are memories form another life?
I picture it like this. A wall that has countless sections but no cover but you couldnt get out if you knew how to do it, its that tall.
SInce there is no cover a few "someting"s may leak out and go into another section of the wall, that something being maybe a m,emory or an event in the former life.

After we finish with one life, this current one being Human, but hte next one may be a bird or dog depending on my Karma that I built up[ in this life and the Karma that we build up in our lives are counted toward a final reincarnation as like a Dahlia Lama or something or someone with much influence.

That two mirrors and hang them on opposite walls facing each other. Now get in the middle and look over your shjoulder in the mirror. THATS infinity and thats how I see the afterlife.

Really baked on local grass since I have 1.5 months til my harvest, check it out down in my signature.:joint:


Well-Known Member
I think we inheret memories from our ancestors for instants i no every has a dream of tidal waves or being chased by dinosaurs i think its a memory from the past that our ancestors experienced
Very fact that we are talking to live on the internet and a proof in itself, considering how big the universe is the existence of aliens, and considering there are billions of galaxies.