The AK47 Project on Hempy Buckets


Well-Known Member
here I go with my 3rd journal, I decided to germinate the 5 ak47 seeds I had and what do you know....they all sprouted.
Angie and Althea sprouted on 4/20
Sadie and Michelle sprouted on 4/21
Grace sprouted on 4/22
here are some pics of the first few days of their lives...
Temps are about 75º and humid between 55/58%, growing under a couple of daylight cfls and a fan running, they are getting light 24/7 but I might switch to 18/6 soon, I'll feed them nutes in a very low dose in about 2 weeks



Well-Known Member
darkstar please excuse my ignorance but what are those little pods that you started the seeds in?? I am looking for a good rocwool replacement for hempy grows


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by, I will post new pics with an update after midnight tonight when I get home from work


Well-Known Member
they are just peat pellets, I made sure I ripped the wrapping a little to allow roots to grow and not get stuck, it was an easy peel off


Well-Known Member
I'm watchin this one. My next grow is gunna be hempy bucket so this should be fun.

First question... its cool to put the peat pellet into the hempy cups, right? It won't mess with the PH or hold too much moisture right?

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm watchin this one. My next grow is gunna be hempy bucket so this should be fun.

First question... its cool to put the peat pellet into the hempy cups, right? It won't mess with the PH or hold too much moisture right?

Hey Bain - I wondered about that too, but it's kool to start with the peat pellets or even rockwool cubes - I've used both and they work great!



Well-Known Member
i use eather rw or strait planting into the container's...just make sure you cover the cubes with perlite when burying wait to put them in untill roots have started poking out the cubes...peace az


Well-Known Member
cool good to know I bought some of those today I just hate rockwool after all the probs it caused in my dwc..... looking good so far, there are alot of hempy grows poping up


Well-Known Member
on a side note...when useing rw cubes an hydroton cubes you need to ph balance them..let them soak in a 6.0ph solution then rinse with r/o.....then use...peace az


Well-Known Member
I noticed on other plants that the pellet will run off little by little , I dont like to bother the young roots, I did take off the net that wraps it.....
they are growing fast, here are some new pics

