The AltarNational Garden

Here are the shots I took right before harvesting Kolossus #1:











Forgot to take post-cut pics of em hanging like I tend to but I got dried pics coming later.

Here is C99 dried and trimmed and going in jars:










More comin...
I got a couple shots of the K2 harvest on the scale but it's inaccurate because I jarred too early. None the less, the accurate numbers (just weighed) are 34g's for the whole plant and 12.2g's on the big top cola alone. I'll get some nice shots of them out of the jar soon.
Thanks man... yeah I did way better with soil health this round. So happy to finish out without watching lots of leaves fall off this time... haha.
Thanks Mo, I'm pretty damn happy with that thing myself. Really nice.

The kolossus isn't as potent as I'd like, really. The C99 is crazy strong. The Kolossus MIGHT just need to get to a more cured stage before it really comes to life... the flavor is amazing but the intensity/density of clouds just isn't there compared to the C99 even though it looked oh so frosty... The NLxNL is really nice... hits a little better than the Kolossus... still needs to cure more though just like the K...

Today, the "wife" is away, so I'm playing in the kitchen...

I weighed the sugar trim I took off for a total of 18 grams... first I kiefed it a little tho since it was drying in my kief box anyway. :) So I probably have some real blonde kief in my box. I didn't shake it much, just a bit to get a little somethin somethin out of the box.

Anyway... I took the 18g's and put 'em in the oven to decarb at about 175 degrees for 15 minutes.

Now they are in my freezer in a jar.

I had a little EVerclear left from my ethanol extractions from last round... I can't buy more without mail order as they don't sell it in this state... so I decided to just try to use up what's left... it's about a fifth of a big bottle.. I don't know. 5 fl. oz's maybe? Not a lot.

Anyway... I decided that before I put this trim to it's intended use (coconut oil) I am first going to take a part of it and run it through an ethanol rinse real quick... just a pour-through with a coffee filter underneath to drain out... hopefully I can get it to drain through pretty quick and it won't sit in the alcohol long. I'll be trying to control the rate of pour to allow for that.

The rest is going into coconut oil, and I'll throw in the quick-rinsed stuff too because there may be something still to it. I'll do one cup of coconut oil to the full 18 g's of material. (about 15 g's straight, and the few extra that have been ethanol washed.)

This is pretty sugary trim so I feel like I'll get pretty good results with this oil even though I'm only doin 18 g's. It's going to be a very sativa high as it is mostly sativa trim. There is a little NLxNL but not very much in there. (I realized what I was doing and switched to a different container shortly after I started trimming the NLxNL)

Plan is to bring them to my family on easter and share with a couple people I think might enjoy them... then hopefully meet up with my buddy/bandmate the next day and do a dedicated all day jam session while stoned out of our minds on brownies. I just hope they will be strong enough! We'll just keep eating more of them if we have to. It won't take more than a small piece for my relatives, but me and my friend are seasoned stoners so we might need a bit...
Actually I was able to get more of it into the filter than I expected so I ended up doing about 5g's in the ethanol maybe... so really 12g's of sugar trim, 5g's of once-washed trim. So I think I am going to add a little more in bud form... maybe an eighth of kolossus...
Also, I decided to send out for some soy lecithin to add to it about an hour into the cook... so in the fridge it goes for now, til I get my lecithin, then I'll finish it.
Can't get as good a shot as I'd hoped, but... this is through the digital camera and the loupe simultaneously--it's the keif I shook out of the trim real quick before I started so I'd have something special to get roasted on while I worked... and it is doing the trick...

Scraped a very small pile of the most ridiculously potent and blonde ethanol washed oil-flakes too. Shit is crazy good. I might have to get more Everclear. I've got three 90ml cans of colibri butane though, so that's next project. My turkey baster should be here any day now. I'll decide whether or not I want to go back to Everclear after I taste the butane blown stuff... the thing is, everclear is cleaner, and they're both kind of expensive and a pain in the ass to attain in high quality. I paid like 18 dollars for three 90ml cans thinking they were 300ml cans... facepalm.

It's just a test run anyway.

The everclear would cost me 17 a bottle plus 19 shipping... 36 dollars for 750ml. It's fucking bullshit I can't buy this stuff locally. (Then again, I could say the same thing in regards to BHO in the first place...)

Last time I did hard washes with ethanol but I used dry ice to take the keif off the plant matter first... but after trying this frozen quick-rinse stuff I think I can probably skip the dry ice... but since it's probably not a full extraction I'd still need to utilize what's left in the plant matter one way or another.

Might just stick with butane if it goes well though, as I should be able to buy a case of good stuff locally if I hunt around enough. STILL, having to be careful to purge extra butane vs. saying "woohoo, hash" with the ethanol method...
Thanks Doc!

I'll have to take some pics of this bho I made... looks pretty damn decent really, but the yield was weak sauce. I don't think I packed it tight enough. Also, on the first (bigger) run I had an issue with turkey baster leaking at the point where the stem screws into the tube. That sucked. I probably wasted a good bit of butane there.

Anyway so far I basically put in about 18g's and got back about 2g's maybe max. But I also didn't break up the buds entirely... so I'll break up everything better and run it all through a third time when I get some more butane, I'm almost positive it's got more in it.

The oil is nice but I'm not ideally equipped to consume it! First world problems!! I've been putting it on top of weed in my Solo. :) It works but it sort of defeats the purpose because I still have to vape bud with it.... still, i get this super-oil-soaked sponge of bud that gives some awesome hits.

Anyway... I ordered a gent's tube and ego passthrough usb chargable to make my own pen, should be here in a day or two.. was hoping for friday but doesn't look likely. Maybe saturday if I'm lucky so I can bring it to Easter :)

I made a big tray of rice krispy treats with half the oil, which will probably be crazy potent... I'm not going to give those to my relatives, (most do not partake) they're mainly for jamming with my friend, but I'll slip a couple to my step dad, because he rocks.
My buddy bought 2 pens on eBay for 25
They work mint. But if ur making one that's just as good.
Yea get some pics up
I have used a few different pens and have been dissatisfied with them for a few different reasons, heh. Really looking forward to trying what I got though. I got the ego 1000mah with passthru USB charging so I can puff while it's charging... and I got the Gentleman's Brand atomizer ( which has a big tank but still an open top and exposed element so it's sort of a best of both worlds between tank and skillet.

Someone had a thread about this combo recently, they said it works aces... (I don't know the link, sorry to whoever I'm not giving credit!)

The passthru charging has me excited too. I'll just have it plugged in at my desk whenever I'm not on the go... always charged, always full juice available for a hit... sounds ideal.

I think one of my next projects is gonna be building an ENail though, because I want to get a nice titanium domeless piece and start getting some premium density rips out of my oil.
Here's some oil... first attempt at bho...






Yield was low but it seems clean. I heat purged only, at 130 degrees in a food dehydrator for about 12-14 hours.

I am going to break everything up very fine and run a second time as soon as I get some more butane. I think I have more of a feel for it now, as far as how tight it needs to be, et cetera.