The AltarNational Garden

Sup fellas... Nor'Easter fully dried, in at 28.5g's. Pretty damn nice for something I just threw in at the last minute...
Chopped and hung K2 and Diesel last night. The Diesel is so much more trichomed, it's crazy. I think I might phase out this K pheno at this point. I'm revegging the diesel to hopefully get a mother out of the deal... gonna do the same with the Nor'Easter when I finish that off I think... though I could easily get another clone of each if I asked, lol. I'm just antisocial and resourceful.. .lol.
Oh maaaaaan. Sublimator is intense. A little hard to get dialed in actually. I am used to taking slow breaths to chalk a vape. This requires a faster breath like you're ripping a bong even when on the lowest setting. I'm getting the hang of it starting at the bottom... I committed the classic party foul of starting on 8 accidentally thinking it was 6, where they said to start... almost ignited the first bowl... stank up the whole vape with that almost-burning smell. Haha. Oh well. I'll break it down and wash it if it seems to linger.

Okay, so then I turned it down to 6 and tried that like they said but it was still almost igniting... ended up dropping all the way to 2-3 before it seemed reasonable... and 1 ended up being a really comfortable spot for me.

Edit/Update: Actually, as I play with it more, it seems there's just a longer delay on cool down than I assumed and I was still getting big rips from the previous setting. I'm now messing around on 1-4 and these settings are more akin to the whip style vapes.

Can't waaaaaaait to get some oil made and try dabbing on the high end of this thing. Oh man it's gonna rock.

In other news, wooooooo, my head is swimming. I vaped five loads in about 4 minutes. Holy shit, what a contrast to the long slow drawing on the solo. Jesus. It would literally take me about 50 minutes to do what I just did in 4 with the other vaporizer. That's the power of this thing right there. And as a new father, that's fucking invaluable, time is quickly becoming my rarest resource.

As far as the vaping is concerned... it is definitely highly effective... I'm not sure i'd say it tastes BETTER like some people say. I think it tastes very strong due to it cashing all the resources at once instead of starting with the nice flavor-station hit you get at the beginning with most vapes. I mean the flavor's in there but it's mixed with the taste of what would have been the next 5-6 hits in a weak vape, basically.

There is no denying that I'm pretty fucking high. For someone with tolerance, this is a way of getting past it without resorting to smoking, for sure. I don't know if I could do this shit full time or not. We'll see what happens.

On the build... I will say that this is pretty quality. They've put together a nice product here that makes you feel like you're getting something high end, which is pretty important considering the price tag. The plastic tube threw me off when I heard about it but it's actually pretty gracious and works well with the base. The base needs to be heavier than the tube to keep the thing anchored, which it only barely does if you keep the wire/handle out at a 180 degrees from the pipe. I keep it at a 90 degree angle for more stability. Anyway... I'd still rather have a quality glass bong with a vertical neck for it but you can't collect reclaim that way... not until some awesome glass blower provides the necessary design anyway.

The little tube seems weak but it draws really hard and I can't see needing more airflow than this... though I think it might be easier to provide the proper pressure it needs if I were hitting an open bong end instead of a little tube.

The product is sweet overall... nice logo on the box with a guy's head exploding in a cloud of vapor... heh.
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Rebirthing... got a bunch of clones and a couple seedlings into pots today. I used what was left of my mix and used some recycled soil from the previous round. I know that's taboo. I like to walk on the wild side. In fact the four plants I care the least about are 100% recycled soil, heh. I recharge it all with lime and worm castings.. we'll see how it works out. Anyway, so, I have a bunch going... 4 c99's, 2 cheeseberry hazes (seedlings), 4 K2's, and 2 NLxNL's... also revegging the diesel because why not. I meant to reveg the nor'easter too but I forgot so I'll have to get another clone for next round. The flavor is awesome and I'll probably replace the NLxNL strain with that one after this round. I need a good strong indica but the NLxNL is really lacking in the smell dept... hits good but I like some nice flavor, which the nor'easter has in spades. I got sativas pretty covered but my indica strain availability is a little wonky. I gotta tighten that up.
I will get some pics up soon. I'm considering killing off the K2's rather than grow them out... haha. I just trimmed up the K2 and I got 32 grams, which seems light compared to the others... I can't say I'm surprised because it branched so heavily it nearly choked itself out. It seemed to take the reveg more roughly than the others too. The crystal coverage on the leaves isn't too impressive either. As a result it's a bitch to trim because there's a lot of un-trich'd leaves among the bud and I have to get in tight to get rid of them.

To be honest the only reason I'm growing them out is because I hate to kill plants, lol. I'm not sure that's a good enough reason, heh.

I did take some pics of the babies in their new homes but I haven't got em on here yet.... I think I still owe some pics from something else from above too ;)
I'll probably wait til I see sex on the two seedlings (should have done 4!) and then decide most likely... but by then they'll be established and I'll probably just put them outside because I'm a sucker for life...
It's looking more likely we'll be staying here through the winter (agh) so I am popping three of the casey jones x green manalishi crosses. They are supposed to be like a 14 week flowerer so I figured I'd better get that going. heh.
What's up dawgs... I am terrible at updating after harvest, hahaha. I did better than before this time and didn't abandon the site entirely ;)

Anyway... here are some pics I promised.

First we have the trimmed up Nor'Easter... I never did take those christmas card pics cuz I'm lazy but none the less:


NLxNL post trim pre clean up:

post clean up :) :

Trying different surfaces to get better pictures... this is still too shiny... need something that is somehow matte and yet not going to catch all my trichomes and trap them forever.
The flavor in this mystery strain (noreaster) is phenomenal. It's got this spicy piny undertone that flares right up like body odor. It's potent and smelly. I really like it. Gotta get another clone from my friend.

The NLxNL on the other hand has almost no smell, as you tend to hear people say about NL strains... the only smell that IS there is a sort of planty/grassy tone that I'm hoping will go away with some time in the jar... really not appealing overall... good yielder and the crystal coverage is there but smell/taste do a lot for me experience wise so I probably will be phasing out this strain now too. it had a good run for a random freebie... kept me in indica for a stretch when I had no more indica seeds or clones. But I think I'll keep on this noreaster for a good indica for now and maybe get some more pure indica going later on when I buy more seeds or decide to meet up with someone for clones. (I'm kind of sketched out about that even though I'm legal, because you have to show 'em your proof of legality--which has you address on it... kind of awkward about hitting craigslist as i don't want to get jacked by someone approximately 2-3 months later...)
Forgot the babies in their new homes... this has changed a bit, I'll get an updated pic soon. I took the 3 K2's that were in this shot plus the one I had in the mother chamber and I put all four out to pasture. I find them a bitch to trim because of the low trichome count on the leaves and the proliferate leaf to bud ratio... not to mention "low trichome" is a major complaint in and of itself... I mean the stuff is potent enough at the end of the day (I guess) but I'm a high tolerance toker and Kolossus in general doesn't really hit my needs after the first couple rounds. I can still rotate it in every so often to break up tolerance, and it makes pretty good hash, so those are the plans probably... keep the K1 stuff on hand for bud rotation and maybe hash the K2 again. We'll see what happens.

Anyway, so I put the four of them out near the two C99's I already got out. The C99's are stretching a bit due to competitive undergrowth... but they're maybe 3 ft. tall and starting to bud... I would say 1 week into budding based on appearance.

Edit: SIDETRACKED... here is the pic I meant to start with, haha.

Whole right column is cindy... two in the dead middle are the cheeseberry hazes... revegging a diesel behind that... two left center are NLxNL... and the three remaining ones are the K2's I brought outside.
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I also floated the T5 units down a little more to get them closer... I should completely take them down and get them right along side the plants but it's a total bitch. They're still a good 10 inches from the plants. I'll probably get in there and see if I can finagle them closer still.

So... what I did was, I yanked the three K2's before they rooted too much (well, they had rooted some, oh well) and brought them out... will use the pots and soil from those three for the three green manalishi x casey jones seeds I'm starting, which I expect to be pretty long flowering.

Then I"m sort of playing it by ear but I'm probably going to expand part of this to the other 8-bulb T5 that I was using for veg. It depends on how big we end up getting in here. If it gets crowded at all I am going to share the burden between the two fixtures. I will run alternating light schedules to appease the power and heat gods.

Plan is to start flipping around friday and finish the transition by next friday... I gotta get those lights closer in the mean time.
Sublimator works very well!! I am doing a demo video for you guys... it's uploading but it will be a while. Here's a "before and after" for you though:



I can't really express how quickly and effectively this chalks... video coming to try to show it off a little better in that sense...

Babies settling in (the ones I didn't rip out) As you can see I got the lights lower:
Not sure about that plant distro... hard to utilize all the light foot print without any dead zones occupied. I mean they're not really dead zones but there are obvious weak zones at the ends in the center column. What I really need is either one more of those LED's side by side with that one or some kind of HID lighting side by side with it, that would really kick some ass. I probably won't be looking at that as a possibility unless I can get set up in a bigger space though. I'm considering some options on how to make that happen soon, when the weather breaks... gonna figure out a way to utilize the heat from the grow to warm the house and try to kill two birds with one stone...
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Diesel in the sublimator... watch for the slow crawl money shot of the diesel at 1:00... I tilt the grinder and it's so sticky it like curls down instead of rolling... love that.
(Set it to 720p)
